I have the alone time now I could write another thread, I just wrote one about my strange sister in law, and a interesting day. While the women were out I dressed up and went to a crossdressing store that I went to a few weeks ago. Last time there I asked if they still did make overs there and she said they were renovating and would let me know when they were done so she can show me. Yesterday she sent me a text that if I wanted to check it out, and looking for any excuse to go out dressed today I called her and dressed and went. When I got there she told me to wait because there was a client there and he didn't want to be seen. When I walked in I was introduced to what I believe was a women who did the make overs. She showed me around and at the same time she looked me over and once finished she asked me what my goal was and what or how I wanted to be seen when I walked on the street? I told her that Im mostly in the closet and pretty happy there but when I do step out I don't believe I could pass as a women but I want to look decent and respectful and maybe passible enough that I want to maybe just blend in. She said that she didn't think that I see what's in the mirror, I had a puzzled look on my face. She asked me to walk towards her and to look myself in the mirror, and as I was walking over she said how could I think I look presentable with "HONK". She grabbed my private area and asked me why I don't she the bulge sticking out. WOW! she was right, she asked me to sit down and she started to explain that I have to see what's actually in the mirror and not what I want to see in the mirror a common mistake. She told me to either tuck it in or buy some girdle panties. She pointed some other little things and told me if I want to book a few hours with her in the future she could fine tune me a bit. I got up and looked myself in the mirror and there it was popping out like a sore thumb and I didn't notice it, I thanked her and told her I guess I see alittle delusional. I walked back to my car in a not so confident walk like when I walked in. I guess I still have a lot to learn, not so complete as I thought.