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Thread: Bathroom bills and other laws , discussion thread

  1. #326
    Stand-up Comedian En Fem❤ Alice_2014_B's Avatar
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    I've only used a public restroom/bathroom once whilst out en femme, it was at the comedy club the second time I did stand-up.
    I simply used the men's room.
    Melissa: "... and why are you dressed as a woman?"
    Coach McGuirk: "Because it's freeing."

    -Home Movies
    (cartoon series)

    Shoe size: 9 US women's.
    Dress size: M to L; 8-10.
    Height: 5' 6".

  2. #327
    Seasoned Member Rhonda Darling's Avatar
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    You did stand up?? Dressed like that, you should sit. Ba Dum, Dum! (top hat rim shot.)
    Be all the woman that you can be!
    . . . and now, On With The Show!

  3. #328
    Aspiring Member joanna4's Avatar
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    I've been using the women's restroom well before I transitioned.
    I don't dress to impress, I dress to outdress

  4. #329
    I've used the women's RR when dressed out in public before; it just feels safer to me. It's certainly a dicey situation though... use the men's and risk getting beat up, use the women's and risk getting kicked out/arrested.

    I recently re-watched an excellent foreign film (French), 'He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not'. In it, a male and female were both comfortably sharing the same public restroom. Is that the way it's done in France? If so, why not simply make that the practice everywhere? Too many rules often times causes too many problems.

  5. #330
    Member Eva Bella's Avatar
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    I've used the women's room in at least six different states.. every time without incident.

    These "Bathroom Bills" are absolutely despicable. They're a form of irrational bigotry that's excused as "concern for women." If any of these legislators actually cared for women they'd (1) work harder to protect them from everyday, garden-variety harassment and violence and (2) work to get them equal pay and equal representation in government. They're all full of it.

  6. #331
    Aspiring Member
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    I will throw this datapoint onto the grid. My church, here in Houston, TX will not add a gender neutral bathroom. I talked to the Senior Pastor about it: he gave me the non-reaction, ignore the direct question response. Been bothering me as the church basis is Oneness, unity and diversity, all welcome. Seems when the rubber meets the road: nope. But I carry on, and no I do not go to church dressed, and have never seen a M to F person there (that I recognized). Given that, if I did want to attend as Gina, or another person was in a similar motivation: no real bathroom option.

    2018 should bring Texas passing the dreaded "bathroom bill", and a likely court consideration and response.

  7. #332
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eva Bella View Post
    I've used the women's room in at least six different states.. every time without incident.
    Only four states, but one of those is Texas so I should get extra points. LOL.
    You're right, of course. It's not an issue. Never has been. As Judge Frye frequently points out, all the things the haters claim to be protecting women from with these bills ...are already illegal.

  8. #333
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    Just early voted yesterday on the Texas Restroom issue on the ballot it says do you want the women and children to be safe while using the restroom,. ( those are not the words but the gist of it is there). Of course I want my wife and all my granddaughters safe who in their right mind wouldn't? I also want my grandsons safe but I didn't read anything about them being safe from predators in a restroom. It's really worded funny. Me being unprepared I had not read the whole bill but what's on the ballot made sense to me about women being safe. The word "safe " has many meanings to me. I mean I don't want my grands to get bit by a rattler when they are helping me at the farm? ( thus I usually pick up the bale of hay first then let them distribute it) this whole dad gum thing is absolutely ridiculous. I have n problems with unisex bathrooms as long a the stalls are made to where one can't see into the next one. I have several grand daughters and if I take them to the movies I always send an older one in with them there. This is crazy just arrest the pervs that prey on little girls, CD, and young boys. It already a law that a crime is against the law. Sorry but I get wound up on these stupid bills our politicians come up with.

  9. #334
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    Watching Anchorage, Alaska Proposition One vote, now in progress. Another bathroom bill brought to you by extreme far right.

    Also note excellent article in today's Houston Chronicle about Pearland, TX family concluding it is best to move to Austin, from Pearland due to constant harassment. They have a first grader M to F daughter. They hope Austin schools are more supportive. Pearland was not, in any way. More to come with Texas-wide bathroom bill reboot in 2018 session.
    Last edited by Pat; 03-17-2018 at 11:37 PM. Reason: removed religious reference.

  10. #335
    Silver Member
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    I've seen a political ad that showed the sicko perv skulking his way into the ladies to do God knows what. It sure does play on peoples fears.

    It just occurred to me that the answer to the sicko perv is to completely eliminate men only and women only washrooms. So with a mix of men and women in the room, Sicko Pervman would never get a chance to do anything before the Real Men took care of him. Privacy? Are there no stalls? Even the urinals now have dividers so theres no chance of accidentally exposing a penis.

  11. #336
    Junior Member mylilsecret8's Avatar
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    Question regarding one of the "other laws"... Occasionally I will wear a woman's string bikini bottom to the beach (I'm not passable). For the most part, I haven't had any problems beyond getting odd looks and occasional over hear rude comment. A few months ago I was at a public beach and heard someone walk by and she asked her friend "Isn't that illegal now?" With all the publicity regarding bathrooms, has anyone heard if there are areas enforcing laws against genetic males wearing women's bikini bottoms (full back coverage) at public beaches?
    Last edited by mylilsecret8; 04-03-2018 at 10:01 PM.

  12. #337
    Junior Member Jenn26's Avatar
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    Florida has some local ordinances that ban thong type bathing suits for GG and I would assume males too. But it goes by the local rules. Miami has nothing against thongs, but Walton County is a far different story. That is just Florida, not sure about other states or areas.

