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Thread: Older Crossdressers

  1. #1
    Senior Member Debbie Denier's Avatar
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    Older Crossdressers

    After joining this forum .I was pleasantly surprised at how many older members there were. In the age group 50 60 70 and beyond (being in my 50s myself. )Some CD since childhood. Some new to CD at a later age. When I was 21 a fellow CD at the support group I attended informed me she wanted to quit CD when she reached old age as did not want to be like a fading movie star. I wonder what others on the forum think about this.Personally I think age is only a number and long may we continue. I abstained for many years due to marriage kids etc. However it came back with a vengeance.I Also believe in inclusivity for all ages.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Kris Burton's Avatar
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    Debbie...I think about this, maybe too much, but a lot less since addressing my CD tendencies at last. I think age is age, and my body feels that every day. However, CDing has, among many other things, allowed me to beat back those years quite a lot. I have a lot of regrets about my early adult years, time lost, time wasted on useless pursuits both of a professional and personal nature. I'd love to get that time back, take paths I should have taken but denied myself, but that's impossible. Finally admitting to my own CD desires has opened up for me a whole new outlook at the future, and I look forward to the times ahead with the mindset of a much younger person. I no longer am haunted by past regret, as I now explore things I should have long ago. I choose to dress as a woman at least 30 years younger than I actually am, and for the time I am in that mode, I feel I am. So, I don't feel like a fading movie star at all, I feel more like my star is rising. In spite of how I might feel physically, when I see Kris looking back at me in the mirror, it always makes me feel vibrant, very much alive and yes, younger. No way I'd even think of stopping now!
    Last edited by Kris Burton; 12-16-2021 at 09:31 AM.

  3. #3
    Aspiring Member
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    Clint Eastwood said in his Playboy Interview many years ago "Some people are old before their time because they think old". Agree with you Debbie, don't "think old". Sherrii

  4. #4
    Paula Paula_56's Avatar
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    Want to start over?

    Start today

  5. #5
    Senior Member Linda K.'s Avatar
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    I guess I would like to add this to the conversation. Am I getting older physically? Yes. But I think younger. I don't think like kids today do, this is their time. I think like when I was younger, when I was in my 20's. But there is one lesson I learned over the years, you have to be able to laugh! But even more important, you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

    I wore this hat I got when I was in the military, it's a cold weather hat that has fur on it and the "ears" flip down with a chin strap that snaps to the other earflap. I took a picture of myself wearing this with the earflaps sticking out to the sides and making a goofy looking face at the same time, kind of a Red Green moment. You Canadians will understand that one. I thought it was pretty funny and shared it with the president of the company I work for to give him a laugh too. He asked if he could use it in the monthly safety briefings about preparing for the cold weather, I said sure. My immediate supervisor came up to me one day and asked me if I was sure about this, because a lot of people were going to see this and know it was me. I looked him in the eye and said, "Terry, if you can't laugh at yourself, what can you laugh at?" I guess it was my way of saying, relax and enjoy life. People know my work ethic, now they can know my sense of humor. Does this mean I am immature, not at all. It just means I can find humor in all things, and when you can do that, you can find the good in those things as well. Stay happy, stay young, and laugh!!
    Last edited by Linda K.; 12-16-2021 at 12:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    59 here. Still going strong. I remember as a little kid, maybe I was 7 or so, seeing a man checking out in front of my mother with dresses. And I thought to myself, will that be me? I knew from my very first memories who I was. I don’t see myself ‘retiring’ from my little hobby. It’s been with me since birth and will be till the end. And no, I personally don’t want to be buried in heels haha.

  7. #7
    Junior Member JustJennifer's Avatar
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    When I was in my late 20's I "quit" for good and purged everything simply because I felt like I was getting too old for it. My body was getting bulkier and harrier, and I just didn't like what I was seeing in the mirror. I believed then that crossdressing was a game for only the young, and I didn't want to be that faded old queen in the outdated dress.

