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Thread: Twenty Questions

  1. #51
    monica girly MonicaGirly's Avatar
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    May 2010
    1) When did you start dressing?
    Throughout childhood, but I would say thirteen was when it really fabricated in a real way.

    2) At what age did you pick your name?
    Sixteen, but I think that was too young to pick. I have since chosen another name, but unfortunately I didnt find it until after I had already made this profile.

    3) why did you pick that name ?
    Monica was my favorite character on Friends! However, a few years ago my mom told me that during her pregnancy she didnt know my gender until birth and if I had been born a girl my name would have been Mariana. So from then on, thats what my CD name has been.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Happily Married to the love of my life! <3

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know?
    Yes, but we are DADD (do), but we are working on it

    6) When did you tell them?
    After one year of dating. Actually 6 years two days ago.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling)
    Not Great. My Dude. Not Great.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?
    Yes, I would tell her in a better more gentle way, and a lot sooner. As it was I told her drunk on a Monday night while we were long distance in college (Celebrating best friends 21st). Let me tell you- that is most definitely not the way to do it.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to?
    Not particularly. Nice daily looks. I like to put together realistic outfits. Other than that I love floral prints especially on sundresses

    10)What is something that you would like us about you?
    I love watching sailing blogs and reading

    11) Favorite place to shop?
    Platos closet, Target, and Forever 21

    12)Have you purged?

    13) If so did you regret it?

    14) Any advice to new cders?
    Be confident and dont be so afraid. Believe me, you care 1000x more than anybody else does. So chill and just do you.

    15) Do you do your own makeup?
    Yes, I have never had anyone else to do it for me. I would love that though

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ?
    Although I know Im not successful, I try as hard as I can to pass. Its a challenge I love pursuing.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell?
    Only my wife. I love her so much and I wish I could be more open with her about it.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out?
    Just one.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed?
    The first time I did full makeup and wig. I had a blast working on my make up and then did a little photo shoot with all of my new clothes ( I had gone shopping that day). I remember how much fun it felt to just go all out. Then I binge watched Vikings for a few hours and went to bed.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing?
    I just wish it was understood that its just something fun I love to do as an escape and to have fun and relax. It really helps me relieve stress and get into flow state. Like someone who loves getting lost in art. In the end Its just clothes and usually just for a few hours. Nothing about me is changed, Im still 100% me. I wish they knew how important it was to me, and that I miss it. And that if I could do it again, Id still be me.

  2. #52
    Junior Member lynn.crossdresser's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Di;4441398]Twenty questions

    Thought we might get to know each other. No comments on anyone?s answer please just your answers . If there is something you do not want to answer or it does not pertain to you just put N/A

    1) When did you start dressing?
    I was about 18 years old when I discovered the wonders of female undies and luckily for me my girlfriend now wife soon pick up on my liking for them, with her encouragement they have always played an important part in our sex life. Unlike many others I never thought about fully femming up until I was about 40 years old, 20 years later I am very comfortable swapping from one to the other personas.[/I][/B]

    2) At what age did you pick your name?
    I picked Lynn but my Wife calls me Felicity or Flick so Flick it is, I was about 45 years old.

    3) Why did you pick that name?
    See above

    4) Are you married, single ect?
    Happily married.

    5) Does your wife/girlfriend know?

    6) When did you tell them?
    I never had too; it was with her encouragement that Felicity naturally grew, if anything it took me longer to except my feminine wants/needs than it did her, in truth she never really had a problem with it.

    7) How did that work out (the telling)
    As above, working out better with each passing day.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?
    I wished I fully dressed earlier like in my 20s but coming from a family with a very Victorian father (men go to work and the woman stay at home) I couldn?t even think about it or even admit to myself having such thoughts.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to?
    I love the smart office look, tight pencil skirts, frilly blouses and heels.

    10) What is something that you would like us to know about you?
    Don?t let the panties fool you; I?m only submissive to my wife.

    11) Favourite place to shop?
    Roman?s, ASDA or any female clothing store.

    12) Have you purged?
    No, I never felt the need to.

    13) If so did you regret it?

    14) Any advice to new cders?
    There is nothing abnormal or unusual in cross-dressing, remember that you are unique just like the rest of us.

    15) Do you do your own makeup?
    Only when I want to look like a clown, so the answer is no I don?t, I don?t really use it at all.

    16) What things do you strive for (goals)?
    To stay fit or even get fitter.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell?
    No, it?s not really anyone else?s business, yes it would be good just to pop out to the shops as my fem self but it?s not going to happen without repercussions, plus I am quite content being a stay at home CD.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out?
    Not out as far as I am aware and if anyone does know it is up to them to deal with it, my family are far more important than me coming out.

    19) The best time (so far) you have had dressed?
    I?ve shared so many with my wife, the first time she took me away for a weekend and she had me fully femmed up, the full works for the first time in a hotel room or when I was fully made up whilst staying on a caravan site for the weekend and with her encouragement we went out for an late night stroll around the site, oh I can still feel the breeze on my stocking covered legs.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing?
    I couldn?t wish for a more understanding wife, if anything I wish that I understood more as with the why?s and why nots with it all.

