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Thread: Older Crossdressers

  1. #76
    Member Misty_cder's Avatar
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    I’m 50 and finally feel like I’m getting into my prime with dressing. When I was younger I use to dress as a fetish, not thinking about how I looked and not taking care of my skin. I was a typical male. Now I’m driven to create an acceptable image that gets my wife's approval to start venturing out in public settings. I also started taking better care of my body by losing weight, moisturizing my skin, shaving, etc. I don’t foresee stopping anytime soon. What I find interesting is as I work on dressing my age, the more I enjoy dressing.
    Last edited by Misty_cder; 01-15-2022 at 12:12 PM.
    I am just a guy who enjoys wearing women's clothing and there is nothing wrong with that.

  2. #77
    Platinum Member Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jane G View Post
    Some of us will never express to society who we are, is that our loss or societies? We know and enjoy who we are. Yes I would enjoy greater acceptance of this part of us. But there is so much more to life.
    One of the ways I managed to jump the hurdle of societal non-acceptance was to mentally make a list on my life's accomplishments. I'll put my credentials up against anyone. If you do not like who I am that is YOUR problem, not mine.

  3. #78
    Super Moderator Raychel's Avatar
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    As I get older I have thought about this. For now I am just enjoying my dressing when I can.

    Will it fade away in the future. I can't say that for sure right now. I guess time will tell that for sure
    my sister's reply when I told her how I prefer to dress

    "Everyone has there thing, all that matters is that you are happy, love what you do and who you do it with"

  4. #79
    Senior Member Glenda58's Avatar
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    I'm not going to stop because I'm old. I stop twice both times for marriage and it comes back so I don't fight it.

  5. #80
    New Member Jolene G's Avatar
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    I'm 57 and just recently started crossdresing. I wish I would have started when I was younger.

  6. #81
    Platinum Member Beverley Sims's Avatar
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    Lowestoft UK. Beverley was here.
    I don't think of a fading movie star I think I am into my umpteenth resurgence now. :-)
    Work on your elegance,
    and beauty will follow.

  7. #82
    New Member Femi9's Avatar
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    I turn 50 this year, and I've learned you can't just switch it off. I quit for 3 years once, but it is always with you.

  8. #83
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    I'm 83 and with this covid thing I have been home except to venture out for basics, I have been dressing 24/7 since the holidays and yes it has been a great feeling but slowly my daily outfit has become more of an androgenous mix, probably more to keep warm than to feel fem.
    The month of January has been a downer for me the last few years, Raychel and I have had long discussions on this. It can be a depressing time but we just have to get past it, spring is comming! Always remember that age is just a number, it is the mental age you can maintain that matters. My self, sometimes I feel like a 19 YO but when the bod starts moving, I know better, think young !
    Last edited by JoanneNY; 01-28-2022 at 08:12 PM.

  9. #84
    Member Lori Ann Westlake's Avatar
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    I agree with you, Debbie. It's nice to know how many of our members have been crossdressing for so many years. I'm older than you are, but as long as I still enjoy it, I have no intention of giving it up!

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie47 View Post
    My son was over last night to pick something up and he gave me hell for climbing a ladder to hang Christmas lights from the peak of the house; something about "acting my age." Heck, I'm not dead yet.
    This reminds me of Lewis Carroll's famous poem You Are Old, Father William, which begins:

    "You are old, father William," the young man said,
    "And your hair has become very white;
    And yet you incessantly stand on your head--
    Do you think, at your age, it is right?"

    "In my youth," father William replied to his son,
    "I feared it would injure the brain;
    But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,
    Why, I do it again and again."

  10. #85
    Member ziggie's Avatar
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    I'm now 71 and have been underdressing to some extent for almost 40 years. Recently the urge has increased and I have increased my androgynous wardrobe as well as my level general female attire around home. We will see where it goes from here.
    So many new things to learn

  11. #86
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    Maybe we see many older girls here on this forum because they have time, being in many cases retired.

    As for staying young, as a college professor, I match wits with the age 18 to 25 people all the time. I am still keeping up with them. How much longer, I do not know, but there are profs at my university who are pushing age 80 and not the slightest bit old. And I have every intention of joining them.

    With some skill at applying makeup and some fashion sense, I can knock off twenty years or so from my appearance. That is what female makeup is designed to do. Practice works with the makeup. Studying fashion websites for fortysomethings really helps with blending into the GG world. So does a good set of hip pads and foundation garments,

  12. #87
    Junior Member julia.bowie's Avatar
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    My take on the older aspect is that older men view their "hobby" as crossdressing whereas many younger people view it as falling into the more general transgender category. As a result, an older person will seek out crossdressing websites/forums whereas someone younger will seek out the transgender equivalent. Of course, this is a sweeping generalisation but I think there is an element of truth in it. Also, hopefully as things more forward, younger people won't view their lifestyle as crossdressing and be more fluid when it comes to dressing and clothing.

  13. #88
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    Bought my first pair of heels in the last year and Im on the older side of Gen X.

    Ok. My first half dozen pairs.

  14. #89
    Member NaughtyMichelle's Avatar
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    Turning 75 soon and still enjoy dressing up. My BF and I do quarterly casino trips and I love getting up for an evening of dining and gambling. I'd really like to dress to the nines again, but casual is more appropriate for the place we go.

  15. #90
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    I am 64 and have been crossdressing on and off for 50 years . More under dressing than anything as my wife hates my fem side so it needs to be when she is gone .

  16. #91
    New Member Sandrajiggle's Avatar
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    I'm almost 60. I admit that I am more aware of the condition of my skin these days. I'd never put my head above the parapet so never got to find out if I could'pass' as a younger woman 20 years ago.
    Apart from my height perhaps I can use my age to blend in as a well dressed older lady.
    It's still a wonderful feeling dressing up and less sexual which is not a bad thing.

