I'm with Krisi. When I was younger there was a mindset to do it all; makeup and nail polish. It was time consuming to apply and time consuming to remove. Eye lashes and fake nails, too. If I was at home, what was the point? I was not standing in front of a mirror. I was doing domestic chores, cooking, baking; or leisurely reading or eating breakfast or lunch. The mirrors in our home are in the bathroom or the bedroom. I'm not even going to see myself. Probably the last time I "did it all" was when my wife was out of state for over a week. It was 24/7 time. I had on full makeup and nail polish. The telephone rang. It was an emergency of sorts. Our daughter-in-law locked herself out of the house. She had to get to work and take our granddaughter to school. Please, bring over your key to the house, she said. That was the fastest removal of clothes, makeup and nail polish. That's when I said to myself. What women wears makeup when she is just hanging out at home? Nobody I know. My wife just wore lip color when she was still working. Even into her late late sixties she needed no makeup; smooth skin and great complexion. If I want to feel somewhat more feminine, then I will put on lipstick so it will leave that telling sign on the rim of my coffee cup.