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Thread: Let’s hear your origin story!

  1. #26
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    I've told this before but my mom knew that she was going to birth a girl she even dreamed about it. Back then flour came in sacks made of cloth so she made three dresses and when I was born surprise. Her girl had a thingy sticking out. She ignored that and I was dressed in a bonnet, flour sack dresses and taken pictures of in black and white. She let my hair get long and made more dresses until dad said that was it and cut my hair and put me in britches. While dad was at work mom still let me play in her things. Her heels, hat, slips and she even painted my finger nails and toe nails. Dad again put a stop to it all. Around 12 I started dressing on my own every time mom would throw out a pair of hose I hid them in the barn attic, I had a girdle at around fifteen and was in full dressing mode when mom and dad would go to town. I have always loved silky, feeling material against my skin. I tried quitting in high school but still would slip back into it. In college after I got married I then sipped into my wife's things. Still love it. In my old age. There's my origin....

  2. #27
    Silver Member franlee's Avatar
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    I was 16 and swapped clothes with my girlfriend. That was my 1st time ever CDing and it was great and rewarding. So I was hooked. I was the oldest in my family(kids) and was to large to wear my Mom's clothes by 12. I was big and she is a very small woman and my only sister is 4 years younger. So I never had access to clothes by the time I got curious. I did watch a friend put on a uniform of his Mom's out of the dirty-clothes hamper and found it amusing and sexually desirable but didn't understand it at 14. I always wanted to do that though so when the occasion afforded it's self with my girlfriend I took advantage of it. And have been ever-since.
    It's worth something just being around to Fuss!

  3. #28
    Gold Member Lana Mae's Avatar
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    I have told mine before so here we go again!
    Preschool age, I believe, I was playing with a little girl and she kept throwing her dress over her head! I liked that and wanted a dress so i could do that! No dress!
    Teen years in mom's clothes, just bra, girdle and stockings and oh, yes full slip!
    Stopped and then before marrying asked if I could wear women's clothes and she said there would only be one woman in this relationship! I sneaked panties about 2-4 times!
    Turned 65 and wife passed away! 3 months later, emergency run to K Mart for panties! It has grown from there as I learned what this is all about, more or less! No guilt and no shame! Just me! Now going out dressed and have been to Keystone 2017! It is all good!
    Hugs Lana Mae
    Life is worth living!
    "Foxy lady! You look so good!!" Jimi Hendrix

  4. #29
    Rural T Girl Teri Ray's Avatar
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    Same as many here. I was 8 or 9 found my mothers bra in a rag bin, took it, wore it, loved it. Been hooked ever since.
    Teri Ray Rural Idaho Girl.

  5. #30
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    My mom expected a girl and didn't really know what to do when a boy popped out. By age 2-1/2, she would play with me by putting lipstick, nail polish and clip earrings on me from time to time. I started getting into her drawers and closets soon after when I had time alone in the house. Her girdles and stockings were my first and main weakness, but I probably tried on everything she owned at one time or another. I never admitted to her I was doing this but believe she had to know all about it. Unfortunately, by the time I could really appreciate her clothes, they were almost all too small for me. When I was 12, mom took me downtown to a big department store to buy me my first pair of grown-up high heels. I was wearing pantyhose, red nails and lips, and gold pierced earrings by this time. Must have been quite the story among the SAs for a few days. Mom lost interest as I matured but I never quit dressing up when out of her sight, often late at night in the basement where she had stashed a collection of too-large clothes she received from a great aunt.

    - Diane

  6. #31
    Silver Member Becky Blue's Avatar
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    Interesting to read all these stories ladies.. we are all so different yet so similar...
    About age 5 playing pretend I am a girl games quite regularly... I even had a name Karen and my mother put a ribbon in my quite short hair.. I often wonder if I had an older sister what may have happened. My mother seemed to go along with my slightly unusual game.. I think i stopped playing after a few years not sure why.
    A.K.A Rebecca & Bec

  7. #32
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    I was 11. My older sister was making a dress for her home economic class and asked me to be her model since we were the same size. Being she was my sister I couldn't say no. I was hooked... 2 weeks later I was home alone after school so I decided to try on some of her other clothes. I found a green bra and panties set. I had my head in her closet when she came she walked in and smiled. It was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

    Until she went to college when ever we could we would have girl time. I was to scared to dress up by myself until I was on my own. Then I was in the closet with all my girlfriends. Until I met my wife when I was in my 30s and she was very excepting, I still kinda hid it and couldn't go out in public. After my mom died my sister asked me if Emily could go for drinks with her. I said yep and it gave me a lot of confidence now my wife my daughter and Emily goes out places all the time.

