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Thread: Is your boob size an important factor in your life?

  1. #1
    Silver Member Bobbi46's Avatar
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    Is your boob size an important factor in your life?

    There are many sayings "big is beautiful" and "if you have got it flaunt it" and others I suppose.

    Which brings me to the main question is big boob size an important factor to you in that "big is beautiful" and in saying that are your boobs overly big because you like big ones irespective of whether you look right or not or does your boob size reflect how you should look without drawing unwanted attention because you have more than most, or does your size reflect a true body ballance.

    When dressing became a very serious side of my life I did a lot of research, wanting to look right and not wanting to be looked at because I was "way too big" whilst at the same time not wanting to think "these boobs are little more than man boobs". So at that time (105 kilos 6'-6" and 42" chest size) choosing size was a critical point to bear in mind and one breastform site asked for a whole pile of measurements chest, waist, hips height weight and from that i was advised on a suitable size of form. And from then on I was happy with how I looked, everything in proper proportion to my general size.
    Then after a recent blood test revealed high blood/sugar levels (this January) I cut out all sugar in drinks both soft and tea and coffee and beer I also cut out fatty foods, doughnuts and sweets and chocolate biscuits and so forth. From January to this month I have dropped down from 105 to around 93 kilos.

    Now this where boob size comes into the equation, my girlfriend remarked that now I had lost weight my boobs were now too big for the rest of me, and when you think of this, it is true that when a GG loses weight her boobs get smaller as well.

    So I gave this a lot of thought and realised that the new slimline me was "top heavy" so soon I will be receiving new smaller boobs. My new look should in effect reflect a proper boob/body ballance. The last thing I want is to be looked at because of oversized boobs, its an important factor to me.
    I started life a lost man now I am a found woman

  2. #2
    Senior Member mbmeen12's Avatar
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    my girlfriend remarked that now I had lost weight my boobs were now too big for the rest of me
    She is right....Unless more is not less.
    Escapism isn't necessarily bad, but is definitely unhealthy in the long term. While helpful in the short term, things will degrade over time. At some point, the escapee will have to face the issue. Things simply blowing over isn't really going to happen in many situations.

  3. #3
    Gold Member Helen_Highwater's Avatar
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    Each to their own as the saying goes and it's personal choice as to how someoyne wants their "look" to be. Personally my preference is to look average, the Goldilocks rule, not too big and not too small.

    If going out I usually wear my BFS forms sized at a 42C which fitted well and looked I thought of the correct proportions. However since buying them I've gained a little boobage of my own which has had the effect of making me look just that little big bigger. As it stands it's not too noticeable but I would I feel have to go down the route of smaller forms should I get any bigger myself to compensate.

    So yes, I'm with you, being of the right proportions is something I aspire to but as I said at the start, it's each to their own.

  4. #4
    I NEVER go bare-legged! Kimberly A.'s Avatar
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    Bobbi, boob size is kind of an important factor to me, but I really don't give it much thought as to how my breast forms look in proportion to my height and weight. I simply just chose size D breast forms, because for me, they're not too big or too small and in my opinion, they do look as though they are almost perfectly proportionate to my height and weight. I do, however believe that they draw some unwanted attention sometimes, but you know what? It sort of comes with the territory and while any attention I may receive from men is unwanted, it's expected. LOL

    I hope this makes sense.
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  5. #5
    Silver Member Bobbi46's Avatar
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    I totally agree with what is being said and of course we are all individuals, each allowed to express ourselves as we think fit and no it is not right to say one is too big or too small with one exception, my girlfriend was right and whilst I speak of her I must add that where she lives, in her little hamlet, all of them know, have seen and accept my dressing and it was them as well who politely said "he looks better slimmed down but his boobs are too big for him now. Addd to this that I had a good long long look at myself in the mirror this morning whilst getting dressed, with just panties, a bra and my forms and yes now with my weight loss, I concur that they are a bit too big for me. However there are GG's out there with big boobs some overly big and they are quite happy with them whilst other GG's are unhappy with either being to big ( with back and neck problems included) or those that have very little and too are also unhappy. But does that matter? no because at the end of the day it is down to the individual to choose how big or little they want to be. it is personal preference. For me it is having the need to look right, not to be out of place. I dont mind being looked at, these days it is just a passing glance because because I choose to dress to blend but what I would not want is to be looked at because of the size of my boobs. But hey if it rocks your boat go big and enjoy being looked at lol
    I started life a lost man now I am a found woman

  6. #6
    Silver Member prene's Avatar
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    WHen I first started dressing is was very important to me.
    But for me as I look back, I now wear smaller forms and as long as I can feel them on my chest I am fine.
    I do have THUNDER THIGHS so I can get have bigger boobs and not look to out of place.
    I just want to blend in (i Hope).