  3. #53
    tiptoeing thru the tulips ellbee's Avatar
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    Aug 2016
    This seems like it may be fun & helpful... Thanks, Di!

    1) When did you start dressing?

    Age 6 -- Though if I had a sister, it probably would have been much earlier.

    2) At what age did you pick your name?

    There have been a few along the way, LOL

    3) why did you pick that name ?

    The original one & all its derivatives? Name of an amazing (and hawt!) GG-friend/crush back in 6th grade. Loved her in all kinds of ways! Eventually realized her name just seemed to best fit my own personal "brand" of femininity, if that makes sense.

    4) Are you married, single etc?

    Single -- mostly by choice. Though not gonna lie: All this does sometimes hold me back a bit in various ways.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know?

    Some past GF's did.

    6) When did you tell them?

    Eventually. Voluntarily.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling)

    They weren't exactly thrilled, to say the least. GG-friends, on the other hand, actually *preferred* hanging out with me all dolled-up!

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?

    Generally-speaking, to learn to accept myself better/sooner. And realistically? Probably truly takes a lifetime to master.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to?

    Have run the gamut over the decades. Mostly athleisure, these days. Though I still enjoy glamming it up sometimes, too!

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you?

    That I've spent waaaay too much time, money, energy & focus on all this, throughout my life. However, this is also the hand I was dealt. I didn't choose this. I suppose it could be better -- or worse. Such is life. Fortunately, it does bring me spiritual contentment & enlightenment, as weird as that may sound... So, it isn't all for naught.

    11) Favorite place to shop?

    Since the late '90s? The internet!

    12) Have you purged?

    Too many times to count.

    13) If so did you regret it?

    On quite a few levels, not so much. Whatever, can just be the nature of the biz. (Never again, however!) Doing so tended to set me on a different, better & truer path. Unfortunately, digital photos from over the years, *poof*, no longer exist.

    14) Any advice to new cders?

    Welcome to one heck of a ride! You'll probably experience some ups & downs, and twists & turns. Triumphs & struggles. Joy & sadness. Pride & shame. It happens. That said, it is an interesting journey! Live your life & love yourself as best you can.

    15) Do you do your own makeup?

    Since I was 13.

    16) What things do you strive for (goals)?

    In terms of all this? To be more brave, open & true-to-myself a bit more often.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell?

    Everyone who I feel needs to know, pretty much already knows, to some extent or another. And always have to take it on a case-by-case basis for people yet to come into my life.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out?

    Long time ago, but 2 separate incidents (at the time: a co-worker, and neighbor-friend -- both males) each inadvertently saw me out & about on different days. Later on (while I was presenting as a guy), things escalated quickly in each case & fistfights almost ensued, no joke. They eventually backed off... I just think they finally realized they didn't want to get their ass kicked by a pissed-off "girl"!

    19)The best time (so far) you have had dressed?

    Probably one of the nights my former social circle & I used to go out clubbing/bar-hopping (including "vanilla" hetero places) -- an era where I was at the "top of my CD game," so to speak. Definitely got a good firsthand glimpse into the life of being a GG! Exhilarating. Terrifying. Awesome & surreal. Many cans of worms were opened. The grass is not greener on the other side... But it most certainly can be *quite* unexpectedly different!

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing?

    To all those in a CD'er's life? It may not exactly be your cup of tea. You may even find it odd or disturbing or confusing, on some level or another. Believe me, I get it. But on the same token? This is who we are. It is a part of us. God knows why. It just is. It's probably never going to completely go away. Ever. Years later, after a long hiatus, it may suddenly pop up again out-of-the-blue, for no apparent reason. We sometimes struggle with it all -- just as you may. CD'ers have to learn to live with it as best we can... So, I suggest those in their lives wholeheartedly try to do the same. We definitely appreciate it -- and you -- so much!!

  4. #54
    Member Petra1's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    1) When did you start dressing? About 8th grade.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? Mid 30s, I think.

    3) why did you pick that name ? Miss December 1989 is one of my favorite Playmates.

    4) Are you married, single etc? Married.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes

    6) When did you tell them? Early in our relationship

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) It was exciting for her, at the time.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? Not sure.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Above the knee skirts and heels.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? Not sure.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Don't really shop. Just find things while I'm out.

    12)Have you purged? Only worn out items.

    13) If so did you regret it? N/A.

    14) Any advice to new cders? Be yourself.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for (goals)? Having a complete transformation and going out in public beyond the late night/early morning walks down the driveway.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Not anyone I haven't already told.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? No

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Interacting in person with a GG in person.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? Not sure.
    Last edited by Petra1; 04-16-2020 at 04:47 AM.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    1) When did you start dressing?
    Age 28

    2) At what age did you pick your name?
    I use my birth name

    3) why did you pick that name ?
    See 2. answere

    4) Are you married, single ect?

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know?

