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Thread: Honey - 1 year post coming out - thoughts

  1. #1
    Junior Member justnikki's Avatar
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    Honey - 1 year post coming out - thoughts

    I’ve been a little absent from the boards as of late due to work but since it’s been just over a year since I came out to my wife I thought I would write a little about my journey, my experiences and some lessons that other may or may not benefit from.

    The background to my story in can be read here (LINK), but in a nut shell my vice since childhood was lingerie. I started as a young boy and the desire remained though college, there it disappeared until I got engaged and my then fiancé moved in with a few draws of lingerie. I would sneak around late at night and wear her lingerie regularly when she was asleep and/or when I was home alone. For me I never thought about presenting as a woman, it was the feel, texture and feeling sexy in a feminine way. Often after sexual gratification I would sabotage myself and go into a spiral of personal confusion and self-destruction. This would often put me into a bad mood, I would snap at anything and I noticed that my moods were getting worse.

    I ultimately reached a tipping point in late 2016, I simply made the decision to confront my personal fears and started talking openly to my wife. We spoke every day on this topic for over a week. I admitted I was afraid, I didn’t know if there was something wrong with me etc…. she encouraged me to see a therapist and spend time online researching as up till that point I was afraid of what I might find out. Then I found this forum and realized I was not alone!

    After finding this site I spent weeks reading, learning, obtaining skills and tips, and enjoying the stories shared all of which helped me start to put my puzzle together. I found a whole new world out there and put some real effort into learning but did it with my wife, sharing my thoughts, fears and knowledge to the level she wanted to know. She was afraid too! It really all started when I decided I wanted to see what I looked like as a woman and felt I wanted to look at wigs! I shared this with my wife and we went out together to buy my first wig…..

    A year later I have made amazing friends from this site and the events and organizations I have joined (Diva Las Vegas, Wildside, CHIC) that have literately held my hand through the past year, you know who you are — thank you! They have guided me in everything from clothing, make-up, forms, events, emotions, love etc… I could not and would not be where I am today without you all. Today I am balanced, confident and proud.

    What I found interesting is early on in my journey I had a strong distain for labels and language historically used to describe crossdressing, transvestitism, fetish etc.. To me I found them either derogative or suggested that I have a choice. Early last year when attending Diva Las Vegas I heard the term “genderfluid”, I adopted that term very quickly when talking to my wife and best friend as I felt it described me perfectly. This set me up to gain what I now consider my personal acceptance to who I am.

    Diva Las Vegas was my second fully dressed outing. My wife and I agreed on a “no fly zone” in my home town to preserve not being outed and/or potentially damaging friendships, careers etc… Over the past year I have dressed at least 40 times and found a real passion for shoes and makeup – if only I had a size 9! I have gone out in girl mode and hybrid modes which I must admit is awesome. I go to Las Vegas on work monthly and use this time to play and experiment with my looks. Hybrid-mode included full GQ guy-mode but with full-on glamour makeup, alternatively full GQ guy-mode but wearing killer 4” heels. I found that in Vegas anything goes and believe it or not the Hybrid modes killed it with the ladies, I got more interest those night than my entire freshman year of college, and before you ask I killed it in college. Ahhhh if I only knew then what I know now!

    I still keep my this side of my life private, only four people in my life know, my wife my best friend (a woman), my mother and my personal shopper. All of whom totally get it and accept it and laugh with me all the time when they know I’m checking out a pair of shoes, a handbag or another woman’s makeup and call me on it quietly…. it’s fun, there is no judgment and I am simply being me! My passion for lingerie is held by my wife’s blessing to underdress in my preference of satin and lace thongs almost on a daily basis. It helps that my wife thinks I actually look better in them than when in my guy undies, she even buys them for me on occasion. I have a personal shopper at Macy’s and she has become my older sister and spoils me rotten, I have slowly built up a nice wardrobe often coming home and calling her right back to ask for a few items in my wife’s size! I sport painted toenails 24/7 (even in the gym locker room), and my wife and daughter love it, we often go as a family to get our nails painted. I don’t push it any further with my kids and don’t’ want to burden them with my choices at their age, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t care.

    I am a typical athletic alpha guy, however, I have an open interest in feminine things as well and that balances me out without giving away the whole truth. Coming out and being honest has opened a whole new world for my relationships with my wife, we love to shop together and she now knows why I have good taste in clothes! We often go out looking for an outfit for her and she’ll grab my size too and we’ll both try on an outfit in the changing room and we always get comments from other women saying how lucky we are and how did my wife get me to go shopping with her etc… We both love make-up and we have been learning the art form together, she often asks me to do her make-up. Even presenting as a women in public taught me how to relate to horrors of heels that stick in holes in the sidewalks, gusts of wind that blow your hair into your freshly and carefully applied lipstick, or even that dude that comes up to you in the restaurant tells you your gorgeous and kisses you before you know what to do or react — Sara remember that crazy dinner you couldn’t stop laughing!

    Yes, we have had many of the expected conversations around sexual preferences and if I had any desire to transition, which seem to be the primary questions and/or fears of our SO’s. Personally, I enjoy being a man, I love the female body and I am simply not attracted to men. Once she truly understood this and felt I was being honest with her true acceptance came along shortly thereafter.

    This past year has had its share of tears, laughter and emotional challenges, but it took a lot of trust, heart and faith to get to where we are today. Today I can honestly say that I am a better person for having faced my fears and I am closer to my wife than ever before. I still have the occasional meltdown but they are rare.

    None of us are the same, we are all wonderfully unique and each of our paths are different. I just wanted to share the beginnings of my journey and share that I feel whole, alive, happy and most importantly I love and accept myself and my gift of fluidity.

