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Thread: More cd after retirement?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Northern California

    More cd after retirement?

    Hello to all again. A week new to the site and have seen many retirees here. I found myself discovering CD after retirement, probably due to a much more relaxed lifestyle, although I have found memories of my mother polishing my nails as a small child. My wife is aware and supportive. She polished my nails the other day and encourages me to dress and have fun while she is out of the house, even telling me to 'Borrow" certain clothing items when dressing. However, normally she prefers to not be present during a majority of my dressing pleasures. In our small rural community, going out on the town is out, so i find myself at home. There are also concerns that my CD exposure to our area could be damaging to her commitments and our friendships. yet I'd still like to have fun with the girls in a safe environment. Is anyone is a similar situation? Welcome to retirement!

  2. #2
    Mannequiniste ! Stacy Darling's Avatar
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    Welcome and welcome to the retirement side too!

    As you will have realised, there are the benefits of retirement such as Shopping whilst others are at work (the quiet hours) and you may even wish to dress at 4am without worrying about being tired at work! Ok, so the 4am is just a me thing whilst my wife is snoring!

    It's nice that you have realised the impact that your dressing may have on your wife, and her life! I have concerns for my wife's social life and friendships as well. One thing which I try not to interfere with!

    STOP, Well I just dance the way I feel
    Stop breathing imagine none of this is real

    Well I just dance the way I feel
    Well I just dance the way I feel
    Well I just dance the way I feel

  3. #3
    Isn't Life Grand? AllieSF's Avatar
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    Welcome to the site. Not sure where you live in NorCal, but there is a great support group in Sacramento with some members who come to some of there events from longer distance. The River City Gems is well worth looking into. There are many wives who accompany their CD husbands to the events.

  4. #4
    Member Monique65's Avatar
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    Welcome, Tammy. I am a life long crossdresser enjoying my second year of retirement. I find that I have not only more time to devote to dressing, but my outlook on life has also changed. Since I no longer am required to go out and be a man in a man's world, I am able to take a more feminine approach to life in general. While I am still in the closet, I am more comfortable with my emerging femme side and nourishing my inner woman.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Laura912's Avatar
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    Retirement is to cross dressing as ice cream is to apple pie.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Hahaha! Perfect, Laura912!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    " There are also concerns that my CD exposure to our area could be damaging to her commitments and our friendships. yet I'd still like to have fun with the girls in a safe environment. Is anyone is a similar situation? "
    Hi Tammy...welcome. I'm gonna guess that probably 80 to 90% of us are in a similar situation

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2013
    Hi Tammy,

    While I've been crossdressing most of my life I only retired last year.

    That being said I've got a word of caution as you move forward. Your wife is supportive but prefers not to see it. Fine, you're both working out the boundaries.

    Respect the boundaries you set up. If they present a problem discuss these with your wife.

    Communication is key, so NEVER stop talking. This applies to both of you. If something about your dressing is bother her, encourage her to let you know. Most importantly LISTEN to what she has to say. I'm constantly walking on eggshells worrying whether or not I'm doing too much. It's easy to go overboard with all that free time on your hands.

    Good luck, welcome to the forum and let us know if you have any other questions.

  9. #9
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    Retired also from the daily grind, also live near a small town that is not exactly where you would want to be discovered in a high heels and a dress. I do all my dressing at home and my underdressing at the farm and I know this sounds bad but also sometimes at Church on Sunday's n Wednesday nights. Wife is retired also but fills in for sick employees where she used to work. I wear my panties daily now. I hope I never have an emergency and be transported to our local small town hospital. Rumors spread like a west Texas wildfire here.
    I welcome you to this site and know that you'll love retirement as it does free up more CD experimenting. A word of caution don't let it mess up your retirement by going too fast but let it compliment it by the enjoyment you get from it.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    HI Tammy,

    Welcome to Crossdressers. This is a great community and you will find lots of resources here. I spend my summers in NorCal and love to be dressed during those pleasant warm days. Such a change from the high humidity of the South. Enjoy dressing and have fun with your wife and your new life.

  11. #11
    Member Lea's Avatar
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    I am also recently retired.
    I am similar to the others in that I live in a small town and I do not think they would be receptive to a cross dresser. My wife is supportive and does not mind being around me when I am dressed.
    but staying in is about the only boundary I have from the wife. . Except for Halloween, with my wife, I have never been out and about. We have talked about attending a cd conference somewhere one day. My wife would be more comfortable with that as the odds of bumping into anyone we know would be small.
    Set boundaries you are both comfortable with and respect each other. Have fun.

  12. #12
    Platinum Member
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    Hi Tammy , Welcome to our forum, When you are here you are home,

    What ever your question is it is a 99.875% chance that one or more of us will have an answer for you.

    I've been in this program for 71years now, and now retired for 8years Crossdressing just keeps getting better every day. ..oo..
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Northern California
    A big "Thank you to all. I feel truely at home on this site and em enjoying are interaction and sharing. I lok forward to much more. Thanks Allie, Sacramento is close. The River City Gems sounds very intersting. i'll check them out.