    6) When did you tell them?
    Couple of weeks after the first time I dressed

    7) How did that work out ( the telling)
    She didn't freak out, but I told her I won't do it again, which I meant then. When the urge came again a year later I told her that it's not going away and she accepted it.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?
    No, everything happens for a reason, and everything I did in the past is the direct consequence of something that happened before, so I'm not lingering about the past

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to?
    The office, secretery type of dresses. Pencil skirt with matching top or short dress. For jewelry I like pearl neclases and bracelets and I have a thing for large metal wristwatches. And also I love the brides maid type short dresses for some reason.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you?
    I dress to feel relaxed and also to be turned on.

    11) Favorite place to shop?
    New Yorker. It's fairly cheap, has a lot of them in my city and big enough to disappear in it.

    12)Have you purged?
    Yes, partially about 2-3 times.

    13) If so did you regret it?
    Yes when I threw out my only pair of heels. I have a hard time buying heels because shoe stores don't have changing room I don't have the confidence to just try them out and not care about other opinion

    14) Any advice to new cders?
    Yes, it is possible to just like to dress without being gay or TG. If you are afraid of it, don't. If you are haven't considered yourself gay or TG up until this point, chances are you won't in the future as well.

    15) Do you do your own makeup?
    I don't do makeup at all.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ?
    It would be nice to come out of our DADT situation with my wife and if sometimes I could go out dressed to a quite place (for example a coffeeshop) and just be there without fear or embarassment

    17) Anyone you would like to tell?
    One of my best friends, but since he comes over to our house quite often and is pretty close to my wife too I don't want my wife to feel weird knowing that he knows it too.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out?
    No. I came out to my wife and to one of my friends. Both were understanding.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed?
    Once my wife were out of town for a couple of days with our daughter so it was no chance to come home unannounced. I could be dressed as long as I wanted careless. I remember one night I made myself a Mojito and watched a movie.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing?
    Know I think I explained it pretty well when I came out.

  6. #56
    Aspiring Member
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    Pacific Northwest
    1) When did you start dressing? Age 9. Full outfit for Halloween. My Mum dressed me up at my request.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? Age 42.

    3) why did you pick that name ? It is my wife?s nickname for me in male mode. It is the name of the source of the monster?s brain in the Mel Brooks movie, Young Frankenstein. For my 55th birthday, my daughter bought me a T-shirt with my name on the front side and Young Frankenstein logo on the back.

    4) Are you married, single etc? Married 43 years as I write this.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes

    6) When did you tell them? Year 3 of our marriage

    7) How did that work out ( the telling). Mt. St. Helens was a milder reaction and it occurred the same year.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I would not tell her. I was in the Army. I can keep a secret and I have several that she will never know.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Business and social casual, but the more dressy side of blending into the occasion. I go for the male side of the same style when in male mode. Skirts whenever reasonable. If the look calls for denim, I usually go for a jeans skirt. I shop with the GGs, getting many of my clothes at Macy?s and their boutique and on line competitors.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you?

    11) Favorite place to shop? The nicer sides of Macy?s and their boutique and on line competitors.

    12)Have you purged? Yes, once.

    13) If so did you regret it? Yes. I will not do it again. If I ever get to that emotional state again, I will use the back side of the attic, not the trash bin.

    14) Any advice to new cders?

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes, always. I have done only one makeover so far. That was part of a Glamour Shots photo shoot long ago.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? To look realistic and blend in, but better dressed for the occasion than most. That goes for both femme and male modes.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Nope. I tried that once. It did not go well.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? Yes. I will not do that again.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? There have been many. Oktoberfest stands out among the more recent. The dress and accessories and the song and dance. I never drink but I have a better time than most who do and that is saying something at Oktoberfests.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? That I do it for fun, to enjoy, to relax, and to escape.

  7. #57
    Senior Member BrendaPDX's Avatar
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    Portland, Oregon
    Thanks for the twenty questions, this will be fun

    1) When did you start dressing? In my sophomore year in high school.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? When I joined this forum 5/30/2016

    3) why did you pick that name ? Just a nice person I once knew from my childhood

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? DADT

    6) When did you tell them? I left too many clues

    7) How did that work out ( the telling). DADT

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? No

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Girl next door look.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? It's all in my posts

    11) Favorite place to shop? Thrift stores. Too scared to go to women's clothing stores, but given what I have read here I might try it sometime.

    12)Have you purged? Yes, once. Never again!

    13) If so did you regret it? Yes

    14) Any advice to new cders? Times are changing, enjoy this time in your life.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? To blend, not over the top, just pretty.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Nope.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? NA

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Being complemented while buying coffee

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? NA

    Thanks for the personal reflection moment

  8. #58
    Silver Member Aunt Kelly's Avatar
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    Greater Houston
    1) When did you start dressing? Age 5 or 6

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 59

    3) why did you pick that name ? It's the standard for a sweet Irish colleen, of course.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes

    6) When did you tell them? As soon as we started dating seriously.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) Still together, even after we both realized that I am TS.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? Started therapy sooner.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Oh my, yes. Something along these lines... 3fe2551dad0126b53001639608b30ef9.jpg

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? It's pretty much all in my profile.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Amazon

    12)Have you purged? Yes, but not in the last thirty years or so.

    13) If so did you regret it? Not really. It's a ready-made excuse to go shopping.

