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Thread: Underdressed at the doctor today

  1. #1
    Banned Read only
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    Underdressed at the doctor today

    Nerve racking but uneventful...

    I hurt my back last week and finnily decided to go to the doctor as it's not getting better. Anyway my primary was booked so I opted to see his PA. Since the PA was female I figured what the hell, I am already underdressed for work, just do it.

    Well I didn't have to take my shirt off, but when she was listening to my heart my bra had to be very obvious.

    I ended up getting a shot of anti-inflammatory in my hip, so she got to see my panties too

    Not a word was said, she was 100% professional.
    Last edited by Robertacd; 12-11-2018 at 12:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I go to the doctor in drab, fortunatelysickness is something I am able to avoid.

    Just a scrip every 6 months to control my BP.
    Work on your elegance,
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Health Care Providers have a great responsibility. Your wearing lingerie might be fuel for a quick chat at the watercooler, or in the lunchroom, but in the scope of the work the have committed their lives to it is a blip on the screen.

  4. #4
    Man in a dress marika_jaye's Avatar
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    I had an appointment with a new doctor a couple weeks ago, so I decided to break the CD ice on the first visit. I considered wearing a dress, makeup, jewelry, etc., but in the end, just wore ultra sheer hose and high heeled sandals with my jeans.

    The nurses and my new doctor were nonchalant about it. The doctor said she likes my toenail color (I Can't Hear Myself Pink by OPI) and asked if I always wore heels. Aside from that, the only issue was the little tickle test they do to your feet. Originally she seemed concerned about my hosiery, but then she figured it was thin enough to not be a problem.

    My next visit with her is next month. Maybe I'll feel comfortable attending in a dress next time...
    It's spelled Marika, but it's pronounced Janey!
    Appreciate the beauty in the current moment, because the past is gone and tomorrow never comes.
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  5. #5
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    Going full time in my new home town means just that . I've seen my GP and been for an X-ray , I've donated blood twice and had my flu jab . Also had my eye test and new glasses fitted . I'm now listed in a femme name with all of them . No words need to be said they've all been very supportive .

  6. #6
    Silver Member Elizabeth G's Avatar
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    Hi Roberta,

    My experience was similar. I decided to go to my last checkup underdressed, not for shock value but to open up a conversation. My toenails were painted and I was wearing panties. I was asked to strip down to my underwear and put on a johnny. When my (female) doctor came in she simply commented "nice color" and then we had a very good discussion followed by my physical. She too was a total professional.


  7. #7
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    I used to work in a doctors office some time ago. Doctors and nurses are a very professional bunch and have seen everything. I can almost guarantee you that they will not try to embarrass you. However, that doesn’t stop many from sharing information with the rest of the staff.
    Last edited by char GG; 12-11-2018 at 05:43 PM.

  8. #8
    Aspiring Member Karmen's Avatar
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    I underdress on daily basis for about 20 years now, but I was always in drab until recently when visiting a doctor. And first outing to a doctor was also unplanned. It happened 2 years ago when I visited a skin doctor because of skin problems on my face. I didn't expect I'll have to undress at all and went there wearing white lace panties and pantyhose under my male jeans and had painted toe nails. I was horrified when asked to undress down to my underwear, but I didn't want to say no to a doctor. I just didn't expect he would want to check my whole body, since I have skin problems on my face. But he wanted to make sure, I don't have same skin problems on some other parts of my body. When undressing, I was a nervous wreck and totally embarrassed, but doctor was very professional, didn't say anything or do anything that might suggested he disapproves my dressing habits. Since than, I always wear panties and pantyhose when I go there. After that, I also took a gamble and outed myself to my personal doctor. She was also very professional, but she asked a few questions regarding to my future plans in this direction.

  9. #9
    Aspiring Member Mermaiden's Avatar
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    In the USA, HIPAA laws are strict with severe penalties for violating patient confidentiality. I can’t imagine a professional ever divulging a CDers identity. If they do, they and their employer can be sued.

  10. #10
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    Karmen, ditto for me .. only polished, bright red toenails. I asked to see her privately, so the nurse left. My Doc, a female, took a look at my toes and said, "Oh, how pretty!" Nothing more ever said. I suspect the nurse guessed.

  11. #11
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    Doctors and nurses have seen it all and my Dr was very professional when he saw my black nylon panties and pretty pink toes. The female assistant taking notes on a computer did have a big smile when she saw my toes, she did not see the panties.

  12. #12
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    I went to a chiropractor clinic where I didn't realize they would put pads on my hips the nurse got a clear view of my pretty panties. After that I wore my fem clothes. No one ever said anything.

    I used to give blood as a serial donor I wore all female garb and bra. It was an experience to lay on the table with both arms in IV. One time I had on a silk shirt/blouse that opened up as I was laying there which gave a clear view of my lace bra. On another occasion the lights were such that if you looked at my top you could discern my bra. No one ever mentioned it and the only thing that stopped my going was my cancer.

  13. #13
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I used to under dress when I first began dressing so folks wouldn't know. I soon lost interest in it. Because it was uncomfortable and folks didn't know!