  8. #33
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    I discovered the treasures of my mom's closet in my teens, but long before that, I had feelings I couldn't make sense of. In my elementary school years, I remember being fascinated by the Sears catalog pictures of women in bras. I also knew that I couldn't afford to let anyone see me staring too long at them. Another object of fascination was Leslie Ann Warren as Cinderella on TV. Her stunning beauty in her pure white ball gown is still a vivid memory. I so wanted to look like her, but of course I was being raised to be a man, so that was probably the world's biggest taboo at the time.

  9. #34
    Junior Member Aunty_Hazel's Avatar
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    I was bitten by a radioactive spider whilst...
    No, sorry. That's Peter Parker's origin story. I've just loved ladies' clothes as long as I can remember.

  10. #35
    Senior Member TheHiddenMe's Avatar
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    I was seven or eight and in the basement of my aunt and uncle's condo. In the basement was storage for several of the units. There was a rack of clothes with a girls dress, and I wanted to try it on, but it was too small.

    In subsequent years I was always jealous of the boys who got to dress as girls for Halloween (I still am).

    When I was about 14, I tried on my older sister's pantyhose, and had an immediate and unexpected physical reaction (the PG version of what happened).

    So my desire to dress is 50 years and counting.

  11. #36
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    Well, I've ALWAYS known that I should have been born a girl - but also knew I wasn't. So the conflict has been with me all my life.

    My first actual dressing episodes?
    Well, I remember that when I was around 5 or 6 if I slept over at my grandparents' house, my grandmother would dig out one of her house dresses an let me use it as a PJ's. Needless to say, I found excuses to stay over whenever I could (we lived across the street, so it wasn't hard).

    Then there was the Halloween that I got to dress up in my sister's clothes and go as a girl. Again I loved it. I was a bit older then, but not by that much.

    I also would 'borrow' a skirt or dress from my sister an put it on in bed and sleep in it. I got caught with her stuff under my pillow and got in trouble, so that put an end to that!

    There are a bunch of other stories, but these are the earliest ones.

  12. #37
    Silver Member Tina B.'s Avatar
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    When I was little, I was the mascot for my big sisters Girl Scout troop. But I didn't really get into the clothes until I was around six, or so. Big sister left a white nylon slip hanging on the back of the bathroom door. nothing fancy just a plain white slip. For me, it might as well have been a fancy party dress, it felt wonderful, Couldn't say what made me try it on, but I did, and my life was for ever changed. Once I locked the door to take a bath, which was allowed because of so many people with one bath, people where always walking in on you. So locked behind closed doors, what ever was left in the bathroom was mine to play with, until someone started beating on the door, saying how long you going to be. From there, as I grew older, and could stay home alone, I took every opportunity to raid my sisters closet. She was in a organization, That required many formal dresses for all there special occasions, and the hoop skirts, slips and heels a little boy could ask for. She also had fashion dolls from around the world, that only came out of the closet and there boxes, when I was home alone. I was the only one that played with them, Sis just collected them. After she left home to marry, there was nothing left but my mothers things, not as much fun, but got me through the rest of my formative years. Thanks for reminding me, it was great memories, from a great childhood. And as scary and confusing as it all was, I'm happy I turned out as I did.
    Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will.

  13. #38
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    seems like ancient history now. I have vague recollections, really emotional memories, of being "different" and at the same time being convinced that different was not acceptable, even though I couldn't have told you what "different" was. By the time I was maybe 5, I know I'd tried on some of my older sister's things...which were of course too big at the time, and also knew that I shouldn't get caught doing so. Seems there was a lull or a period of early denial, where I immersed myself in being a little boy. Then puberty came and sexuality reared its head. Somehow, awareness of sexuality and gender variance seemed to emerge together....which lead to much more confusion than the early childhood episodes. from there after, my path has pretty much paralleled the usual course.
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  14. #39
    Aspiring Member Joyce Swindell's Avatar
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    I don't recall most things. Stories here have spurred a few memories though. I remember vividly when I put on a little short for my cousins when I was maybe 5. When I went to college I had stollen one of my mom's silky night gowns from the laundry and wore it in my room at the dorm. I remember one of the reasons I chose to marry my first wife was thinking I would be cured of my desire to wear my mom's dresses.

  15. #40
    Senior Member Ceera's Avatar
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    First time trying something on was long before I actually tried to wear any women’s clothes. When I was five, my little sister was born. We only had a two bedroom house, so my parents converted a laundry room in the basement to serve as my new bedroom, moving the laundry stuff to one end of the basement ‘party room’. I thought that was great, since I had my own bathroom down there, and total privacy. Somewhere around age 9 to, 10 I remember going into the party room one afternoon to do some of my laundry. I was already helping do laundry by then. Mom had a load of her whites that had just finished in the dryer, and my clothes were in the washer. She had started the laundry and then taken my sister somewhere, and dad was at work, so I was alone for a while. As I pulled her still-warm bras, girdles, slips and other intimate apparel out of the dryer and into a laundry basket so I could dry my own clothes, I was tempted to try on some of mom’s stuff. I took off my clothes and enjoyed the silky feeling of one of her full slips against my bare skin. Her bra and panty girdle were too big to fit me, but I tried them on too. Then I put it all back in the laundry basket and got dressed again. I am sure I did that a few other times after that, but since nothing ever really fit, I never tried wearing any of it for more than a few moments.