    14) Any advice to new cders? Accept yourself. You are unique but definitely not abnormal.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? Transition

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Not particularly, though that will be unavoidable eventually.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? None worth mentioning.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? That's a little to personal. Next question.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? Not for those that know. They pretty much get it.
    Calling bigotry an "opinion" is like calling arsenic a "flavor".

  9. #59
    Aspiring Shopaholic BTWimRobin's Avatar
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    1) When did you start dressing? Almost one year ago ? Officially at 57 although I?ve had the desire my whole life.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? At 57

    3) why did you pick that name ? Robin was a girl in middle school. I loved how she did her make up. Especially how she wore mascara. I wanted to look like her

    4) Are you married, single ect? married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes, although I?m not sure she knows to what extent.

    6) When did you tell them? Once I realized I needed to start dressing. I did not want to hide it from her.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) Okay, I guess. She was pretty surprised.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? Yes, I probably would have changed my choice of words when I came out to her.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? So far it?s casual everyday wear. Leggings, jeans, tunic tops.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? When I started dressing, I unconsciously stopped biting my nails. Growing them out has become my new obsession.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Lane Bryant and Torrid although I wish they had a discrete shipping option.

    12)Have you purged? No

    13) If so did you regret it? N/A

    14) Any advice to new cders? Be upfront and honest with both yourself and your SO. Take it slow and have fun.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Just mascara, lip liner, lipstick and a brow pencil.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? To be a feminine version of myself.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? There?s a woman I work with who I almost came out to.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? I?ve only come out to my wife and my aunt. My wife was surprised and my aunt wasn?t surprised at all and she was happy for me. So, far no bad reactons.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? My wife was away for a couple of weeks in December. I was able to dress all the time.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? I wish my wife truly understood that dressing has not changed me as a person. This is something I need to do for my personal sanity. I am still the man she married and wearing a dress does not change the love I have for her.
    - Robin

    Because life is too short not to.

    It's ironic ... I finally found a group of guys I fit in with. Funny how they all enjoy being one of the girls.

    Wife: Why do you fold your panties? Me: I don't like my panties in a wad!

  10. #60
    Aspiring Member jacques's Avatar
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    1) When did you start dressing? 8

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 50

    3) why did you pick that name ? a variation on J'accuse (I accuse the world of bigotry)

    4) Are you married, single etc? married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? yes

    6) When did you tell them? aged 23

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) - wife said "it's only clothes!"

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? would like more confidence

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? younger than my true age

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? said a lot already

    11) Favorite place to shop? New Look

    12)Have you purged? partly in the past

    13) If so did you regret it? yes

    14) Any advice to new cders? - enjoy yourself, you are doing nothing wrong

    15) Do you do your own makeup? yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? no goals

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? it is private but not secret

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? not "out"

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? that will be tomorrow

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? everything

  11. #61
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Di View Post
    Twenty questions

    1) When did you start dressing?
    I was 5 or 6 when I first wore my mother's panties then bra

    2) At what age did you pick your name?
    I've had several over the years but my real name was chosen when I finally decided to come out to my wife fully. I was 49.

    3) why did you pick that name ?
    I was adamant that it would not be some female variation of a common male name. I wanted it to be feminine and distinct. I wanted it to be me.
    It was also a slight homage to my very first crush.

    4) Are you married, single etc?
    Very happily married.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know?
    Yes, I was going crazy hiding from everyone and finally told her everything.

    6) When did you tell them?
    Just over 20 years ago.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling)
    It involved many tears, heart aches, long nights talking, and the most nervous night of my life when I dressed fully for her for the first time.
    It took time, but she is fully understanding and accepting.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?
    I would have released myself from all the secrecy and guilt at a much younger age and come out when I was in college.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to?
    I love classic styles. I prefer skirts and blouses for the variety and flexibility they give my wardrobe and for the ease of which I can better fit my figure. As I've matured my style has become what some
    might call average and that's just fine. I'm happy being me and just being "one of the girls". I'm just as comfortable in jeans and a top as in a beautiful gown or dress and I feel just as much ME no
    matter what I'm wearing and that's what I've always wanted.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you?
    I'm a little lonely now that we've retired. Though I dress nearly full time now I crave others to share what I've learned. Unfortunately we seem to have moved to an area without many like me and I
    haven't been able to find any groups or singles within a reasonable distance to make new friends.

    11) Favorite place to shop?
    Lord & Taylor for one. They have some great deals on closeouts and I'm a bit "cheap" I also like getting deals on eBay. It's been a while since I've gone clothes shopping as I have a fairly extensive
    wardrobe and am currently trying to wear everything just to make sure I still like what I have and that it all still fits with all this quarantine business.

    12)Have you purged?
    Of course, who hasn't? I've done it 4 or 5 times, not since I came out to my wife and never again.

    13) If so did you regret it?
    Of course, I spent a good deal of money on those things and just threw away so many lovely dresses and shoes and lingerie. It hurts just to think about it.

    14) Any advice to new cders?
    Find a support group. Meet others and talk, share and learn. It will help you grow and give you more self-confidence. It will also help take away those feeling of guilt and shame that many of us bear.

