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Thread: Conflicted

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017


    The first moment I knew I wanted to wear women's clothing.
    Looking back for me it was Halloween when I was 13, I wore the same outfit as John T in Saturday Night Fever, but my outfit had a skirt instead of the pants. From that description you would think I would remember , but the truth is I just don't . It was my Aunt's outfit and She reminds me all the time during family functions. The next years Halloween I was invited to a party, I do remember wanting to wear women's clothing again , but after mentioning it 3 times , each time a little louder .."not sure if anyone heard me", I realized from the glances I was too eager.. thus the start of denial.
    Im in my 50's and in deep with the fog, looking back for all the clues.
    I went through my teen years looking at girls, I think as much as any other male.
    I met a girl of my dreams at 19 , She was 2 years older and thought I had hit the jackpot, but the next 7 years was brutal as it became obvious we weren't meant for each other, me wanting to experiment and her not so much.
    So at the ripe ol age of 26 I left my girlfriend and went on a 2 year discovery. I wasn't with any other women during my past 7 years of celibacy but made up for it the next 2 years, lol.
    I then met my wife who was also older by a few years "I like those older girls", I decided no matter who I met I would lay it out there about the things that made me tic.
    Without going into details my girlfriend and I had a great sex life, but like all great things sometimes it comes to a end, My girlfriend of 6 years was now pregnant . So we got married, not because we had to, but because we loved each other.
    Pretty much everything went into the closet, all our energy going into our only child. There were moments of expression by me about what I really wanted but all was put on the back burner until our only offspring left the nest. Our child grew up and took a job that required leaving the Country.
    A few months prior to her leaving, in anticipation, I started secretly raiding my wife's closet and dressing. realizing the clothes didn't work I started visiting websites looking at outfits I wanted to buy.
    Once our child was gone, I wrote a letter to my wife telling how I felt and that I had no regrets putting off what I wanted but I felt it was now me time. In the letter I told her I wanted to dress up, so upstairs I went putting on tops and bottoms of hers that I thought looked best and makeup. I came down stairs and presented myself. She couldn't have been better and told me She thought I looked beautiful "I didn't". She gave me the most amazing hug, I felt so loved.
    I started ordering clothes online and wigs, then my wife and I would go shopping , me in male mode nodding at items of clothing that i liked , it progressed to the point of her buying me surprise gifts.
    I was in full discovery mode, every day seemed like a leap. At the beginning I would dress up all day and wait for her to come home from work, sending text messages back and forth about what I was doing and what I was wearing. When She came home we would play, after coupling I would undress. But as time went on I started to miss losing the clothes and wanted to stay dressed even after sex. So I started dressing more, the sex as great as it was started to become secondary, the desire to feel pretty started taking over.

    My wife is amazing, quite honestly the happiest ,most non judgmental human being I have ever known.. I could write so much about her.


    Our child after almost 2 years returned home.
    I love my daughter more than anything, as does my wife, so back into the shadows I go.
    I steal moments when our daughter is gone to work, but I am in misery.

    I want to dress so much longer.

    Hate hiding who I am, I am 56 years old and want to live my life before it's over.
    My wife wants me to be happy but the direction I have expressed going most likely isn't for her.
    We don't want to lose each other, but I feel so trapped, I told her I wish I could be somewhere so I can figure it out.
    I know im lucky and that some of you would give anything to have what I have.
    For my wife the idea of our daughter knowing is a no go and its caused some friction between us, we still love each other but She wants it between us.
    I would never break my wife's trust so I will listen to what She thinks and try to find time when I can, until something changes.

    Im thinking about going to a therapist soon, but I am freaked out about what this all means and the changes it could lead to.

    I know there is nothing new here and most likely been said before, but I appreciate you reading my story.

  2. #2
    Gold Member Read only Rachael Leigh's Avatar
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    Samantha many here have simaler stories, maybe not so much with wife. Myself I too wanted to dress when younger but
    was always afraid to express that. When I got married I too began to wear the wife's clothes but she really was not happy
    I've gone on a long road with my female expression and I know it's me and a part of me, with that said it has pitfalls I won't
    go into but I do hope you find your happy place with this

  3. #3
    Senior Member phili's Avatar
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    I think most marriage counselors would agree that our spouses have to come before our adult children. My wife might not agree, but the marriage vow is to have and to hold each other, not to ditch the other when a child is born. Time to reconnect maybe with a counselor's help, and sort through what your wife thinks your daughter will suffer if she admits she has been supporting you in trying to put yourself together. My experience and commonly mentioned on the forum is that our kids are much more blasé about crossdressing, they are exposed to it already, and simply feel it is just one more thing that their parents are involved in that they aren't. They also feel their parents have a relationship that shouldn't bend or fray around them! They have problems of their own to sort out, and sympathy for ours.