    The urge never goes away though. And like a lot of other people here, I just decided one day that it didn't matter that I was getting old. This is the only life I have, and I want to live it the way I wish. I'll never be that cute young girl again, but I can still occasionally be the woman she grew up to be. She isn't faded or outdated. Just older. Like me.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Read only
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    I'm 74. I'm no longer a spring chicken. My body shows signs of aging. My face is not that of a 20 year old. My son was over last night to pick something up and he gave me hell for climbing a ladder to hang Christmas lights from the peak of the house; something about "acting my age." Heck, I'm not dead yet. All a guy has to do is look around at the women of an advancing age. What do you see? Probably the same thing you see when you look at women in their 20's, 30's, 40's, etc. Some women, just like men, take no pride in how they look. They look like they just rolled out of bed. Their bodies show a total lack of care over the years. When I do have the opportunity to be totally en femme it's still a pretty dress, heels and hosiery. I am of the opinion whatever is making me tick is not going to turn off at a certain age. No light switch. I suspect it is going to follow me into the hereafter.

  9. #9
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    I guess I am really lucky because even though I am in my 60s, I have been able to pass for much younger. Of course I use every little trick I can find. Example: look on Amazon for a product called instant face lift. It actually works. It took a number of outings before I realized people thought I was very much younger so I am not complaining about my age other than wishing I could get an eyelid lift. I dress well below my age, but it has worked out just fine for me. I do have one other secret trick. When I go out clubbing, I try to get a 1 hour nap in the early evening. That is the only way I can keep up with these youngsters who party until 2 to 3 AM ; )


  10. #10
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Well since I fall into this category I might as well chime in.
    I may be getting older, but as far as I am concerned I'm getting better with age, just like a fine wine. My skills have been refined, my fashion sense has developed and I've found the styles that suit my mood, my body and my appearance. I'm at a point where I have all the time in the world to be me, so unlike my youth where there were moments here and there. I have also developed my confidence as a woman and no longer worry about others who may stare or comment.
    Will all this change with time? I'm sure things will change, they always do. Will I continue dressing and expressing the me I love so dearly? Yes, until I can no longer do for myself. When that day comes and I can no longer enjoy the process and the experience then I will stop, just as I will stop other things in my life that I will no longer physically be able to do.
    Until that day ...
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  11. #11
    Southern Belle Phoebe Reece's Avatar
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    I'm 71 and still dressing and going out in public in a dress, hose, and heels. I try to present as a classy older woman. Whether I pass or not is no issue for me. I am accepted as what I appear to be and am treated with respect. I plan to keep doing it until it's no longer fun. I have a CD friend of similar age who no longer dresses. For my friend it's stopped being fun. I know of a few more that have quit as well. I can't predict the future, but there may come a time in my life when it's simply more trouble than it's worth. It won't be at any particular age. I don't see that happening anytime soon though, as long as my health is good.

  12. #12
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    I refuse to get old! Maybe a little vintageish. sigh

  13. #13
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Yeah, I feel the passage of time and have the same questions about my future that I had a decade ago. Maybe the same questions I will be facing a decade into the future, assuming I am still around.

  14. #14
    Just another 'Gurl'
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    Bisexual and sitting on a box.
    I just turned 50. I don't mind growing old.
    Just another man in a dress

  15. #15
    Member Liz Jones's Avatar
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    Er -- i will be moving into my 80th year next week-- didnt start dressing till i was 74......... Still wear heels ( max 4 inches ! ) & thanks to my tolerant wife i dress as and when i feel like it round the house.
    So rheumatism , heart problem, arthritis but i still dress though getting tights on is murder ! :-) i do have some 5.5 inch heels -- how people walk in them beats me ! So i do hear that another organisation i belong to has a member over 90.....

  16. #16
    Senior Member April Rose's Avatar
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    As Bob Dylan said "Him not busy being born is busy dying." At 71 I am finding that stability, identity and health are important enough to me that I am willing to work hard at them. I'm not employed any more so that's become my job. I am not invested in in the patriarchy, so I am perfectly happy to see it crumble. That is why I am having my beard removed and flirting with a nonbinary identity.

    I think that, going forward fewer people will be identifying as crossdressers because people under 40 or so are not so hysterically attached to the gender binary. A lot of those who might have identified that way are now going to identifying as non binary, or genderfluid or agender, or what have you, and they are going to be a lot more out front about it.

