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Thread: Do you cook like a girl?

  1. #26
    Junior Member
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    I love to cook ,bake ,clean house , do laundry just all of the things that are considered to be female things. I would love to learn sewing.

  2. #27
    Platinum Member
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    As a retiree with a still working wife I do almost all the meal preparation and cooking Monday through Friday. I have about seven hours a day to be en femme in the kitchen.. ala June Cleaver. I do baking and meal preparation en femme. Unfortunately, after 3:30 PM it's back to en drab. I also do the domestic chores in a dress, heels and hosiery and all proper undergarments.

  3. #28
    Senior Member Krististeph's Avatar
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    I try to cook. Not daring in the gourmet sense- but people have seriously different tastes: Julia Child thinks cilantro tastes like soap. I do not. So we work with the knowledge that people have truly different tastes. But I do try recipes from my wife's "Joy of cooking" and "Good Housekeeping's new cookbook". The zucchini lasagne is awesome.

    I make most of the food for our dinners. Love doing it- seeing Kat eat- makes me feel maternal. Two birds one stone.

    You can substitute:

    soy crumbles for hamburger

    Chopped mushroom for hamburger

    toss in some firm tofu chunks to anything

    if you do use real meat- to remove the fat- boil/simmer ground beef/turkey/chicken in a fry pan- drain and rinse. replace flavor with spices, butter or other good fats: yes it tastes different. And it will be weird the first few times- but it you train your tongue/brain to like the healthier choices- and it take less time that you might imagine- you end up with super healthy, tasty dishes.

    You can re-train your palette- and it is easier than you think. 2-3 weeks max and you are liking new foods.

    I am a 'supertaster'- super sensitive to bitter tastes. My parents seriously attacked me because of this (out of ignorance), made for some really nasty home life. If you have a so-called picky eater- spend the time to find out what they like. Send the result to Seriously.

    Dice: one large red or small idaho potato. (or potatoe, if you are dan quail-republican)
    one sweet potato
    one green onion
    one green zuccini
    sliver one large carrot
    one medium stalk of celery.
    optional: mushroom, bok choi, peppers, eggplant, tofu, cold cuts.
    the usual herbs- pepper, basil, garlic, etc.-- douse with slivers of butter or olive oil.

    microwave or bake- do not overbake- just enough to cook the potato.

    Drape with fresh baby spinach leaves 5 minutes before removing from heat.

    Ratatouille con verdi amore.


    pita bread + tomato paste + shredded mozzerela: 375° for 5-7 minutes: incredible personal pizzas: super easy, fast and healthy.


    quorn mycoprotein 'chikn' slab/"breast", cover with sweet baby ray bbq sauce, shredded mozzerella or cheddar, chopped chives, bacon (or soy fakon), and diced plum tomatoes: Same as Chili's monterey chicken, only cheaper, healthier, faster, and home-grown.


    I am not a vegetarian, but vegetarians do have some awesome dishes.
    Last edited by Krististeph; 04-27-2016 at 10:44 PM.

  4. #29
    Member MissVirginia-Mae's Avatar
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    I love cooking and dreaming that I am the happy housewife waiting for my husband to come now....
    I dont make huge meals but enough for myself and some leftovers

  5. #30
    Hose & Heel Loving Divia. Lee Andrews's Avatar
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    I like to cook and love to do it dressed when I can. I don't think it tastes any different, just more fun for me.

  6. #31
    Junior Member Virginia1983's Avatar
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    Weekends and holidays are when I dress fully, although I always wear panties and sleep in long satin gowns. I'll typically wake earlier than my man to shower and dress in an all in one girdle with garters, stockings, panties, peignoir and 5" heels. Then I'll do full makeup and make sure my my big hair wig is all that, LOL . I'll do full make up, and usually wear dangling pearl earrings and a pearl necklace. breakfast is simple - continental, with english muffins, fresh fruit and scrambled eggs. Men need food and sex, not necessarily in that order - and I'm happy to provide .
    Every inch a lady!

  7. #32
    Member Julia1984's Avatar
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    ok - i know i said i wouldn't post post purge but...
    Food - especially cooked food, is a gift from whoever you believe in. We have been doing it an awfully long time.
    For me its simple things: Aubergine (egg plant) tomato, garlic and onions - some herbs... (fresh ooregano ideally) and basil. Add whatever you fancy veg-wise - peppers are good but maybe fennel/celery would work, too.
    Fry the sliced aubergine - add to a sort of ratatouille made of the other stuff and some red wine, passata ... cook it all up and reduce the sauce until its almost black (keep adding red wine until it is almost black - thats important)
    Cook up some pasta and after adding the aubergine to the sauce, ladle the sauce over it.
    I bet its what Julius Caesar ate; if not Achilles and Priam

    Not all of us grow up to be the man we once thought we might become.

    My candle burns at both ends. It will not last the night. But Ah, my friends, and Oh my foes, It gives a lovely light.

  8. #33
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    I love to cook. It only lately that I've had the chance to cook when dressed. It is the same to me, but when dressed it seems a bit special. So, do we enjoy it more? When I'm outside smoking a roast, well with cracked beer and in male clothes, it can't be any better that that. So whether we are dress or not, it's seem the same and I do value the time I can when en femme.
    Part Time Girl

  9. #34
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    I've got it. Cook like a girl: Use a recipe.

    Cook like a mother: Recipe is a base. Changes are what makes it 'my secret recipe'.

