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Thread: Trigger Points

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Trigger Points

    I frequently think about what makes me want to dress.
    I often go months even a year or so without it even being an issue or a desire than all of a sudden it becomes a necessitate. A requirement that I must address before I can even set forth in my standard drab life. I finally succumb to my deep setted emotions and dress to portray the beautiful sexy women I always admired and loved. Afterwards I feel like I have achieved my goal, I can then finally go about my life.
    For me I find that stress in my normal day to day to be my #1 trigger and the second is reminders of bad moments of my childhood 1 &2 are likely related.
    I have many others but lets hear yours.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Tracy Irving's Avatar
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    My trigger is waking up. I don't always succumb but, so far, I always wake up.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mbmeen12's Avatar
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    This site and many other things....That's the "G" rated version...
    Escapism isn't necessarily bad, but is definitely unhealthy in the long term. While helpful in the short term, things will degrade over time. At some point, the escapee will have to face the issue. Things simply blowing over isn't really going to happen in many situations.

  4. #4
    YOULOVEMYTOES Palaina Nocturnus's Avatar
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    I crossdress because I feel like myself and I feel attractive for once. There are rare moments when I'm feeling gross and stay in man mode lol minus a dress or skirt, I look like a female 247
    Live, laugh, love!

  5. #5
    Senior Member GretchenM's Avatar
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    The psychologists have studied this pretty extensively and have found that stress and memories are major triggers. But most anything can be a trigger. It all depends on your experiences, you total gender identity, and how you associate clothing with the expression of your identity. Stress is a big factor for me as well and when that goes high I go all the way with the expression. It relieves it. Not exactly an escape mechanism, but it has a touch of that flavor. Otherwise, I do a blended presentation with somewhat unisex clothes that tend to be weighted a bit toward the feminine. That is my non-stressed presentation on many days. Not glaringly obvious but apparent if one looks a bit closer than the casual glance will create. I do it for me and don't give a whole of attention to what others might think about it. I occasionally get the funny look, but most either don't notice or don't care. Which is great, because I don't care either. Not sloppy, not fashionable, but my favorite descriptive word - presentable.

  6. #6
    Silver Member
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    Stress is something that makes me want to dress more, but these days I find I just want to dress because I like it, I enjoy it and I feel like me, dressing helps with the stress rather than the stress helping with my dressing, I never go a day without wanting to dress and in fact wear panties every day now and for a long time

  7. #7
    Senior Member Angela Marie's Avatar
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    When I began dressing the feelings of guilt, and the resultant stress, were definitely a trigger point. However over the past year I have become more comfortable and accepting of my feminine side and all that entails. So I would say the triggers are much reduced, if not gone, and my dressing is an expression of who I am rather than a response to a particular situation.

  8. #8
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    In the earlier years, I sometimes dressed for stress relief. Once reconciled however, I now dress because I flatly enjoy the soft feelings and comfort of women?s clothes...from top to bottom. I started with hose of all kinds and they?re still #1. I find I often run my hand up and down my legs and love the sounds when walking. I never tire of the comfort feelings of slipping on hose. I wear panties daily. Much to my wife?s disbelief, I find comfort, in addition to hose, makeup, wearing shapers, underwire bras, slips, heels, girdles, etc. I also enjoy planning what to wear, laying everything out, etc. It continues to be so satisfyingly comfortable.

  9. #9
    Member Victoria_Winters's Avatar
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    I think stress is one of my biggest triggers. I love to dress up and be someone else for a bit. I have kind of created this other persona that is Victoria and I enjoy being someone other then me. I have a huge dysforia about my life. So dressing is almost therapeutic for me. In fact with all the stress and massive changes in my life it has pushed me to be more out going. I am even looking to go out dressed to the local DRAG show and start performing. I?m a bass player

  10. #10
    Member rhonda's Avatar
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    Once you get into cd'ing you're in , you don't need a trigger , everything else is just an excuse

  11. #11
    Member Tania's Avatar
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    Rhonda, well stated.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Shopaholic BTWimRobin's Avatar
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    Hi Tina,

    Welcome to our little community.

    Funny, my wife and I were just talking about this. I don't know why I want to dress. I know it makes me feel complete. It relaxes me and I feel good about myself. I can't say for sure exactly what triggered this desire. Maybe it came from years of living in denial. Once I came to terms with this and started dressing it felt so right.
    - Robin

    Because life is too short not to.

    It's ironic ... I finally found a group of guys I fit in with. Funny how they all enjoy being one of the girls.

    Wife: Why do you fold your panties? Me: I don't like my panties in a wad!

  13. #13
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    I'm with Tracy.
    I don't need anything but waking up, and now I always do that in my nightgown with my bra and forms, so I've got a hair trigger.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  14. #14
    Junior Member
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    This year I took a job at a University that has a more 'liberal' environment than my previous job. Autumn through Spring have traditionally been my peak dressing times, but this autumn, my desire to dress has been elevated, so much so that I took the plunge and have gone to brick and mortar stores to shop for myself. My work related stress levels are no where near where they were prior to this new job, so methinks its the new environment fueling this motivation. But Rhonda is right...

  15. #15
    Member Victoria_Winters's Avatar
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    I usually only want to dress about half the time. Some days I want to dress from the moment I wake up and other days I?m like ?eh?.... mostly
    Because if I dress I want to do make and there are days I?m just REALLY lazy and don?t feel like doing makeup.

  16. #16
    Member Lux's Avatar
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    Rhonda’s comment definitely made me chuckle and I have to agree that pretty much anything is an excuse to dress.