    So, I guess under dressing gets boring for others, too!?
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

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  14. #14
    Aspiring Member abbiedrake's Avatar
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    I went to my docs to discuss my bp. Unexpectedly he wanted to check my kidneys. My wife shot me a look as if to say 'you're not wearing knickers are you?'. I shook my head but not as a negative rather a 'what do I do?!'
    So I hopped on the bed and shimmied both jeans and knickers a little off my waist. Phew. Nothing showing. Exam over. I sat up. Then realised my fly had been down the entire time. There's no way he missed the floral Joanna Hope knickers I was sporting.
    Oh well.

  15. #15
    Member marlacd's Avatar
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    I'll bet we waste more time over being discovered, and how embarrassed we'd be, than they do when they find out our secrets. Just for a minute, lets say you turned a street corner, and saw a naked person strolling down the street. You now have something to tell your friends. You do. For, about two minutes in your life, you and your friends have something to laugh about. After the laughing dies down, it's on to new subjects. That naked person has become old news, and I'd bet a month down the road, you'd forget about it. It's just something you saw, on the path of your life.

    Being discovered is a postable topic in here. Bet we hash it out more, than the person that discovered that we dress. If it's a neighbor, the postman, just a person we casually know, we get an honorable mention in their days topics on what went on in their day. It's safe to say that we spent more time posting on here, than they did talking about us. We're a moment in their lives. We get to be about as important as their dog taking a dump on their prized rug. Except that we didn't leave the stain on it, that the dog did.
    (If it stayed there after it was cleaned up)

    Encounter that person again, we'd get an "Oh, it's you", and we aren't any surprise to them anymore. We have become the stain on the rug that people ignore. What a step up that is.

    An "oh well" moment sums it up pretty good.
    I don't dress up because I want to be a woman, I dress up to make me happy.

  16. #16
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    Depending on the doctor and the circumstances, I've had it both ways.

    A several times I;v gone to the doctor wearing a bright toenail color and expected to keep my shoes on, but got told to take my shoes and socks off. Once, I even had to take of my socks and shoes and pick up marbles with my toes at PT, so the whole office could see. Other times I left my nail polish on knowing that I would have to take my shoes and socks off. No big deal either way.
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

  17. #17
    Silver Member Leslie Mary S's Avatar
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    I chicked out

    Went to my GP about 3 weeks ago and wanted to tell her I was a CDer. I thought about it and decided that there was no earthly reason I should tell her or her staff. My wife and I were one of her first 50 patrons at her new clinic. Now if I had had to peel down to the civvies then she would have seen the nice pastel green of panties I was wearing. She told me to loose weight. I was at 244 lb. Now at 226 lb and going to a gym almost daily and altered my diet. Coach say dn't worry about the pounds, just build muscles. He does't know my DRs directives.
    Leslie Mary Shy
    Remember this:
    You do not have to be a man to love a woman, or be a woman to love women's clothes on her or yourself.

  18. #18
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    Leslie Mary, Good for you on the weight loss and going to the gym. Those two things are so important to a healthy lifestyle. I’m just back from a fun time in NY and can’t wait to get to the gym this morning.
    Once you make it part of your daily routine it becomes real easy to keep it up.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Glenda58's Avatar
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    I always go under dress. Told my doctor I was transgender he put it in my charts. Wants to sent me to another doctor for hrt my just to old for that now.

  20. #20
    Gold Member Jaylyn's Avatar
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    I think most doctors know that we exist and are not alarmed by us underdressing. If they aren't by now they are out of the loop and probably from a small town like my doctor is. It would probably appear in the county paper if any CDs were found out by our small town docs.

  21. #21
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    I go see my primary care doctor 4x a year. One of those 4x is a physical. Since I underdress all the time. I just went without realizing it was a physical exam. I apologized when I disrobed because I was wearing panties and pantyhose, to which the Dr. replied in a comforting tone, that it doesn't matter. Since that ice-breaker, it's become a non-issue for me.

  22. #22
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    We'll never know for certainty what is said afterwards but it still has an amusing side at the time .

    I met my postman dressed for the first time walking down my front path to my car , the second time I nearly bumped into him outside our local supermarket, it still caught him out because it was out of context .

    The first time I met my estate agent I was in drab when I viewed the property , the next time I walked into her sales office it was as Teresa , the penny didn't drop and she politely asked , "Can I help you madam !" I replied , " I hope so Suzanne !" after she'd picked her jaw off the floor she said , " Gosh you glam it up !" I know her reaction caught the attention of others in the office , I'd loved to have been a fly on their wall . That's all in the past now as they expect to see me as Teresa .

  23. #23
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    If TG was entered on my Doc's chart, it could be spread among all the medical specialties in the group who needed to check my records for anything. So, I don't reveal unless red toenails count.

  24. #24
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    I had to go in for a testicular ultrasound. I have been condition which they have been monitoring for a few years, we annual ultrasounds, so not a big deal.

    I had an evening appointment, so home from work and a quick shower. As I was getting dressed I was deciding, should I or shouldn't I. I had a lace top pair of panties in home hand and a drab pair in the other. I was standing there and decided what the hell, and put on the panties. Then the fear factor started and I started to chicken out. Just as I started to pull them down, the wife walks in and says I'd better hurry or I was going to be late. That sealed it, panties it was.

    At the hospital, once in the room, the technician gave me a gown and towel, and left the room. I stripped, but left my panties lying on top of my pile of clothes.

    They did the exam and nothing happened. But it was an ice breaker (and a relief).

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