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Thread: Losing weight to improve femme looks

  1. #1
    Aspiring Member Star01's Avatar
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    Losing weight to improve femme looks

    I have mentioned how I went into a funk during my last purge and allowed gained 40#. Some cheered me on and others cautioned me and made the case that women come in all shapes and sizes. All of your points are well taken and I am aware of all of that as I have fought this battle for a long time.

    Dressing is not dependent on weight, if it was I wouldn't be here. When I say diet I'm not referring to some trendy fad but changing my eating habits and doing exercises to strengthen my core.

    Steps taken have been giving up beer which makes a big difference. I cut down my portions and substitute things like carrots and plain crackers as munchies and limit them to small portions. I try to do my floor exercise routine of leg lifts, bun tightening and sit-ups every day. Finally, I live near a walking path and have a big yard so when I add those to this whole mix I will slowly lose weight and tone myself better. Will I get down to where I was twenty years ago? Probably not but the way I approach it is not making me feel deprived and any amount of improvement is good.

    I'm not doing anything crazy or dangerous and have realistic expectations. Who knows, my wife may come home with sweets and knock me off my game so there's that going on as well.

  2. #2
    Senior Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    Good for you! If losing weight were easy we would look like super models. Stick with it, and it will show almost immediately. I still have about 15Lbs to go.

  3. #3
    Aspiring Member
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    I have never had to loose a lot of weight so take my comments for what they are worth. One, good for you, it sounds like you have a plan you can follow and a good start on it. Two, a treat (sweets) once in a while won't matter much as long as you don't go overboard, it's the overall plan in the long run that matters. A treat once in a while will make the rest of the plan easier to follow if you aren't "banned" from treats 100%.
    Three, the exercise, and good diet will make you feel better and be healthier along with the weight loss. To me it sounds like you have it together, stick to it! Sherrii

  4. #4
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Last year I wanted to lose weight, partly for my general health but also I wanted to be in as good shape as possible for my time out and about, limited as that is. Well it didn't happen. Not that I put on much weight but I know now in my mid sixties if I'm not careful the weight can slowly creep upwards and I'll not present enfemme in the way I want to.

    So, if at first you don't succeed, I'm setting myself the goal of making this year the one I stick to my plan. Exercise is the key for me. Of late being retired I've done most of those big jobs you set out to do upon retirement. I noticed I've become more sedentary so that's the change I need to at least initially focus on. I'm not a big eater and drink in moderation but I'm sure there's room for some small maneuvers there.

    So hopefully towards the end of this year Helen will get her annual weekly holiday and be that bit trimmer. I'd like to lose some off my facial features, better cheek bone definition, that sort of thing. I want to present as well as I can. This life is a one off opportunity so I want to make the most of what I can.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Jean 103's Avatar
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    You sound like you got this.

    It is what works for you. A combination of eating right and activities. To lose weight and than maintain. Much easier said than done.

    Ok so I don't really have a problem as I'm like naturally hyper. So as long as I don't over eat I'm good. So if I mention I want to lose five pounds my friends like roll their eyes, I don't bring it up anymore.

    My friends , mostly GGs , struggle with this . My roommate has lost about a hundred pounds. For her I think it is mostly from a change in medication. While I can tell other friends have gained weight.

  6. #6
    Senior Member missjoann49's Avatar
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    Star, you and I are in the same age category, I am just a couple years older
    I started on a diet myself on the first week of the new year
    It is easy to follow and has time regulation as to when you can eat
    6oz of protein meats twice daily along with green vegies and two fruits a day
    Eating time is between 11am and 7pm, no alcohol no soda
    You can have coffee with just a drop of cream, tea and plenty of water
    30oz's of water between the time you get up and 11am before lunch that is your breakfast
    So far I have lost 11lbs in two weeks
    Walking a minimum of 45 minutes a day
    Wish you luck on your goal

  7. #7
    Member DanielleCD's Avatar
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    I struggled with weight for years like many of us. I never bought in to the fad diet crazes, none of them look sustainable in the long run. My wife's friend handed us a book from a cardiologist called Wheat Belly. I wouldn't call it a fad diet as it's a whole completely way of eating, backed up by a lot of science. There will always be naysayers but... I lost 100 lbs, all my chronic health issues went away, no more digestive issues, no arthritis, lipid panels are all normal range, heart rate, blood pressures normal. I have tons more energy and feel great. It takes a complete commitment like anything else but I believe this really works. Another 15 lbs and maybe fit into a size 10? The thinner I am, the better I feel and look in my dresses too.

