It would be nice to have a source of income to offset the costs of dresses, makeup, etc., but is the content you are able (or willing) to create apt to attract enough subscribers to justify the investment? What would the subscribers be getting for their money and what would they do with the images/videos?

Sure, there are copyright protections, but you'll have to find and report the violations and by then, they could be reposted to dozens of other sites or modified and reutilized in various ways without your knowledge.

Point is, every choice comes with a tradeoff, so it's better to consider one's options carefully.

If one is ok with it, one might check what the successful earners are doing and try to replicate it. A cursory glance at the OnlyFans wikipedia page suggests it is, for the most part, used for pornographic purposes. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but you have to decide if that's worth it for you and how you will feel creating that kind of content for money, keeping in mind you'll be enriching someoneone else in the process as well, so technically you'll be working for them.