    15) Do you do your own makeup?
    Yes. I had my wife do it once an age ago for Halloween. I've had a few makeovers by professionals, but now I simply do my own. I know how I want to appear to the world and I've developed enough
    skill to be able to do it myself. Besides, I just love the process. Seeing the change is rewarding and also emotionally satisfying.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ?
    I just want to be me. Not sure where this is leading, but I'm enjoying the journey now that I have accepted myself.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell?
    Wish my mom was still alive and that I could tell her. I think she would accept me and that would be an enormous emotional lift.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out?
    Yes, I was very close to someone a lifetime ago and when I told her she turned away and it ended something beautiful.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed?
    Some 14 years ago the wife and I took a "girls only" vacation. We traveled around New England for a week as girlfriends. I was able to spend the entire week dressed. We went everywhere, to National
    Parks, shopping, to dinner, museums and a tour of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream factory. It was nerve wracking at first but by day 3 that all passed and the trip gave me such confidence in myself.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing?
    Everything !! I wished they understood that I was chosen. I did not select this for myself. I'm not gay as they would think. I'm not crazy or a freak. I'm just someone who has this femininity inside that
    NEEDS expression and this is the way I do that.
    I wish they could understand that the qualities they see in me, the understanding, the caring, the sensitivity all are derived from my femininity. I'm not trying to compete with or outdo anyone. I'm not
    trying compensate for anything. I'm just trying to be me in what I feel is my best form.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  12. #62
    Silver Member Stephanie Julianna's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Prospect, CT
    1) When did you start dressing? 7

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 35

    3) why did you pick that name ? A girlfriend said I looked just like a girl she grew up with and it suited me. Julianna is a variation on my middle name and my Dad's who I loved and miss dearly.

    4) Are you married, single etc? married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? yes

    6) When did you tell them? in 1968 when we were in our first year of dating.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) - wife said "Are you gay?!"

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I would have transitioned

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? I dress to pass and still show some class being age appropriate.
    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? You already know my story and if you don't read my threads. It's all out in the open

    11) Favorite place to shop? Nordsrom's Closet

    12)Have you purged? How old are you? Before you were born and many times after that.

    13) If so did you regret it? Is that a question?

    14) Any advice to new cders? - Love yourself. Make no apologies. Listen to your heart and be brave.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Actually had a formal education in doing my own and then taught others.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? To always pass and look genuine.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? I'd love to tell my former boss and friend. She was an Administrator at a facility where I was an Infection Control Nurse.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? Wife is not thrilled. Daughters OK but want it kept under wraps since they had kids. Son in denial.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Read my threads. 40 years of wonderful experiences.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? That I have always been the same loving person they have always known and much of that is because of my dominant feminine side.
    Last edited by Stephanie Julianna; 04-16-2020 at 10:14 AM.

  13. #63
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    NY suburbs
    1) When did you start dressing? 10 or 11

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 48

    3) why did you pick that name ? I was about to play a female character in a computer game and I typed in the name of my first girlfriend. I really liked her style, so I have kept using that same name in a lot of different contexts.

    4) Are you married, single etc? single

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? N/A

    6) When did you tell them? N/A

    7) How did that work out ( the telling)? N/A

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I would have gotten a wig and a lot more clothes when I was in my 20's or 30's. I think I could have passed then. Now, no way. Of course it was a different era and there were consequences back then

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? I tend to dress age inappropriately. I'm not going out and I want to see what I want to see
    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? I do genealogy as a hobby

    11) Favorite place to shop? Payless (RIP), KMart (RIP), Target, online

    12)Have you purged? Nope, much too cheap to do anything like that

    13) If so did you regret it? N/A

    14) Any advice to new cders? If you're young, try lots of things now. You won't look this good forever.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? I don't wear makeup a lot, but when I do I do it myself. Would love to see what somebody who knows what they are doing could do.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? To look as authentic as I can

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? I have a best friend who knows everything there is to know about me, except this

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? N/A

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? The first time I put on a wig and saw Barbara looking back at me from the mirror

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? This has been a part of me almost all of my life. It's something that helped shape the person you know

  14. #64
    Silver Member LilSissyStevie's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    In the total animal soup of time
    1) When did you start dressing? About 4 or 5

    2) At what age did you pick your name? My parents picked it. I just added the little sissy part although they called me that, too.

    3) why did you pick that name ? That's my fantasy.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes

    6) When did you tell them? I told my current wife that I wanted to try it several years into our marriage. I was in my 40s. I hadn't dressed for many years before that so the subject never came up.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) She thought it would be good kinky fun. It was!

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I wouldn't have fretted so much about whether it meant I was gay or trans.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? I call it neo-Rococo

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? Can't think of a thing.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Wherever has what I want at the best price.

    12)Have you purged? Yes

    13) If so did you regret it? Not really. I didn't have much stuff at the time.

    14) Any advice to new cders? Find something more productive to do with your time.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? I've pretty much done it all.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? No

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? My wife laughed hysterically the first time she saw me fully dressed but that was kind of a turn on.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Sorry, forum rules y'know.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? She doesn't have to fully understand it as long as she's willing to put up with it.