  14. #14
    Silver Member Stephanie Julianna's Avatar
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    Retirement is a nut I have not cracked yet. My wife is retired and this has actually put a krimp in my time to dress. I work 2-3 days a week as an RN and get to dress close to what a gg nurse does especially with underdressing. However, no wig or makeup which is really required for me to feel like I am really dressing up. My wife is not supportive and I am not sure I can change that. But we have to find a happy medium or I will go crazy. Glad it is working out for you.

  15. #15
    Member Jen60's Avatar
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    I'm recently retired, and my wife is still working. This gives me all day, every week day to dress if I want to. After an initial burst of "pink fog-induced" dressing and purchasing feminine items I have settled into a routine of dressing once or twice per week, sometimes even less. I don't venture out of the house dressed, so this limits me a bit. The opportunity is there, if I choose to take it.

  16. #16
    Aspiring Member LeannS's Avatar
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    Hi Tammy welcome to this site and to retirement.
    I am into my retirement a year now and ot has been great the wife is still working so that makes me the head of the house and yes I do the cleaning and all the house stuff and make sure she has her dinner ready when she walks through the door. No I haven't to fixing her drinks or getting her slippers so yes I do believe the roles have reversed for us anyway.
    and watch our grandson 2 days a week. I am dressed about 9 hours a day four days a week and it has been great. One thing don't let that pink fog get to you to bad
    spend within your budget.

    Happy days ahead


    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    and yes I am a very happy house husband
    Last edited by LeannS; 01-23-2018 at 05:17 PM.
    If you can't laugh and have fun you might as well go home.

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member Rayleen's Avatar
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    I like that one Laura

    And also retired, and CD all alone now for a while
    Last edited by Rayleen; 01-23-2018 at 05:31 PM.
    Wanting something is a fantasy which on a long time period clouds your mind and makes you think you need it.


  18. #18
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    Wow lots of retired folks here. Thats great and I am glad to be one of them. I can see how a small town could cramp your CD style. I live in a good size city so getting out away from my nieghborhood is not a problem. When I first retired I had visions of spending lots of time dressed but has I got busier that time has gotten reduced dramaticly which is fine I still get girl time and I do get out when I do. So for me its enough. I try to keep it fun and in perspective with the rest of life.

    Welcome to retirement and by all means have fun no matter what your doing or wearing

  19. #19
    Gold Member
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    Yes, being retarded, or retired is dressing time at home for sure.
    Now I can really enjoy being retired.

  20. #20
    Aspiring Member
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    I'm retired but my wife still works part-time, so I manage to get the odd dressing day here or there. But we're DADT, and when she does retire in a couple of years, my opportunities will shrink to just about zero. She wants nothing to do with my dressing. I'm not sure how I'll manage it. She does accept panties full-time including to bed, so all is not lost.

  21. #21
    Aspiring Member ToniG's Avatar
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    Retired(retarded) here also. But with no SO to deal with, can Dress(or not) as we please, w/o restrictions. Have fallen asleep in the recliner-chair while Dressed on occasion. Toni G..

  22. #22
    Senior Member Jaymees22's Avatar
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    I'm retired too. Really didn't start dressing until I was retired for a few years and at that time my wife was still working so I had plenty of time to dress. Now that she's retired it's somewhat more limited but she's coming around slowly and is willing to see me dressed. I go to a support group once a month and that seems to be enough going out for me. So there are many of us in a similar situation. Hugs Jaymee
    I enjoy being a boy, being a GIRL like me!!!

  23. #23
    Addicted To Lipstick donnatracey's Avatar
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    Agree with what ToniG said....

  24. #24
    Senior Member Karen RHT's Avatar
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    "More cd after retirement?" In my case a definite yes.

    I've been retired going on 6 years now. My wife retired several years before I did. I've crossdressed on and off since age 11. For the first 40 years of our marriage, my wife had zero tolerance for my crossdressing. Just before I retired, my wife and I were out shopping when she asked my opinion about the colour of stay-ups she was looking at. The dialogue that resulted from her question led to the purchase of panties and stay-up not just for her, but for me as well. She is now comfortable with me dressing as I please around the house, but has made it clear she doesn't want friends or neighbours questioning her should they see me dressed. I've been out fully dressed as Karen on two occasions with her knowledge, but she became quite angry on my return. I've spent the past year trying to help her become more comfortable with the idea of me stepping outside our home while dressed. Baby steps as they say, and she has been fine with me in skirts or dresses on our back patio.

    Seeing me wearing makeup was an obstacle for her, but she has recently overcome that obstacle to the point she has both borrowed (new eyeliner and eyebrow powder) and purchased makeup for me. Seeing me in a wig is still "a bridge too far" for her, but I believe she's almost ready to cross that bridge. With the steps she's taken forward, I believe that given a bit more time, I'll reach my goal of being able to step out the door and enjoy presenting myself to the world as Karen.

    Hopefully my synopsis of how things have gone for me, will prove encouraging and helpful to you Tammy.

    "Retirement is to cross dressing as ice cream is to apple pie." Good one Laura, luv it.


  25. #25
    Aspiring Member Daryl's Avatar
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    Single and retired and been doing it now going on 14 years. I dress to pass as a male
    but all clothes are female. Polish my nails as well, but no other makeup.

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