    That said, I do personally know one person in his eighties who was once a very active crossdresser who no longer feels any need or desire to dress. He still hangs out with people in our community, because that's where his friends are.
    I am a vessel of the goddess. Let me express my calling to a feminine life through nurturing love and relatedness.

  17. #17
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    Linda, you are so definitely right. Humor and laughter keeps your mind young, especially laughing at oneself. I do it all the time. Ummm, why did I go out to the garage? 🙄 Life?s too short. Enjoy it.

  18. #18
    Silver Member Geena75's Avatar
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    I got a start the other day when I got a notice of the birthday of a former student of mine who just turned 46. It didn't take a lot of thought to conclude that it was about right. What I realized, though, was that, while I am aware of my actual age, I think (and in some ways act) like I am in my 40's. You can be a better judge of this, but I think Geena looks more like a girl in her 40's. But, I do see a potential end down the road, provided that it is no longer fun for me. In the meanwhile, I am going to enjoy myself.

  19. #19
    Gold Member
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    My Grandfather had a sign in his office; "We get to soon old, and to late smart"
    I now understand the meaning of it.

  20. #20
    Aspiring Member
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    I just turned 60 (although I look slightly younger) and I have no intention of giving up.
    My only regret is that as I get older I find it more difficult to get my makeup to look convincing. The canvas is starting to sag, so it requires a lot of effort to get it right.
    On the positive side, I don't really need to do makeup unless I go outside, but that's very rare now.
    There's also the question of what age am I trying to portray in my makeup. I look like early to mid 50s as a guy, and always looked younger in makeup. But as I get older, should I adapt my makeup to make me look closer to my age, through fear of the "mutton dressed as lamb" appearance?

  21. #21
    Aspiring Shopaholic BTWimRobin's Avatar
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    Hi Debbie,

    Quote Originally Posted by Debbie Denier View Post
    . However it came back with a vengeance. I Also believe in inclusivity for all ages.
    You can say that again. I've always kept it under wraps until I hit 50. That girl in me wanted out with a vengeance. It took me 6 years to accept her and let her out. Glad I did.
    - Robin

    Because life is too short not to.

    It's ironic ... I finally found a group of guys I fit in with. Funny how they all enjoy being one of the girls.

    Wife: Why do you fold your panties? Me: I don't like my panties in a wad!

  22. #22
    Junior Member
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    I feel so good being a pretty, old lady and a pretty-old lady

  23. #23
    Silver Member
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    I have been in the trans community for over 25 years. The trans community, support groups and forums like this have always tended to be older (mid 40s+). Having younger people involved is a relatively new phenomenon.

  24. #24
    Member Wendy-Lyn's Avatar
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    I'll be 64 in a month, and have been dressing in a limited fashion (no pun intended)
    with the usual panties cami, slip etc. since I was in my teens.

    I stopped pretty-much over the last couple of years as my health deteriorated to
    the point that I'd lost so much weight I literally couldn't stand to look at myself
    whether dressed or in drab and had little to no interest in very much at all.

    After ending up in hospital in May, close to death (yeah, scary!), I am now slowly
    recovering and have regained my lost weight. But now not only has the desire to
    dress returned with a vengeance, the fear/shame/worry has mostly gone.

    I basically decided (well, Wendy-Lyn decided) that it's really now or never, and she
    wants some time in the sun before it IS too late.

    I've started buying new clothes, and dressing fully most nights. I go under-dressed
    every day, and don't wear male underwear at all unless for doctor visits etc. I've
    bought a pair of 'chicken-wings' so no more stuffing the bra with socks. Oh, and I
    wear a bra almost everywhere now.

    I even summoned the courage to go out in public dressed, which previously I'd have
    NEVER considered doing.

    So it seems that, at this stage, my dressing looks like increasing in the foreseeable
    future, rather than declining.

  25. #25
    Gold Member Sometimes Steffi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sandi Beech View Post
    I am not complaining about my age other than wishing I could get an eyelid lift.
    I think that I could get an eyelid lift. I can attribute my eyelid droop to a medical problem, not cosmetic issue, so I think that it might be covered by my insurance.
    Hi, I'm Steffi and I'm a crossdresser... And I accept and celebrate both sides of me. Or, maybe I'm gender fluid.

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