    [ and if they don't, they haven't lived long enough!]

    Your wife probably felt she could experiment fully in privacy, and had some misgivings, but her heart was clearly in the right place, and help is needed to stabilize her fears of discovery. Owning helping one's husband is normally going to win over any small minded criticisms. It's called love!
    Last edited by phili; 08-13-2017 at 10:13 PM.
    We are all beautiful...!

  4. #4
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    It seems there is immense room for compromise. Please give your wife and yourself the time needed to work it out!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Thank you,
    Kimdl93,Phili and LeighR.

    The thing about our daughter I dont think it will be that bad, We have an great relationship together, I pretty much raised her while my wife worked for the first 2 years.

    Our daughter, loves her male cousin who is gay, and She has close friends that are gay and bi. I really don't think it would be a total blow up, but you never know really.

    Im glad I joined this group, I already feel a little better, lol, my wife took my picture for the profile. She told me I looked tired and should wait to put up a better pic. Talk about conflicting messages.

  6. #6
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    You are right to consider a qualified gender therapist. While you may be anxious about what you will learn about yourself, I submit that it is far better to know those things than wonder about them, never quite sure about who you are. The insight gained in therapy may prevent unhappy mistakes. Heaven knows that such stories abound here. If for no other reason, seek counseling to learn about successful approaches to coming out to family members.

    Good luck to you.



  7. #7
    Banned Read only
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    The fears are mostly irrational ones in your wife's head , somehow you have to talk and find out why she feels it's not right. She doesn't appear to be ashamed of you so what are her objections.

    My daughter found out by accident, because she caught me ironing a dress she knew didn't belong to my wife, so I told her everything, she is fine about it, she has even told her husband and he's OK.

    The one my wife and I dreaded was telling my son .I was seeing a counsellor at the time and she said I had to break the cycle of assumptions going round in my head, so I just sat down with my son over coffee and told him. HE is OK about it and surprisingly told his wife . My was so relieved , I could see how much became more relaxed about that problem.

    The point about this is I'm not 100% out to them because they may know but they haven't seen me , and that's a big difference.
    Last edited by Teresa; 08-14-2017 at 03:00 PM.

  8. #8
    Rachel Rachelakld's Avatar
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    All my daughters know, it helps them understand why I'm more compassionate and empathetic than most males.
    Most of their boyfriends know (they often turn up while I'm dressed up)

    My mum, dad and sister, brother in law, niece and nephew all know.

    I think us regular cross dresses have taken the sleaze away from what was once deemed a sleazy, just for gay sex past time.
    See all my photos, read many stories of my outings and my early days at

  9. #9
    Senior Member Nikkilovesdresses's Avatar
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    I admire you for not breaking your wife's trust, but it does seem to an outsider that in this single respect your wife is being needlessly paranoid. Your daughter is after all well into adulthood. You might consider suggesting to your wife that you go to joint counselling - providing you can find somebody used to gender dysphoria issues - to discuss both your evolving dressing and coming out to your daughter.

    Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck and who knows, perhaps your daughter will take off again sooner rather than later. Thanks for sharing your story.
    I used to have a short attention spa

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Aunt Kelly
    "While you may be anxious about what you will learn about yourself, I submit that it is far better to know those things than wonder about them, never quite sure about who you are."
    So true.

    "She doesn't appear to be ashamed of you so what are her objections."
    I think it's because She is embarrassed that She likes it, or maybe the thought everyone would have of her, or maybe im reading to much into it.

    "I'm more compassionate and empathetic than most males"
    Fits me to a T also.

    "I admire you for not breaking your wife's trust"
    It's everything really, I owe her so much and for her this is racing forward at break neck speeds, and for me its a slow slog.

  11. #11
    Senior Member Hell on Heels's Avatar
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    Hell-o Samantha,
    I don't see any need for marriage counciling, or
    therapy. Everything between you and your wife
    seems to be working just fine.

    Your wife is obviously OK with your CD'ing, and
    you're OK with your secret being exposed to
    your daughter. So the real problem here is between
    your wife and daughter (you're just caught in the middle).

    How old is this daughter? Is there any way to
    get her to move into her own place?
    Even if you were to subsidize her rent, you'd not
    only be helping yourself with some more "me" time,
    but also helping her find her own independence.
    I'm sure this will all work out for you eventually.
    Much Love,
    I smile because you are my friend, and
    I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!!!