  15. #65
    Member HelpMe,Rhonda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2019
    1) When did you start dressing? Pre-puberty, not sure when

    2) At what age did you pick your name? Last year, not giving my age

    3) why did you pick that name ? Signing up for various sites, thought my ear might recognize it somewhat in real life

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Not as far as I know

    6) When did you tell them?
    7) How did that work out ( the telling) N/A

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? Probably would have brought it up before getting serious with spouse

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Below the knee dresses with some chest exposure seems to be the theme

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? My flickr?

    11) Favorite place to shop? Macy's

    12)Have you purged? Never completely

    13) If so did you regret it? N/A

    14) Any advice to new cders? Get a makeover before you get any older!

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Not recently, but virtually yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? Actual makeup again? Hips!

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Yes

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? N/A

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Boys Will Be Girls dressing service

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? It seems to be something that you're born with and really isn't a reflection on other parts of your life

  16. #66
    Banned Read only
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    Jul 2018
    New England
    1) When did you start dressing? Around age 8 as far as I can recall.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? Mid 20s.

    3) why did you pick that name? To honor a psycho ex-girlfriend.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Not as far as I know.

    6) When did you tell them? N/A

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) N/A

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?
    Would have transitioned young.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Skinny jeans and stilettos.

    10) What is something that you would like us to know about you? I look great in skinny jeans and stilettos.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Fashion Nova.

    12)Have you purged? A thousand times.

    13) If so did you regret it? About 4-6 weeks later, yes. Profoundly.

    14) Any advice to new cders? Find a way to explore the real world, to breath fresh air when dressed.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes, and I buy mostly cheap dollar store makeup because it comes off much easier than the quality stuff.

    16) What things do you strive for (goals)
    To be regarded as just another woman on the street.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Everyone and no one!

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? N/A

    19)The best time (so far) you have had dressed? A magical night on the town in Boston.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? It's as much a part of me as the way that I walk and talk.

  17. #67
    New Member CindyR's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    1) When did you start dressing? I think it was around 6

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 40

    3) why did you pick that name ? A woman at the time who i liked her and her style, although i still like other names too.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Singles

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? never told any of them, came close with one girl

    6) When did you tell them?NA

    7) How did that work out ( the telling). NA

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now?
    I wish I could go back in time and explain acceptance top my younger self

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to?
    I like as lot of style, frankly still getting to know most, lately I stated watching video clips on pinterest, amazed at what girls can put together.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? Not really. Nothing special

    11) Favorite place to shop?
    I love the people on this site, your posts encourage me. I wish I could contribute more, but it is hard to write how I feel most times.

    12)Have you purged? Yes twice

    13) If so did you regret it? I do regret it, today it seems ridiculous to do so.

    14) Any advice to new cders? are in good company, take one day at a time, and read the forums, a lot of good advice out are not alone.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? I want to dress more, and strive to get better at makeup

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Sometimes I would like to tell my sister, but then wonder what the point would be.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out?
    NA, but I have heard negative reactions to crossdressing from people around me, even from girls that claim they are TG friendly.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed?
    Haven't gone out dressed, but have had some really proud moments relaxing at home with some great makieup/style combinations.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing?
    I often think about how my family and friends would react...basically I would just want them to accept me for who I am, the same person I have always been..but more chic and stylish :P

  18. #68
    Aspiring Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    1) When did you start dressing? I started wearing my mom?s clothes when I was around 5.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 46.

    3) why did you pick that name ? I joined a support group and they suggested a fem name. There was a girl in college named nikki and i kinda liked the name.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes

    6) When did you tell them? 1991. A couple months into dating. Then 4 years ago I was trans.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling). She didn?t care in 1991, but that was CD. I wasn?t honest with myself or her. In 2016 it was a lot more problematic.?, but we worked it out.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I find it pointless to reflect back on what could have been. I would have taken medication to prevent hair loss earlier.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Pin up, Mod, maybe a touch of goth.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? n/a

    11) Favorite place to shop? Nordstrom because they carry shoes in size 13. Not really my budget though. old navy for regular gal stuff.

    12)Have you purged? yep

    13) If so did you regret it? yep

    14) Any advice to new cders? don?t be sexist or misogynistic. don?t assume because you like wearing women?s clothing you have ANY insight into being a woman, a woman?s experience in the world or because you?re wearing women?s clothing you?re entitled to women?s spaces or experiences. I?m not talking about using a women?s restroom when you?re presenting female and you have to pee and there?s no gender neutral bathroom. take care of the biological needs and dont be weird about being there or do weird stuff in the bathroom. be weird elsewhere.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? yep

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? to live honestly to myself and my loved ones, including my identity as a trans-femme person; enby if you prefer. work in progress. FFS in september but I?m going to push it out till april 2021.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? I?m out to everyone i care about.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? Not really. some people clearly don?t get it and still equate being trans with a sexual paraphillia. Education education education.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Hmmm, one night AllieSF and I had an amazing dinner and met a married couple who were fabulous and engaging and supportive.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? I?m not a cd so i don?t call wearing feminine clothes ?dressing?. I guess I?m mostly the same person they?ve always known, except before I was hiding and repressing a big part of my personality.