  8. #8
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    I have used keeping my weight down, and trying to stay in shape so that I would look better in my feminine outfits as an incentive for years. It seems to work better than my real goal which is to maintain my health as I age. Let's face it; My presentation as a ladylike homemaker is just a lot more fun to think about.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  9. #9
    Silver Member Majella St Gerard's Avatar
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    I have had weight problems my whole life, most of my family are big. I hate being heavy. Crossdressing has definitely helped me to keep my weight under control. I don't want to be a fat girl. That is my preference. I never thought that I was a big man until I started wearing women's clothes, now all of a sudden I look like a linebacker in a dress 😂😂😛😜.
    I categorize myself as a Thick Chick, I'll never be thin but I actively watch what I eat, presently I'm back on the Keto diet and want to lose at least 10 lbs for summer. Last year I lost 30 lbs after letting my weight get away from me. Gained 10 lbs after a breakup, trying to get to 160 lbs, I'm 5'7", 5'8" if the moon is full 😄.

  10. #10
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    Women do come in all shapes and sizes. Be it a man or a woman sometimes genetics has a major influence on weight, i.e., some people's genetics is going to make them heavier/bigger than others. Yes, there are things one can do to limit weight. You are taking a sensible approach to losing, and, once obtaining your goal, to maintaining the desired weight. Decades ago I started to feel "slippy." I read the back of the beer and soda cans and decided those empty calories had to go. It is somewhat scary to read that 175 sugar calories requires a lot of exercise to expunge their effect on the body. It was easier to give up beer and soda than to fit in a regime of exercise everyday.

    Walking, not running, or low impact exercises such as swimming is good for losing, maintaining weight. I am in your age group. Sometimes the aging body cannot take the effects of running....back problems. Be sure to get an annual well being physical and blood work every year. I would recommend consulting a dietician.

    In the final analysis as the body ages. it changes. What may have been good many decades ago, may not be good as a senior citizen. Once upon a time I was very fit 175 pounds and six foot two. Now I check in at 195-200 pounds and seem to be stuck there even using the diet you are doing and low impact exercise. I did get down to 185 due to a bout of illness, but, the body returned to that 195-200. At 185 I felt and looked terrible. Yet, at 200 pounds I have many stylish dresses to wear.

    To all those youngsters out there. Be aware of what you put in your body. It's a lot easier to not gain the weight than to lose it later on.
    Last edited by Stephanie47; 01-17-2020 at 07:33 PM. Reason: spelling

  11. #11
    Senior Member Angela Marie's Avatar
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    I have been working out, running, lifting, etc. for over 40 years. For purposes of your health the best method, in my opinion, is to combine cardio with strength training and eat a healthy diet. Generally the Mediterranean diet is considered to be the healthiest. I know many people subscribe to other diets popularized by celebrities or a specific doctor. But the mediterranean diet and lifestyle has stood the test of time. As for looking more feminine I always come down on the side of health vs. appearance. Just my opinion.

  12. #12
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Star do whatever works for you.

  13. #13
    Banned Read only
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    My weight has been up and down all my life for various reasons but after being diagnosed type 2 Diabetes I managed to lose 75 pounds by giving up pretty much all carbs except for beer and liquor. Now I have it under control with my diet well enough to not need medication. I still drink beer and liquor but don't eat very much pasta, potatoes, rice, beans, bread and tortillas (big one for me) I mainly eat meat, fruit and vegetables, but heavy on the meat.

  14. #14
    Silver Member Devi SM's Avatar
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    I'd practiced Keto for years and really works except when in HRT. I dont know but my eating preferences changed and now was hard to lose weight so I gave up. I found something g very interesting after gaining again 10 pounds, that now fat doesn't accumulate on my belly but in my butt and hips so doing exercises specific directed to enha ce those areas had giving me a better hourglass shape. So to lose weight to get a more femenine shape can be a bad idea because shoulders will look bigger but without hormones hips and butt will grow at the end and after belly and other areas.
    HRT 042018; Full time 032019
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  15. #15
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I have a suggestion. its a book on nutrition with the uplifting title of ?How Not to Die?. I?ve always been health/nutrition conscious and physically active, but I learned a lot that I think might be of interest to you as well. Good luck and keep at it!
    Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

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  16. #16
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    I?m back on Weight Watchers myself as of New Years. I do lift at the gym, run (when the weather is nice), bike, etc., so I am pretty active, but I love to eat! Anyway, I?m planning to drop 20 more pounds or so.... then I?ll have my great girlish figure back to where it needs to be. By the way, it?s going great! I?m 8 pounds down over the past two weeks! Oh no! I might have to buy some new clothes! 😁

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member Star01's Avatar
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    By way of clarification I am 5'7" and 185#. In the early 2000's I was around 163# and dieted down to 145# while in the midst of a very strong pink fog. Looking good while dressed was my main motivation but losing that much wasn't necessary or sustainable. I should make it clear that I lost weight through diet and exercise and nothing drastic or harmful. When my dressing opportunities were few due to family with kids moving in for close to ten years took away my privacy I allowed myself to gain. Consequently, a goal of losing 20# to the 160's would be attainable and sustainable but I don't expect to ever see 145# again.