  7. #7
    Resident Polymath MarinaTwelve200's Avatar
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    To a degree---They MUST be "Big enough" to see that I definitely have them. Yet not too large as to look "Odd" or "Grotesque" on my female Body form or size. A "C" to small "D" cup is perfect.

  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    A very good question , it is something that takes careful consderation . Lets not also forget women usually go with what they're given , some hate having small boos and envy others with more ample ones and some struggle to face the World through having too larger boobs , at least we have a choce .

    It's good to hear about your weight loss but I'm sure you're missing those tasty extras in you life , health does come first however .
    We are all different with weight loss , some women do lose it off their bust and some don't , the factor to consider is if it's lost on the waistline the boobs will look bigger . Most women are usually more concerned about their hips and bottom and then their waistline but not so much about their bust . Which is why I often smile at some members discussing lower padding , most women really don't want to carry that excess which is the point a very good GG friend made to me .

    The bottom line is go with what you're comfortable with , maybe consider if you were female you wouldn't have the same choice .

    Also you have an alternative for boob sizing , if they get too big you could always let them loose and roll down the street !! I still have that vision , sorry Bobbi !

  9. #9
    New Member Sally Paradise's Avatar
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    I struggle a bit with this. I have 3 pairs of forms in different sizes, two are silicone and one is foam. The foam pair is a great size and works well for getting shape and a nice look for pictures, but have no natural feel at all. I have a pair of double Ds that I got that I thought would work due to having a broad chest (44 inches) but they really only look good with certain outfits. Most times I end up deferring to a pair of Cs that look quite nice with most of my wardrobe and provide me with some nice curves.

  10. #10
    Aspiring Member
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    The size is not that important. The proportion is i have a fairly broad chest and i have tried a B cup, it is way too small. I jump to a D and have been happy. However i am look at getting a C to help the fit of some clothes.

  11. #11
    Reality Check
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    There is a whole science regarding boob size for males wanting to look like females. Some of us have a boob fetish and buy the biggest ones we can find. Others, for whatever reason, choose boobs that are too small for their frame. Boobs need to span the chest, from underarm to underarm and meet in the middle. Some manufacturers make different shaped boobs, wide, narrow, etc. Small boobs on a large frame look as out of place as large boobs on a small frame.

    When selecting boobs, I emailed the breastform store with my measurements and they suggested their size 12 which works out to a "D" on me. I thought that would be too big so I chose size 10 "C" cup. After wearing these a while I realized that they were right, a size 12 "D" would be better so I ordered a pair and they are perfect.

    My goal is to look like and pass as a woman, so selecting the proper boob (and hip) size is important.

  12. #12
    Silver Member Bobbi46's Avatar
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    Krisi you echoed what I did originally but in my case what was right then is different now, I lost weight and "big ones" do not look right on me IMHO others may say "wear what makes you feel good", so all well and good but in a way it is a matter fact of looking right for all occasions, which is the ethos by which I live with now
    I started life a lost man now I am a found woman

  13. #13
    Member Aka_Donna's Avatar
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    You didn't mention size. My take is that even with your size, a D would match perportion, but most are not that size and C would be more appropriate.
    Your weight changed, but not height too much. My take is that C would be idea, D would be out of proportion and B would also work, but may be seen as a tad too small. So it D size, it's time to shrink.

  14. #14
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    I would have to vote for "wear what makes you feel good" as well, I have heard people say that mine are too big
    but I wear what is most comfortable for me.

    When you look in the mirror and you are happy with what you see, that is all that really matters
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  15. #15
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    Everyone has their body issues I guess. For me it's more my spare tire and a wish for nicer, softer skin.

    I keep my forms on the smaller side of average to avoid problems with my spouse.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  16. #16
    Senior Member Asew's Avatar
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    When I first started dressing, I was using somewhere around a C or D size. When I came back to it a few years ago, and C was a little too big and a B was too small so about halfway between the two. That lasted less than a year when I realized I preferred to accept my male body with no boobs and go the non-binary route. Makes some tops and dresses with built in boob areas a no go but then flat shift dresses and others were even better. I would say it is important to me as non-binary to keep my flat chest.