  19. #69
    Senior Member mbmeen12's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    1) When did you start dressing? 7-8 years old as to most us, I found my mothers and sisters nylons etc.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 42 ish

    3) why did you pick that name ? My ex and I researched Irish female names

    4) Are you married, single ect? Living with my gf.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes

    6) When did you tell them? Via phone prior to third date

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) Great and in-turn she told me her brother fully transitioned

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? No because I had to learn as I go.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Retro looks sexy to me...

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? Front line/ first responder

    11) Favorite place to shop? Ebay

    12)Have you purged? No

    13) If so did you regret it? N/A

    14) Any advice to new cders? Take it slow and read up...

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? Retire and to able to post my face on my avatar here.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? No

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? N/A

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Going to Trevis in Fairfield Ct with my gurlfriend Sammi

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? N/A they dont know...
    Escapism isn't necessarily bad, but is definitely unhealthy in the long term. While helpful in the short term, things will degrade over time. At some point, the escapee will have to face the issue. Things simply blowing over isn't really going to happen in many situations.

  20. #70
    Member Charla's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    South Virginia
    1) When did you start dressing? When I was 6 years old, I found some of my sister?s clothes and tried them on.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? 45

    3) why did you pick that name ? It?s the feminine version of my male name.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes, coming out to her was a HUGE relief.

    6) When did you tell them? Over Thanksgiving holiday in 2019.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling)Lots of tears, lots of reading to help her understand, joint counseling, but in the end - acceptance.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I would have never gotten married and transitioned much earlier.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Professional and casual.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? I still struggle with self acceptance.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Online, Amazon, Leading Lady.

    12)Have you purged? Many times!

    13) If so did you regret it? Yes, every time.

    14) Any advice to new cders? Realize who you are and follow your dream.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? No, still learning.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? Weight loss, longer hair, female voice.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Everyone

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? Just my wife initially

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Years ago I dressed and went to an all-women coffee club. I felt welcomed and went back three more times. Getting full makeovers by Brooke and Vanity was great fun too.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? My wife doesn?t care that I dress around the house, so no issues there.

  21. #71
    Senior Member Angela Marie's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    1) When did you start dressing? Around 7 or 8. Began wearing my mothers tights.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? Around 50.

    3) why did you pick that name ? I like the name and I think I look like an Angela lol.

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married.

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes.

    6) When did you tell them? On our 2nd or third date.

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) She accepted it. The first time I had a professional makeover she was stunned by how good I looked. She generally does not want to see me dressed but is otherwise accepting. We will talk and kid about it and she often will pick out clothes for me.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I would have been more honest with myself regarding my trans nature

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? I love leggings and tight fitting clothes. I'm pretty small for a guy, 5ft 6 140-145. I'm 65 going on 66 and I think I can still pull it off.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? Nothing really lol. By all outward appearances I'm just a regular person.

    11) Favorite place to shop? Macy's, Amazon, MAC, Sephora.

    12)Have you purged? Yes twice.

    13) If so did you regret it? Absolutely. I discarded many beautiful clothes and wigs. Never again.

    14) Any advice to new cders? Be honest with yourself and your feelings. It will take time. Just try to be a good, understanding person.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes.

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? A more feminine voice and feminine mannerisms. I have been told I am good at both but I keep trying to improve.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Yes. A lot of people. But I have to balance that with the potential reactions and I have to take that into account. It's not always just about me.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? N/A

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? After some professional makeovers.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? Why I do this and how good it makes me feel to express my feminine side.

  22. #72
    happy to be her Sarah Doepner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Utah, north of West Jordan, south of North Salt Lake & west of South Salt Lake
    Twenty questions

    Thought we might get to know each other. No comments on anyone?s answer please just your answers . If there is something you do not want to answer or it does not pertain to you just put N/A

    1) When did you start dressing? I was about 12 years old the first time I had the chance. I would have dressed earlier if possible, I think.

    2) At what age did you pick your name? In my mid-late 40's

    3) why did you pick that name ? I needed a name for my on-line presence. I felt Sarah was a calm and stable name. I added my last name about 5 years later.

    4) Are you married, single ect? I was married for about 40 years. I'm widowed now and living alone

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? She did

    6) When did you tell them? right after she caught me, about 12 years before her death

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) She did her research, found my things and decided the things my feminine side added to our relationship were a bonus and what she loved about me.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? Lots. Probably a lot more honesty earlier, but I'm not sure how that would work out.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? Office, casual, comfortable age and situation appropriate has been my goal so I could try to blend in.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? I've very deliberate, almost to the point of being stationary at times. Regardless I'm still moving forward.

    11) Favorite place to shop? I love thrift stores. They are full of options that allow me to make mistakes without breaking the budget.