    About the same age, I remember borrowing one of mom’s lipsticks and taking it to my basement bathroom, and trying to put lipstick on myself. It was kind of fun and naughty, but I washed it off quickly and returned it to the drawer in her bathroom, upstairs. Did not try that again.

    Soon after that I found out that my dad was rather homophobic. It wasn’t that he hated gays, so much as that the idea bothered him so much he couldn’t talk about it. So I quickly learned to repress any “not straight” impulses that I had, even after an older guy who my family trusted to tutor me made a pass at me and gave me some intimate attention. I liked it but was also terrified of what my family would say if they found out. I asked him to stop, and he did, with a sincere apology for his going too far, and we never mentioned that incident again. So by high school I felt that I was bi, but was trying very hard to act straight and not even think about those other feelings. I got married about six years after high school, and tried to live a straight and monogamous life.

    After high school I discovered role playing games - primarily ‘Dungeons and Dragons’. I tried playing a female character, and liked it. For the next several years that was my only feminine self-expression, but I did it well enough that in on-line gaming, the other players believed I was a cisgender lady in real life. About ten years after I got married, some of that on-line roleplaying started to get adult oriented and explicit. I set clear rules with my on-line friends that regardless of what our characters did on line, in real life I was never open to more than a platonic friendship. My wife accepted my adult on-line play, somewhat begrudgingly, after I pointed out to her that it gave me a ‘safe’ outlet for certain feelings, without adversely affecting our relationship. I played male, female, hermaphrodite and even transgender characters, but did not expect I would ever act in real life as anything other than a straight, cisgender male. I was faithful to my wife and monogamous.

    Between mid-2012 and mid-2013 I lost both of my parents. With my dad no longer living, I dared to experiment with under-dressing for the first time. I was 55 then. I told myself that wanted to see what it felt like to wear some of the things my roleplaying characters wore. I bought some silky bikini panties, and even a waist cincher corset. Soon I also had a gym bag with a cheap wig and one full female outfit, including shoes, and I was wearing female panties under my male clothes all the time. My wife and daughter knew about and accepted me wearing the panties, but the gym bag and its contents was my secret - something I only toyed with when alone in the house. I still had a full beard and had no intention of being seen while dressed, but it felt good to wear the feminine things.

    Then in January of 2014, my wife died of heart failure. We had been married 30 years, and had an 18 year old daughter. I was 56, and suddenly had no one who I was answerable to for my behavior. I took a long, hard look at my life, abd decided to shave off the beard and see if I could actually pass as a woman. I came out to my daughter, and she was fully accepting. She even went shopping with me for girl clothes! And once I felt comfortable in public as a woman, she was quite willing to go out and do things in public with ‘her Aunt Ceera’. As a woman, I wasn’t ‘mom’ to her, but she could go with my fem self effectively being her dad’s sister.

    A year or so after first exploring cross dressing I accepted that I am transgender, and bisexual, still largely prefering female partners. Most of my new social friends are lesbians who accept me in their social circle. Still haven’t found a romantic partner who will accept me as I am - a pre-op MtF trans woman. But I have an active and fulfilling social life as a woman. 90% or so of my social time is spent as a woman now, and I think in the next year I will get my legal name and gender marker changed to female.
    Last edited by Ceera; 06-08-2018 at 05:51 PM.

  16. #41
    mini kilted chick t-girlxsophie's Avatar
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    I was 10 year old staying at my Granny's.some of my young aunts clothing was still there,so was so many delights around ,one day i was doing my nosey in her old room and before too long I was wearing playtex bra and tights,yellow maxi dress,pink cardigan and white stilletos,thankfully my colour co-ordination has improved since then

    Haven't really been able to adequately explain what made me try the clothes on,but I never missed a chance to stay over at my Grannys after that first time
    We look to Scotland,for all our Ideas of Civilisation-Voltaire


    A woman who loves to wear beautiful clothes is like a flower.
    A man who loves to emulate these women is a special flower-a rose
    Facebook:Sophie Johnson

  17. #42
    Aspiring Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    I cannot remember with exact precision but at some point in my early teens, like most boys, I started to become interested in girls. I grew up in the age of the mini-skirt and in Junior High and High school, dropping a pencil on the floor was often rewarded with a view. So I became curious about what those pretty and soft looking patches of panties felt like. Well, I had a younger mother and a sister only a year younger and both would simply leave their panties in a common hamper. Curiosity got the better of this cat and eventually, I tried them on. Well, for a young teen, the reaction was instant. It got to the point that I could not wait for those private moments to do my thing. Then it became like potato chip. If panties were good, would'nt panties and a bra be better? Yep, it was - even more exciting and the ball just kept on rolling. Of course, I had to reign it all in in my later years. I've had to purge a lot for a number of reasons, good and bad but I still have a stash and way more panties than I need. Oddly enough though, I've never gone "all the way" to makeup, nails, wig or shoes. That's on the bucket list for someday.