    Having said that though, I would personally say that I have 2 main reasons that I take/make time to dress. As many have said, stress (specifically workplace) is a huge motivator for me. I absolutely love my job but it can get a bit hectic at times. When the weekend comes I get so happy to glam it up and let my inner girl out! After a hot shower, shave and some body oil, the slow transformation begins. I love taking my time here. Add some fun music, a cold drink and I love to experiment with new make up or new wig colors and hairstyles.

    My second trigger is visual. I’ll see something in a fashion magazine, on tv or someone at the mall. Usually it’s a form fitting outfit or gorgeous legs and a pair of sexy heels. I’ll then start to imagine how I can recreate that look myself and there’s my excuse.

  17. #17
    Member Denice's Avatar
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    Mine? Like many here it's rolling out of bed. Plus, all I have to wear now are clothes from the feminine side of the shopping aisle. I'm never stressed so that's not a "why". One excuse I use is that I love women, and admire them. By wearing the same clothing I'm walking a mile in their shoes, (figuratively and literally). It's my way of showing respect and solidarity.

    @ GretchenM
    Otherwise, I do a blended presentation with somewhat unisex clothes that tend to be weighted a bit toward the feminine. That is my non-stressed presentation on many days. Not glaringly obvious but apparent if one looks a bit closer than the casual glance will create. I do it for me and don't give a whole of attention to what others might think about it. I occasionally get the funny look, but most either don't notice or don't care. Which is great, because I don't care either. Not sloppy, not fashionable, but my favorite descriptive word - presentable.
    That's me, as well. Sort of a "Tomboy" look?

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member
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    It is so long since I felt a need to dress up and could not do so that I can't remember. I live alone and spend most of my time in skirts and dresses - mainly dresses. I too wake up, remove my nightdress and put on a bra and pants, tights and a dress, always with earrings, bangles and necklace or pendant, and heels. I have not had a stitch of male clothes on since Sunday and that was just for an hour. I don't wear make up or a wig at home. I recently had ten days staying with friends and did not bring any womenswear with me (I even wore male briefs) and I did not miss it. I didn't have a spare minute and enjoyed being with my friends so much that wanting to do something else simply did not cross my mind. The only exception to this is if I have had a difficult day at work and I just want to get home, have a shower and change into a dress. I don't think seeing beautifully dressed women in the office changes this. So I don't seem to have triggers any more other than fatigue - I just do it. Because I can. If I am at home and on my own this is simply what I wear now. I do not identify as female even if totally dressed - it is just that I prefer to be dressed like this.

  19. #19
    Silver Member CynthiaD's Avatar
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    I’m the same as you, Tina. But for me, the stress sets in after four or five hours in drab.

  20. #20
    Member Cynthia_0101's Avatar
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    I also used to be able to go months or even years without even thinking of dressing, back then stress and other situataions did impact when and if I felt the need to dress. In the last 5 years or so it's settled into pretty much every aspect of my life, although I don't get to dress as much as I would like too.
    Be Yourself, And Be Fabulous While Doing it!

  21. #21
    Silver Member
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    My trigger is the girl in my heart and head. I live alone and am retired. I completely dress (no wig and just lipstick) as soon as I wake up. It's a necessity for my femme self.

  22. #22
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    Like many others, stress is a definite trigger. Probably some psychological disconnect function here if I really analyze. But another one for me is actually helpful for working. I write for part of my living, which I do from home, which I can do dressed. Sometimes it helps me focus; gets me into the mode of doing just that. Puts me in a place to be more productive writing. Who knew crossdressing could be a productivity generator!

  23. #23
    Aspiring Member Joyce Swindell's Avatar
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    I think that things mount up in my sub-conscience that if I go a long period of time it will just hit me all at once. I haven't dressed fully for probably 5 months and I'm feeling it heavily now (the Pink Fog). I do underdress to kind of soften the overwhelming need and that helps. Once I find myself taking bigger risks I know it's time to put plans into effect to get out as Joyce completely. Maybe someday it will all even out. Who knows?

  24. #24
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    I also agree on the stress factor. other things include, I just have an urge(because that's who we are), as already stated to see an attractive woman in a nice outfit as well. it's weird because i'll go month's, and I don't think about it a whole lot. then there will come a time and it's like an itch you can't scratch and the only cure is to dress. once I do all is good in the universe again!

  25. #25
    Aspiring Member Star01's Avatar
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    Star01 said:
    Today 08:59 AM
    Breathing seems to be my trigger point. When I stop doing that I will be at peace. The past few months I have been consumed by my desire to feminize as much as possible. For example, the obsession to shave my entire body, groom my eyebrows, underdress and stare at myself in the mirror thinking of what else I can do is overwhelming. I want to wear jewelry, earrings and makeup but I haven't worn earrings in public since I cut off my long hair due to thinning on top but plan on starting again with some subtle ones. The highlight of today will be taking a hot soaking bath and shaving myself smooth as silk and doing my nails.

    My hands are smaller than those of the average woman and my body hair is light enough that I can shave a couple times a week and maintain my smoothness as well as any TV woman I read about how some who have hairy chests and backs and their struggles but I only have two hairs on my chest that are so light I can't see them even when they get too long. I'm 5'6" and 1/2" with men's 7.5 size feet which blend in well en femme and have very smooth skin and moobs that are a couple inches larger than my chest measurement to the point where my wife once thought I was on HRT behind her back. Weight gain is being taken care of by cutting back in eating and doing situps when I'm watching TV and feel hungry.

    As far as the clothes go, those aren't much good if I don't groom myself properly. I am working on obtaining a more age appropriate wardrobe but at this point the woman inside is first priority and the dressing will follow. Or to put it another way, I am a take off the bra and free the girls person and not so focussed on the clothes. They're important but the girl inside is the reason I dress and if I ignore her she gets bitchy

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    I meant to type GG woman but my phone changed to TV??? Anyways, I can't access edit when using my phone so consider this post as a footnote to my last one.

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