  12. #12
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Samantha, I am the same age as you and I'm in a similar situation. My fiancee's 35yo daughter is living with us and I can't dress. My fiancee has told me that she is sorry that I can't be myself.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  13. #13
    Junior Member AlissaMurray's Avatar
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    I am not "out" to a lot of people but both of my adult daughters know about me and could care less. It is really too bad your wife feels the way she does because I would bet the farm as long as your daughter knows you and your wife are secure in your relationship, she will care less. Girls are good about these things in my experience when dealing with dads being this way, specially if the relationship with mom is strong. That is always their main concern. Long as "Family" is secure, the younger generations have much more of a live and let live attitude than say our parents did. I agree the wife's will has to come first, it's just too bad she feels so strongly about it. Good Luck!

  14. #14
    Emerging Diva Nikki A.'s Avatar
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    I also respected my wife's limits until she passed away. Then things changed for me. As far as I know, my son and daughter have no idea of me going out dressed, but they may have suspicions. I'm also at a point where the truth will come out and I'd love to hear how you handle it. My daughter, I don't think will be the issue, she is more open minded and a bit unconventional herself. I'm a bit unsure of my son. He has a great heart, and will try to accept but I'm worried that the dynamic that we have had will change.

  15. #15
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    Hell on Heels
    That was an out of the box idea having my daughter move into her own place.
    Not sure we can afford that though, think I would rather spend the money on therapy and clothes,lol.
    We are like twins, but you are so pretty.
    Like you im not looking to set the World on fire with my expression, just want some wiggle room.
    Like to make the tiny circle a little bigger that's all.
    Nikki A
    I will post any updates, took me along time to come on here after lurking for over a year, not going away.

  16. #16
    I am me! TrishaTX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell on Heels View Post
    Hell-o Samantha,
    I don't see any need for marriage counciling, or
    therapy. Everything between you and your wife is fine
    I totally agree!
    No regrets except I should have got dressed & stepped out sooner.

  17. #17
    Silver Member giuseppina's Avatar
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    You're all in this together, Samantha. Most therapists want to see all family members separately and together to come up with a solution to a family problem.

    It sounds to me the real issue is getting your daughter in a job with sufficient income she can support herself.

  18. #18
    Silver Member ClosetED's Avatar
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    Welcome Samantha! You are lucky to have a wife like that and you show good sense in trusting her. I am about the same age and I think it is common when the kids begin to no longer need us, such as moving off to college, to have an increase in dressing-your attention to needs shifts from family first to your own desires, long put off.
    As to how to get in those desires now that she is around, there are those hours when she is at work. You and wife could go off for a weekend and dress then, if finances allow that. Or send daughter off on gift weekend away. You could be dressed at bedtime with door locked and stay enfemme until morning. I have gotten thru dry periods by looking at my pictures.
    Maybe you can share more specifics of what is not enough for you from what you can do- is it that you now want to live 24/7 that way? You didn't mention going out of the house dressed, so I don't think that is what your desire it.
    You are halfway to the 10 posts you need to see the full site, so keep posting! You will get lots of support here.
    Hugs, Ellen

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Thanks for the questions CLosetED.
    I find if I dont dress up at least once a week, I become depressed and miserable.
    I hate rushing into outfits and out again, 4 hours isnt enough.
    Im semi retired so I have alot of free time to explore, my wife still works and quite honestly the bread winner in the house. She makes more in a year than I do in 4 and thats even when I was working fulltime.
    So money isnt a huge issue and we do get away, but that was getting on her nerves a little because it became all about me wanting to dress, I understand where She is coming from.
    I joined this group in hopes that maybe one day I would go out after learning . Currently growing my hair out long, not too long, but long enough.
    Working out every day even though I have always been athletically thin. Aiming for October to maybe get out, Wife wants to go on holidays to San Fran and I can dress there and She is going to decide then how She feels about it. lol, I guess I will too.

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    In my fantasy mind I want to live full time , 24 / 7 dressed as female, or at least have the option.
    But I dont know if this is true because I havent been given the opportunity to figure it out.
    This is where the friction has started, I want to express myself when we retire, being that we would be some where else, far away in 3 years.
    IE: no daughter , no friends ,full time, Right?
    Personally I don't care who knows, this is my life, i am who I am, tired of being afraid of who I am.
    Im dressed in my own home and afraid who might come by? tired of it.
    I told my wife what are we going to do when im enfeme in a foreign place 24/7 and then we have
    people out of town visit. This is of course assuming locals will know the fem side of me and not care.
    She is stunned because the whole thing has progressed so fast, and more than She thought possible.
    If my wife told me tomorrow I couldnt dress up around her, I would divorce her.
    Reality I dont know where this is going because I havent been there yet, if that makes sense.\
    What I know today , I love my wife, She loves me, I am BI sexual, today its a 80 - 20 split, being I prefer females. But when I am dressed up.... the joke about the difference between a straight crossdresser ,and a gay crossdresser ... 2 beers ...that applies.
    Having said that im a dedicated spouse.
    But the whole caveat to this is, I havent actually left my home dressed. But its coming...

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