    Cook like a man. NO recipe. Just keep adding stuff until it tastes good. Drink a lot while cooking, and try very hard not to burn everything to the ground.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  10. #35
    Silver Member Tina_gm's Avatar
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    Hmm, to cook like a girl, I usually start doing my Julia Childs impersonation.....
    Chickens should be allowed to cross the road without having their motives questioned

  11. #36
    Junior Member Virginia1983's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gendermutt View Post
    Hmm, to cook like a girl, I usually start doing my Julia Childs impersonation.....
    She was amazing and I loved her shows and books!
    Every inch a lady!

  12. #37
    Aspiring Member
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    Cooking is my number hobby, i am not sure what is meant by the phrase " cook like a girl " but I do make some awesome Guyanese dishes.
    Live Today as if it is your last day

  13. #38
    Member Shiny's Avatar
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    I was cooking while dressed one afternoon and had done it many times until finally when really busy the high heels started to become a painful distraction, and, when taking some very hot things out of the oven I managed to catch the skirt of my dress on the oven door. However, I would say that in "cooking like a girl" I can out cook most any girl I have ever known, I went to cooking school. I grew up in a family where everyone worked at odd hours and finally it was easier to fend for ourselves, that is where I really learned. If we wanted a real meal we had to cook our own. I had a girl say she was a better cook once, I replied I could out cook her while "drunk and wearing boxing gloves!"

  14. #39
    Member Anne K's Avatar
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    I cook better than a girl! I do all the cooking in the house and my wife is always raving about it. I think it is probably positive reinforcement so that she doesn't have to worry about cooking.

    Just got married on April 17. I've dated my wife off and on for 43 years and I just came out to her 3 years ago. Long story..... Anyway, I was sitting at the wedding with a bunch of GGs comparing recipes. One of my closest friends overheard me and commented to my wife, "If I didn't know better, I'd swear he's gay!". She got a real laugh out of it! BTW, I would rather sit and compare recipes with GGs than talk sports with the guys!

    I'm not sure what recipe I would bring to the table. We do have to watch our figures, don't we?

  15. #40
    Junior Member
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    I look to prepare food in a t shirt and shorts, but change into something more sexy once the food is cooking, such as tonight!

  16. #41
    Silver Member
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    My wife is a good cook, but I'm noted for being able to cook gourmet meals. More than once I've been told I should have been a woman. Never could figure the connection since I know several male chefs. Had a guy joke one day that if I was a woman he would make me his wife. His wife didn't think it was funny.

    My wife had some girl friends over one afternoon and I fixed the hors d'oeuvres. I was in the kitchen and they were on the patio enjoying wine etc. Wife had come in and gotten things and I was cleaning up. I had on a woman's Hawaiian shirt, shorts and shoes and was underdressed with bra and of course panties. Anyway one of the women came in to use the bathroom. As she was getting ready to go back out she came by to tell me how great the snacks were. She put her hand on by back and instantly recognized the bra adjuster. Rubbed her hand to confirm the band smiled and said, we girls can cook can't we. She has remained a friend for years.

  17. #42
    Silver Member
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    I do a lot of cooking and baking but I do not consider it a female task.

  18. #43
    Super Moderator Jeri Ann's Avatar
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    I have always done all the cooking. I love to cook, from simple to gourmet, it is one of my hobbies. It is really cool when I couple cooking with another hobby, gardening.

    I cant say that I cook like a woman. I have always been transgendered, but cooking styles or techniques do not distinguish between genders.

    I know a lot of men that grill outside and women that love to make casseroles and bake. Those are just preferences, not gender specific activities.

    Do I like to cook in girl mode? You betcha. I like to do anything and everything in girl mode.

    Wish I could invite everyone here over for dinner so I could be your hostess.


  19. #44
    Aspiring Member
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    I also enjoy cooking, seems like when I am dressed as a woman I will keep the dishes up as in cleaning. Cooking as a male the sink will be overflowing with pots and pans.
    Back when I was married my ex and her mother used to say I wasn't right as I knew how to bake and they didn't, plus I could keep up with the wife when it came to preparing meals. I was also taught how to sew on buttons where as they took their stuff to a seamstress. Now when it comes to housework I can do it better dressed as a woman and I actually enjoy doing it as a woman.

  20. #45
    Aspiring Member Cristy2's Avatar
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    I love to cook even though some of my dishes don't always turn out to be very edible.

  21. #46
    Reality Check
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    I cook like anyone else, boy or girl, man or woman. I do some of the cooking, less than half. I seldom cook dressed as a woman because wigs and open flames are a dangerous combination.

  22. #47
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    I was a sole stay at home Mum/Dad/Paren since my Son was 4, so I cooked every night. I used to describe my style as 'chuck wagon' due to the habit of using a single pot!.
    Now that he is grown up my desire to cook is starting to wain.

  23. #48
    Member Alexa CD's Avatar
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    Do I cook like a girl? I eat like a girl, at least a stereotypical health oriented one, so yeah I guess I do cook like a girl. It's a bit of a generalization overall though, I can exactly answer that question properly. I cook, I'm pretty good at it but I'm hardly daring.

  24. #49
    Silver Member Elizabeth G's Avatar
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    Coming is genderless for me, it's just something I love to do and my wife is very appreciative of this. I'm no master chef but I can hold my own whether it is in the kitchen or on the grill.

  25. #50
    Full Geek Status Adriana Moretti's Avatar
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    I can order take-out with the best of the trophy wives

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