    As the old joke goes, "dieting is easy, I've done it thousands of times. 10# loss would be nice, 15# better and 20# would be awesome. I was put on blood pressure medication last spring so there are health reasons as well but I'm at that age where those things can happen regardless of weight. I used to run three to five miles a day in my 20's but a two level neck fusion and sore knees says that the bouncing from running won't work anymore and a bicycle would be my best option. I wish we had a dollar for every exercise bike we sold at garage sales because we didn't use them and they were getting in the way. I have a long history of fighting the battle of the bulge so this is all familiar territory.

    My insurance pays for a free membership at the Y but I hesitate to join because I'm shaved all over, and paint my toenails. My hiking boots require custom inserts from a podiatrist that likely would make it hard to find athletic shoes they'll fit in. There could be friends and relatives using the Y so that is part of the reason I don't join as well. Then there are my dodgeball memories from high school gym class. One of our star athletes who went on to a career as a fighting NHL enforcer/defenseman used to take me out all the time. It's amazing that those little red balls can hurt so much. Anyways, my brushes with gyms haven't been very good experiences so I find ways to exercise at home.
    Last edited by Star01; 01-18-2020 at 12:43 PM.

  18. #18
    Silver Member Pumped's Avatar
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    I am 5'10" and 180-185 right now. A year ago I was bumping 200 pounds. My colestoral was around 250, last check 200. I don't put a lot of effort into it, but cut way back on carbs, I eat very little potatoes, very little pasta and soda pop, regular or diet. Sure I indulge once in a while. I also cut my portion size. If I "think" I want a second helping, I probably don't need seconds! My wife and I would get a large pizza, she would eat one or two slices and I would eat the rest. Today thew same large pizza lasts two meals.

    Dieting is simple, just eat less calories. The hard part is sticking to it!
    Last edited by Pumped; 01-17-2020 at 11:26 PM.

  19. #19
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    I'm the heaviest I have ever been and not happy about it and no matter what I do I can't lose any weight only gain it, maybe someday when I get off my meds I can turn things around.
    Last edited by Tracii G; 01-17-2020 at 09:07 PM.

  20. #20
    Member DianaPrince's Avatar
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    I want to lose a bit of weight for health reasons, but I’m also afraid I’ll lose what little natural cleavage I have. \_(ツ)_/‘

  21. #21
    Silver Member Devi SM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumped View Post

    Dieting is simple, just eat less calories. The hard part is sticking to it!
    It's not that easy, basically we gain excess weight and get overweight because slowly through the years we get the sugar addiction and the misconception on avoid the "sugar" take to many in a loop. Sugar is on all processed food even in fruits. If you think just how many oranges you're eating with that glass of orange juice in your breakfast will discover how unhealthy is. It's not suppose, living, naturally, we could eat so many oranges in a meal, then if you add all the pastries, ice cream or even our sweet dressing in some healthy salads, it's not an easy task to defeat sugar addiction. Just self education on the effects of sugar in a fatty liver, abused pancreas producing too much insulin to move the sugar on the blood stream to the liver, the extra hard work to our heart irrigating a big body, etc.'s not easy, so don't overwhelm to those that can't because after a while our body is our worse enemy....
    HRT 042018; Full time 032019
    Orchiectomy 062020; gender& name legal changed 102020
    Electrolysis face begins 082019, in genitals for GCS 062021
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    GCS 072022; BBL 022023; GCS revision 04203;END TRANSITION

  22. #22
    Senior Member Angela Marie's Avatar
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    Sugar is in fruit but the fiber and other nutrients in the fruit metabolize the sugar more slowly; putting less stress on the liver. You have to avoid, as much as realistically possible, added sugars. A balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, some lean meat is still the healthiest diet. Are there exceptions? Of course. But for most of us that works fine. And I forgot, alcohol in moderation.

  23. #23
    Silver Member Leslie Mary S's Avatar
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    I am 76, stand at 5 ft and presently weigh in at 230. My Dr. wants me to lose 50 lb as soon as possible. I have a reduced diet but have trouble getting onto the exercise programs. I have maintained 230 for over 10 years. Now there was a short period when I got down to 210. Then I fell and broke bones and the DR had me to stop the exercises. Well the bones are healed so I am trying to get back into the exercise thing. So here I go. my target is 185.
    Leslie Mary Shy
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    You do not have to be a man to love a woman, or be a woman to love women's clothes on her or yourself.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Maid_Marion's Avatar
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    I am very conscious of slip and fall situations. I don't hesitate for grab onto something for balance, or carefully lower myself to squatting position to reduce the chance of injuring myself. Walking practice in high heels has improved my balance. Every winter someone I know gets injured. Do you know that many people use shopping carts to get across parking lots when they start to have balance issues?

    Last edited by Maid_Marion; 01-18-2020 at 09:36 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    I do this when I want to lose weight. It?s very simple and might work for you.
    1). Make a chart, date across the bottom weight on the vertical. Draw a line on the chart starting with your current weight and dropping 1 lb per week.
    2). Every morning weigh yourself and put a dot on the chart.
    3). If the dot is above the line, only fruits and vegetables for you that day. If the dot is below the line, eat and do whatever you want.
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