  18. #43
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    I think I have mentioned this before but here goes. My sister used to threaten to dress in her clothes when I was quite a small boy. What she didn't know was the idea got me quite excited. The notion had been introduced to me and so eventually when a teenager alone in the house I tried on panties and tights. That was it. I loved it and felt so happy and relaxed. The rest is history.

  19. #44
    Dreaming in Color! ColleenCD's Avatar
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    My adventure started at age 8 when one Saturday the house wasn't full and I decided to use the parents bathroom. On the towel rack were a pair of suntan pantyhose hung to dry. I remember wondering what they felt like, the sensation of nylon and and the smooth tan look. I could not articulate the emotion at that age as I slid them off the rack and slowly pulled them in place, but I knew it would only be there first time I would want to experience these feminine joys of life.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Feeling pretty on the inside.

  20. #45
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    I was molested as a kid, it went on for about seven years. One of the things he did, was convince me that I was really supposed to be a girl, that god made a mistake, and that if I was really good, god would fix me. The whole story is in the writers forum, link in my signature below. Until then, I had no feelings that I was a girl, or wanted to dress up. So perhaps it turns out that you really can create a crossdresser out of a normal boy. It's this, and all the other stories I have read from others, which convinces me that there is no one, single cause of crossdressing, transgenderism, or transsexualism. We are far more complicated than is currently thought.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  21. #46
    Aspiring Member jacques's Avatar
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    hello Juliana,
    I started crossdressing to look more manly!
    I was young at the time and my hero was Robin Hood - so I secretly tried wearing my sister's green tights!
    luv J

  22. #47
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    Like many others, a Halloween night at about 7 when my mom dressed me as a girl, having borrowed some clothes from the neighbors. A few years later I found myself in the spare bedroom where all sorts of extra clothing was stored and the first wisp of the pink fog swirled in as I slipped into a pair of pantyhose, a '60's mod dress and a pair of black go-go boots.

    About two minutes later I was hooked and have spent the past 50 years trying to recreate that magic feeling and go a step further. I still clearly remember the first time I added a wig, tried my hand at make-up, painted my nails, perfume, stepped outside (back door, years later the front!), a coat and purse, walked out to the car, drove away, went into a store, etc.

  23. #48
    Member Annette_boy's Avatar
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    I was 5 and tried on moms panties I was hooked I would try her things every chance I got. when I was 9 she helped me dress as a girl for Halloween ,biggest candy haul ever .
    She had bought me my own undies and did not take them awayso she knew about me but never said anything, I just knew to keep dad out of the loop but that was easy as he was career navy and was at sea for 6 months at a time. so the rest is history I have been dressing for 68 years now fulltime sence 2004 after wife passed.. She knew and participated I was so lucky.

    Hugs Annette
    "It takes more courage for a man to appear in public wearing a dress than to charge into battle"

    Me July 2005

  24. #49
    Miss Judy Judy-Somthing's Avatar
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    Ballerina outfit will do it every time!
    I also was about 5 when my sister dressed me up and took a photo, a wig would have been nice. Attachment 292752
    I remember wearing that dam outfit every chance I got after that day and under dressing with the tights in 1st grade.
    Really messed up!
    "This is ME" I am not CRAZY, I'm just a GUY who likes dresses!
    Since allot of men dress up in woman's clothing that makes it a manly thing to do!
    Much more fun than fishing.
    I do construction like house building and I love CD-ing, what's the difference?

  25. #50
    Member Misty_cder's Avatar
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    My story is like so many others. I started around the age of 12 with wearing my mothers work out clothing. It was the 80's and she was into aerobics with the tights and one piece tops. I just loved the way the tights felt around my legs when I put them on. When I got older and lived on my own, I would purchase body stockings and other lingerie. I enjoyed the silky feeling on the nylon material encasing me. Eventually, this lead to wanting to wear more, and I started to get women's clothing and heels. For awhile, I was "all in" with wigs, make up, shape enhancers, clothing, heels, etc., working towards a passable image, but then life happens. I stopped dressing and purged almost all my stuff. About five years ago, I got back into under dressing with panties. My underwear drawer is now full of panties of various colors and material types. Recently, I added a bodysuit to my clothing line up. I really enjoy the feeling it has around my waist and chest when I wear it.

    And that is my story.

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