  17. #17
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    Boob size important? For me...not really. I like variety. My bra collection includes a cups, b cups, and c cup bras...all underwires and different colors. I have silicone forms for the b and c cups. Just one more decision in the morning. (smile).

  18. #18
    🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺🌸🌻🌸🌺 Patience's Avatar
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    I am part of everything.
    In my life, no. In my crossdressing, definitely.

    I started out with 42D forms. I liked them, but felt they were too big, so I got some C forms, which are better, but I still feel their shape projects too much for the fem body type I'm trying to emulate. Very tall women seem more likely to have wide hips than large breasts, and with no hip padding, I felt somewhat out of proportion.

    With the acquisition of my hip pads (reviewed and with a photo on this thread, I feel my top and bottom are better proportioned, but I still think I could go down another cup, at least.

    The thing I grapple with most is that perhaps by picking and choosing body parts to shape myself into some kind feminine ideal, I might be rightly or wrongly cheating myself of the very feminine experience of having to cope with my body as is. Then again, GGs also use all sorts of accessories to give their appearance a boost and if GGs get to have it, there's no reason we shouldn't too.

    These are the issues I'm working with as a CDer who goes out dressed. If I were an at-home only dresser, I might have some DD or larger forms, but I aim to blend and having excessive boobage by choice might be construed as being deliberately provocative.

    I'm actually curious as to how some of the more buxom ladies here arrived at their DD or higher bust size and if they go out in public that way.
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  19. #19
    Platinum Member Read only
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    I have found with just about anything a person's eye sees whatever the mind wants to see. If I look in a mirror I see what my mind wants me to see. When I see a picture of myself I see reality. Sometimes I am unpleasantly surprised. I would suggest taking several pictures of yourself from various angels. That's what others may see. I use water filled balloons for breast enhancements in a "C" cup bra. Since there is really no science to filling a balloon with water I really cannot equate the end product with a definite size. Sometimes they look too large and I'll reduce them. Most of the time, they look just right. Or at least in my mirror and eye!

  20. #20
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    I have two sizes and choose whatever fits the dress best. If given a choice I prefer the smaller one for a slender look.

  21. #21
    -1.#QNaN Lydianne's Avatar
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    I do not use breast forms. I do use hip pads though ( actually padded underwear . . layers of it ), and that curvature has been commented upon. I don't think I do hip padding any better than the next person, but the reason I think mine are noticeable . . . no breasts.

    Proportion beats size.

    - L.

  22. #22
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    Thumbs up This is the big advantage dressers have over GG's!

    Yet, most of us don't don't take advantage of it!

    I have forms in many sizes and shapes, Bobbi. I like to appear to be an attractive woman. Which requires carefully matching my figure to the outfit de jeour, to one degree or another.

    All my prosthesis come with size D or larger, breast forms. So, I balance the big breasts with big hip and butt pads.

    When I want a slim figure, I slip on B or C forms. And, match those with small hip and butt pads!

    I strongly suggest u and other dressers hold on to your old forms that r either "too large or small". Then, buy some inexpensive hip/butt pads to match. You'll find some outfits look better with your "old" form sizes!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  23. #23
    Silver Member Bobbi46's Avatar
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    I omitted in my op that my cup size was an E now my weight has come down so nicely my forms project to far for my liking so the C size forms when they come hopefully will be better for me.
    There are so many pro's and con's for what size is really right some like big some like small and some are in between its all down to individual like and comfort

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Sherry very valid points indeed, shape and ballance is the decider all of the time and you have got the exact way to ballance out everything in a right and correct way.
    I started life a lost man now I am a found woman

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    My boobs are very important in my life.

    My regime has brought me to a heavy C cup. I generally need to wear a bra for comfort & support, plus for modesty, as the regime has made other bits larger than normal.

    But this is a good combination. I can underdress with adequate support, go braless for the evening if necessary, but make a statement with a padded bra and chicken fillets when needed.

    I love the extra projection I get from "swooping & scooping" in a padded plunge bra!

  25. #25
    Always been a GIRL. Michelle1955's Avatar
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    My wife of 41 years has my big boobs, she 42DD
    My 1st item to dress with has around 4-5 years old, with that said I consider myself transgender/non-binary.

    My bras are like a kid’s pacifier to me, it smooths out the pink fog most of the time. Except when their is a pink storm.
    So my go size is a 42A or 42B with silicone forms which provides some weight and a natural feel. When I was younger, I used larger bras, similar to what my wife wears. Never went larger than my wife size.

    My size to fit my body / cloths probably a B/C cu size, but I am not looking for attention. I dress to blend into the forest.

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