  17. #92
    Member JuliannaS's Avatar
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    55 years old here, dabbled in it for many years, more serious about it now than ever. I hope to never stop.
    Julianna Frances

  18. #93
    Member Richelle423's Avatar
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    Just turned 50. I started dressing 35 years ago. I?ve been on and off but now I?m FT.I just purged 2 garbage bags in a good way to make room for more.

  19. #94
    Member Jacqueline Vivaldi's Avatar
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    Hi Debbie-
    You ask whether one loses interest in crossdressing as we age. I have been active for 50 years and have purges several times, but came back to my basic feelings. This is a typical story for most of us on this site. I am currently 87 and I must say that my interest in becoming prettier, and understanding both my feminine and sexual sides increases in some way each day. I am still learning new things about myself. I have some advice for you and others here who may be interested in the question of crossdressing as we become older. My advice has several parts. First follow your heart and your mind. Notice the two equal parts. If you want to feel female, you must do your best to look and feel as feminine as possible. Reduce your weight to that of a typical female. Exercise to shape your body into one which has nice flowing curves. Eat good foods. Get good sleep. Think about and resolve every problem that you encounter. Think positively and develop a healthy and optimistic outlook. Remember, all problems have a solution if one thinks about them sufficiently. Thinking is the key.

    As you can see from the photo at the left, my years of constant attention to my feminine qualities has resulted in a reasonably attractive woman. I am still working on this project, but I am thrilled with life each day as I grow older. My figure and legs have good form and curves, my skin has only wrinkles under my eyes, my body is exceptionally smooth and wrinkle free due to good exercise and care. I have pleasures beyond belief and imagination, and I love looking forward to many more years of this pure joy. Finally, this feminine thing requires work but the pleasures are there to harvest. The results are worth the effort.

  20. #95
    There's that smile! CarlaWestin's Avatar
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    Just thinking about what all the other retired folks are doing makes me want to go dress shopping.


    Of course.
    I've waited so long for this time. Makeup is so frustrating. Shaking hands and I look so old. This was a mistake.
    My new maid's outfit is cute. Sure fits tight.
    And then I step into the bedroom and in the mirror, I see a beautiful woman looking back at me.
    Smile, Honey! You look fabulous!

  21. #96
    Banned Read only Kay Adams GG's Avatar
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    Hello Debbie,

    I'm not a CD but my SO is; we're Both in our mid-sixties.

    I wanted to share my observations. I've watched my SO go through Puberty to the Fashionable "Acceptable" Look...whatever this is???? She didn't get to experience wearing the teenage clothes that she so much admired and wanted to she went through this Stage. She can return whenever she may want to, it's Still in the Closet (she doesn't wear it too much these days). Then there were short, short skirts and dresses (she couldn't even end over that she wouldn't SHOW something). lol There have been many Stages back and forth with the (Stereo-Typed Age to a Certain Attire), Fluctuations.

    Present Day: Today Actually, it was a Pair of Jeans and her First outing in CD apparel to a Restaurant (a new hurdle). I actually was Over-Dressed in HER New Dress that she hadn't even gotten to wear yet! She has a few pounds to lose before she can wear it. It was a First for me also, I NEVER wear HER clothes! I offer up my clothes for her to wear but, psychologically, I just couldn't make myself wear HER clothes, not until today.

    Back to the "Age Subject", it has been covered really well from all of the responses that you've gotten. We ALL feel a different age at different times, yes, when we face the mirror...especially when unclothed, we see the differences that our Bodies have gone through...this IS a given! However, how we adorn it depends on us, if we want to be Quirky...we are ALLOWED, lol, to do this. Until someone else is changing our diapers for us we'll be as Young or as Old as we feel.

    I'm inspired by some of you responders, we've got more miles to travel, until we're called to the Other Side. Happy Trails!

  22. #97
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    I'm almost 75 here and fortunately in quite good health . with a trim, passable feminine body, and a full head of long hair.

    My philosophy of life has always been this, particularly as I got older.....

    Never fear getting "old" as only the lucky get to be old. Never loose your sense of humor,,,, and never forget what it's like to be a child. Embrace your age.
    Always have a positive attitude as a negative one can effect one's health.
    Always try to be kind.

    I started dressing when I was about 8 years old. However, it is only fairly recently, in the last few years, when I started going out in public as Barbara.
    I should add that starting to wear a feminine medical mask for the virus has completely embolden me.

    BTW when you get to be a certain age, you get the felling that it's now or never with some things.
    Last edited by Barbara Jo; 02-03-2022 at 01:38 PM.

  23. #98
    Junior Member julia.bowie's Avatar
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    Barbara Jo - I've not heard that one before: "...only the lucky get to be old...". A nice philosophy to have.

  24. #99
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    Great answers. For my part, now well into my 50s , I'm out to my supportive wife some family and friends, retired and am finding after lifetime of hiding I'm dressing more and heading towards full time.
    My wife tells me when she finally ships me off to the nursing home she's only packing female attire for me 😂😂

  25. #100
    Senior Member kimmy p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Debbie Denier View Post
    After joining this forum .I was pleasantly surprised at how many older members there were. In the age group 50 60 70 and beyond (being in my 50s myself. )Some CD since childhood. Some new to CD at a later age. When I was 21 a fellow CD at the support group I attended informed me she wanted to quit CD when she reached old age as did not want to be like a fading movie star. I wonder what others on the forum think about this.Personally I think age is only a number and long may we continue. I abstained for many years due to marriage kids etc. However it came back with a vengeance.I Also believe in inclusivity for all ages.
    Hell, as I age I hope that my graying hair means that beard cover becomes easier.

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