    I hope that my sharing parts of my journey this past year touches some of you and provides someone going through their journey that there can be light, there can be a silver lining and there can be a happily ever after…… Now if only Christian Louboutin would read this and make his shoes in a size 12w I will be complete!


    Below are photos of last weekends Honey night....

    Attachment 287408

    Attachment 287409
    Last edited by justnikki; 01-25-2018 at 10:57 PM.

  2. #2
    Aspiring Member
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    Northern Nevada
    You say you came out a year ago in late 2017. You do realize this is the beginning of 2018 don't you?

  3. #3
    Junior Member justnikki's Avatar
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    Oooops, thanks for the catch....

  4. #4
    Silver Member Stephanie Julianna's Avatar
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    Love your story and love the outcome. Many here would dram of that acceptance. Cherish your wonderful wife and daughter.

  5. #5
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    See in Vegas again this year?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  6. #6
    Junior Member justnikki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docrobbysherry View Post

    See in Vegas again this year?
    For Sure!!!!

  7. #7
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Honey, Congrats on a year of dressing. It's great to have a supportive SO. Beautiful pictures.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! You really do look so beautiful in your pics. I really admire the way you and your wife were able to explore and set boundaries together. It seems like it's really been working for you. I came out to my gf about a year and a half ago and it started out ok but then it kind of got swept under the rug and it sometimes, not always, feels like the elephant in the room. Reading stories like yours makes me want to address it again bc like with most of us, we've been doing this most of our lives and I really don't think it's going anywhere and more and more I don't mind that. It's just a part of me. But back to you, congratulations once again, I'm so happy for you!!

  9. #9
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    Congratulations on a year of progress. Like you I developed a fetish for lingerie at a very early age. Just the sight of lingerie would get me excited. Over time I progressed to dressing completely and discovered other satisfactions in being a fetishistic transvestite. I myself don't care about the "labels". People can use whatever they like. The main thing is to have accepted yourself and be accepted by those closest to you. If there was one thing I could accomplish as a member of this site it would be to help people expunge the guilt they often feel when they dress and also when the act of dressing is sexually arousing. Those feelings of guilt are something imposed on use. We need to shed that baggage.

  10. #10
    I like to be pretty Joanne Curl's Avatar
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    I love reading stories like yours and knowing that you are accepted and supported. It is refreshing and reassuring that your desire to show your feminine side isn't treated as deviant behavior. I on the other hand will never get to experience that. My wife, sadly, will never accept my feminine side.

  11. #11
    Gold Member Dana44's Avatar
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    Very nice Honey. You look good and hope to see you in Vegas.
    Part Time Girl

  12. #12
    Member Cassiek's Avatar
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    Such a great story. I hope one day to take a page from it. My wife discovered pictures of me recently I like you we can one day enjoy shopping together. Thanks for your inspiration.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    What a great story. In a somewhat simmilar situation, I have recently told my wife I'd like to go to a CD convention. I want to get out but am as you in a "no fly zone" with my small community. I'm just learning to apply makeup and have struggling but haveing fun. When my wife leaves for work she tells me to have fun but prefers (most of the time) for me to be in my man clothings when she get s home. Love your dress and boots! You lok great!

  14. #14
    New Member
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    Your journey the past year is inspirational. I can’t speak for everyone but I’m sure the majority here are envious of your situation. Being able to come so far in a year to feel so good about yourself without the guilt is outstanding. Great story.

  15. #15
    Junior Member justnikki's Avatar
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    Thank you all for such warm and encouraging comments. I do realize how lucky I am and I don’t take that lightly. It takes consistent commmunication and new and different issue arise all the time. I am only 50% if the equation my wife represents the other 50% and she has her own feelings and emotions that get to listen too and process as well. It’s a ride for sure.

    Just last night she asked if she could join me this year in Vegas. We spoke about the various events and she wants to wear a wig herself (so as not to be recognized) and attend Wildside. It will be a fun experience!!!!

    Again thank you all for reading my super long thread.

  16. #16
    New Girl to the PNW raeleen's Avatar
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    What a beautiful recap of your first year, Honey! I've been working on this side of me with my partner too for more than a year and we haven't gotten to the point you are at now, but reading your story gives me hope that we will. We both work hard at building the relationship and the trust, and hearing positive news like this makes me smile. Thanks for sharing. You look fabulous! and I'm totally jealous of your wardrobe! lol


  17. #17
    susie evans susie evans's Avatar
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    Hi Honey
    Just think what the next year could bring life is allways an adventure have fun


  18. #18
    Silver Member Kandi Robbins's Avatar
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    Very well written, touching and it shows what is possible. Frankly, what should be the norm, talking it through, acceptance, honesty, you know, what relationships are all about. I am very happy for you and hope you are your family continue to flourish! Thanks for sharing.
    Visit Kandi's Land ( daily! Nothing but positive and uplifting posts!
    Pictures and stories of every time out:

  19. #19
    Member Eva Bella's Avatar
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    Congrats Honey.. that's an awesome recap and I'm so happy for you! Hope that we get to hang out soon!

  20. #20
    New Member ShaunaTossaint's Avatar
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    Hi Honey,
    I so happy for you. What a great story of your wife’s acceptance.
    I am in a similar situation in that my wife knows. I live in a small town and community and thus I have to wait till I travel to express myself as Shauna. Even so I still have not been out as yet.
    My question is about telling your daughter. My daughter is 12, and I’m sure she notice’s certain things about me, for example that I’m always have a completely shaved body.
    How did you tell your daughter and what was her reaction?

    PS> You look fantastic !

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