  13. #338
    Gold Member
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    So we know about transgender and the standard FTM and MTF.

    What about all these invented genders that some come up with for themselves. If someone who was in high school band and identifies as a different gender, say calling themselves "TransSiberianOrchedechtomy" or whatever, does Target still let them use the restroom of their choice?
    It takes a true Erin to be a pain in the assatar.

  14. #339
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    So all posts after May, 2016 deleted? Or moved? Whoops, now they show up, using another link... hmmm
    Last edited by ginapoodle; 08-30-2018 at 09:03 AM. Reason: confused finding latest posts

  15. #340
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    For those of us who are Massachusetts (USA) residents ... in case you didn't see it -- the voter information booklet arrived yesterday and question 3, to keep transgender rights is on the ballot. Also is a form to register by mail. So if you're not registered please register. And vote!

    The ballot question is whether we should keep the current laws (a YES vote) or not (a NO vote).

    Summaries of the ballot questions can be found at

    Other voter information at


  16. #341
    New Member Joanna50's Avatar
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    I do the same. Too scared to be kicked out, laughed at.

  17. #342
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    Haters in the Texas legislature are at it once again. They have introduced "Texas Occupational License RFRA" (SB 444). The stated purpose is to "...allow private individuals employed in over 65 licensed occupations to deny services to people based on their sincerely held religious belief." Needless to say, this is a very slippery slope, not to mention the height of hypocrisy. Imagine, physicians, nurses, and other licensed care givers refusing to provide medical care to someone because they claim their religion doesn't allow it.

    I could rant for hours on this, but I will simply ask that, if you live in Texas, at least take the time to send this message to your elected representatives.
    Calling bigotry an "opinion" is like calling arsenic a "flavor".

  18. #343
    Aspiring Member Cristy2's Avatar
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    I doubt seriously SB 444 will pass. They tried it back when GW Bush was governor and it was very soundly shot down because it was not specific and odds are that it will get shot down again.

  19. #344
    Member Darla's Avatar
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    Not very much activity here on this thread despite the laws and executive orders being written that are absolutely discriminatory to our community. Beuler? Beuler?

  20. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tracii G View Post
    Its a case of there hasn't been a problem in the past so lets all of a sudden make it a problem.
    A solution to a problem that never existed is one way of looking at it.
    I sent a scathing email to Kay Daly running for congress in NC and called her out basically chastising her for not even wanting to understand or learn what TGism is.
    She called us sexual deviants and said transgenderism is a mental disorder.
    I went off if in a nice way of course but told her what I thought of her.
    Sexual Deviant, that was one diagnosis given to me 43 years ago by a psychiatrist because I enjoyed crossdressing!!! My last diagnosis was Gender Dysphoria so you best write her back and get her updated!! LoL

  21. #346
    Banned Read only
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    I don't know if this has been brought up yet because I haven't read this entire thread. But recently this has been an issue at more than one local club.

    In the state of Washington we have some protection.

    WAC 162-32-060 Gender-segregated facilities.

    WAC 162-32-060
    Gender-segregated facilities.
    (1) Facility use. All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.
    In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, covered entities shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity.
    (2) Cannot require use inconsistent with gender expression or gender identity. A covered entity shall not request or require an individual to use a gender-segregated facility that is inconsistent with that individual's gender expression or gender identity, or request or require an individual to use a separate or gender-neutral facility.
    (a) If another person expresses concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with the person's gender expression or gender identity, the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available.
    (b) Any action taken against a person who is using a restroom or other gender-segregated facility, such as removing a person, should be taken due to that person's actions or behavior while in the facility, and must be unrelated to gender expression or gender identity. The same standards of conduct and behavior must be consistently applied to all facility users, regardless of gender expression or gender identity.
    (3) Provision of options encouraged. Whenever feasible, covered entities are encouraged to provide options for privacy, such as single-use gender-neutral bathrooms or private changing areas, that are available to any individual desiring privacy.
    Last edited by Robertacd; 05-08-2019 at 07:20 PM.

  22. #347
    Platinum Member Read only
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    My municipality (Tacoma, Washington) has enacted an ordinance which designates any single occupancy bathroom as gender neutral. All must have signage to indicate the restrooms are gender neutral. No more men's room or women's room for single occupancy bathrooms.

  23. #348
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    I was going to say that that's a step in the right direction, but upon reflection it feels more sideways. If understand correctly, any restroom with more than one... fixture, is still gender specific. Yes?

  24. #349
    Christy Christy15's Avatar
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    Single occupancy bathrooms with gender labels of any kind never made sense to me. To have one gender - of any type, stand in line while the same thing with a different sign the next door over completely empty - just seems inefficient and silly! Good on Tacoma- that should be an easy low hanging fruit for many areas to address.

  25. #350
    Platinum Member Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aunt Kelly View Post
    I was going to say that that's a step in the right direction, but upon reflection it feels more sideways. If understand correctly, any restroom with more than one... fixture, is still gender specific. Yes?
    Yes. The reasoning for the ordinance was to accommodate the privacy of all concerned. It was in response to transgender persons trying to avoid confrontations with others. Washington State law does allow for any person to use the restrooms of which he or she identifies. That is not to say the law will protect someone all the time. Laying bloodied on the ground may have the aggressor subject to a hate crime, but, that is after the fact. Now at least there is no sign which appears to be exclusionary. Anyway, it was in response to the request of the transgender community. This also to the benefit of women too who may feel awkward using a restroom identified as "men's room."

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