    12)Have you purged? Never

    13) If so did you regret it? I would have

    14) Any advice to new cders? Go your own pace, it's not a competition. If you have Gender Dysphoria it will play the long game while you play the short one. Don't be surprised as your needs change over time.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals) ? I'm just trying to be happy. I'm 70 years old and it seems I've forgotten how.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? Yes, the one person who I fear the most. I realize I've given him a lot of unearned power over my life, it's not right.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? So far, none. A little silence from a couple of people has been the worst so far.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? Too many to choose from; Meeting others for the first time and feeling a sense of community; Being in a group of over 100 others for a photo op and enjoying the attention from those watching us; meeting a new CD who is being with others for the first time and seeing their joy; or yesterday unloading the back of my car from a grocery trip and having the neighbor call out "Hey Sarah, when do you usually turn your lawn sprinklers system on?"

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? I held back for years thinking it would make their lives easier, now it's time for me to see where it takes me.
    Being transgender isn't a lifestyle choice. How you deal with it is.

  23. #73
    Junior Member stephaniestilley's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    San Marcos, CA
    1) I secretly wore a skirt once when I was 8 or 9
    2) 22
    3) It's the feminine version of my given name
    4) Single
    5) See above
    6) I haven't experienced that quite yet
    7)See above
    8) I could have made some better outfit choices when I started dressing lol
    9) I like clothes from the 60s-70s
    10) I'm very shy
    11) Goodwill
    12) Yes
    13) Not at all, I had some horrendous clothes at one point
    14) You'd be surprised at how accepting younger people are of trans individuals
    15) I don't like makeup at all
    16) Confidence
    17) I'd like to tell some of my old GG friends that I went to school with, I know they'd be delighted to know
    18) Some of my guy friends found it a little bit strange
    19) Spending ladies time with my roommate and her GG friends, we had a pastime of sewing things in our underwear lol
    20) It's not a sexual thing for me

  24. #74
    Senior Member lisalove's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Near Springfield Missouri
    1. I was 5 years old when I found my first pair of panties while walking to school. My dressing just progressed from there. At 18 and moved out on my own is when I started dressing full time.
    2. I don't was after I got my 1st computer, and joined all the CD sites I could find, and people were asking what my she name is.
    3. Lisa is the name of the girl I had a crush on in high school, she would never go out with me no matter how many times I asked her out. MAries in my Grand Mother's name, she was the only family member besides my brother and sister, to accept me for who I am.
    4. Single, never wanted to be married.
    5. Every woman I ever dated knew. I even met 1 on a CD site.
    6. Since all I own and wear is women's clothes, They'll know on the 1st date, if they knew what they were looking at, they would know they were women's clothes, I would tell them i am a dresser by way of bringing up different life styles etc. to judge how open minded they are. If they seem open minded enough, I tell them about me. If they can't accept it, I rather know before anything serious develops.
    7. My relationships have lasted for quite some time, including a year or more. Something else has come between us and broken the relationships.
    8.Just tried to stay thin, and keep a more feminine figure.
    9. My style is casual, everyday clothes.
    10. I think I have put everything about me, out there for everyone to see.
    11. Thrift stores and Ebay are my favorite places to shop. I like church garage sales and clearance racks too.
    14. Accept yourself, be yourself. And never ever purge. Just put it away, out of site, out of mind, you won't regret that, but you will regret purging.
    16. Just blend in.
    17. Nope, I suspect my friend knows, but I will never bring it up. His Bro in law is a CD, and he saw him dressed, it was not a pretty site how my friend reacted. So better off not knowing if he knows or not. I really don't care to know either.
    18. Nope.
    19. I can't tell details here on a family site, but it involves a beautiful Mexican woman, a white lace corset at a thrift store, and what happened at her house.
    20. That I am me, no matter how I dress.
    Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

  25. #75
    Member Cynthia_0101's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Kingston, Ontario Canada

    20 Questions

    1) When did you start dressing? I was around 7 or 8

    2) At what age did you pick your name? Used Anastasia before finally going with Cynthia around 21 or 22

    3) why did you pick that name? At the time it was not a very common name

    4) Are you married, single ect? Married

    5) Does your wife/ girlfriend know? Yes she does

    6) When did you tell them? About 5 monts into dating

    7) How did that work out ( the telling) It was hard but I knew if we were going to keep dating it was something I had to do.

    8) Is there anything you would have changed knowing what you know now? I would have started learning makeup skills a lot earlier.

    9) Do you have a certain style you are drawn to? The Classics. Long dresses and skits with nice tops.

    10)What is something that you would like us to know about you? I am a huge geek

    11) Favorite place to shop? Addition Elle or Penningtons

    12)Have you purged? Never

    13) If so did you regret it?

    14) Any advice to new cders? Take your time, don't rush into anything and have fun.

    15) Do you do your own makeup? Yes

    16) What things do you strive for ( goals)? I am always trying to better my look.

    17) Anyone you would like to tell? I think everyone that needs to know does at this point.

    18) Any bad reactions when coming out? Only about 5 people know and none really reacted badly about it, just more spurised.

    19)The best time ( so far) you have had dressed? When I actually left the house to take some pictures.

    20) Is there something you wished your loved ones understood about your dressing? I think my wife has heard it all over the years and has a pretty good understanding at this point.
    Be Yourself, And Be Fabulous While Doing it!

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