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Thread: Progression of Dressing

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Progression of Dressing


    How has your dressing progressed over the years? How have life events influenced, did it make you dress more or less, or try new things? Was it your choice? Do you have a line (for yourself not put on by a S/O) of how far you go?

    I started pretty young as many of us did. I really liked undergarments and skirts, but tried on whatever I could. In middle school while my brother and parents were off for a sporting event I?d get dressed and do my homework. In college I kept it secret from most, and was able to do more exploration. After college I had a gf that was kind of ok with some things, but I wanted to go further and she didnt. Next gf knew about it all and would encourage me to be me. After college I got much more into leggings and skirts. I?m not sure whats next, I?m free to wear whatever and I have an open mind. Whether just underdressing or going 100% its all positive, glad to be in a community of like minded people!

  2. #2
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Kinda a similar start. I felt attracted to dressing and being a girl from early childhood. Learned quickly that it was unacceptable conduct and largely repressed the desire into puberty. In my first marriage underdressing was tolerated, even encouraged. In my second marriage the tolerance was present but my interest expanded exponentially. Full presentation as a woman proved to be a bridge too far and the marriage ended.

    Now I live a majority of my life presenting as female and I love it!

  3. #3
    Member Nyla F's Avatar
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    I wonder what things would have been like if from the start my wife was supportive and I could have explored everything early on to learn about myself and what I wanted. Instead it probably looks like a "progression" mainly because for a long time I was very limited in the space I had to secretly store clothing and it has taken time and courage to acquire new types of feminine clothing. In a way it is my wife's easing of what she tolerates that has led to a progression to nail polish which I've posted a lot about this past year. Otherwise I would have done that long ago...well at least after kids moved out of the house. Which of course is the next major event that enabled me to dress more. So yes, life events played a big part in my progression because my DADT and family situation really limited what I could do, and still limits me today.

  4. #4
    Member AmyJordan's Avatar
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    Hi Well in order of your questions it went from zero to pretty much being a full time feminized housewife, influenced entirely by my gorgeous wife, dressed 24/7 along with learning feminine traits, not at all my choice.As regards boundaries I do not wish to be seen in public but feel at some point this is inevitable.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Heather76's Avatar
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    As a youngster (12-15) when home alone, which was rare, I would try my mom's bras and girdles on. I believe it was normal childhood curiosity rather than an overt desire to cross dress. About 3 1/2 years ago at age 71, after complaining about something, my wife told me to "put your big girl panties on and deal with it." Within 3 or 4 days, I bought 2 pair of panties. within a month I was buying other brands and styles of panties until I found what I like (lace hipster panties) and what fit good. I started undressing every day and discarded all my male underwear. then I started to buy thigh high nylons, then nighties, then bras and forms, and finally outer clothing - primarily dresses. I now have 10 lace bralettes, 12 bras, 12 dresses, 8 nighties, 2 pairs of jeans, 3 tops, lipstick, 2 wigs, 3 sets of forms DD, DD, & F cup sizes), a purse, shoes, sandals, jewelry, nail polish, and other makeup. At home I am dressed at least 50% of the time. While my wife is accepting, she is neither encouraging or supportive. While she has seen me fully dressed, she prefers me not to have makeup/lipstick on or a wig. I generally wait until she goes to bed to add those things to what I have on. I've slept every night since 1/1/22 with a bra, forms, and a nightie on. Most nights I also have thigh highs and some bracelets on when I go to bed. Her line in the sand is I don't go dressed where anyone we know will see me and recognize me. I can live with that as I'm really not ready to come out of the closet to those people. I have one friend who knows as she questioned how my wife liked the dress she saw me buying one day. I told her I couldn't lie to her and the dress was for me and not for my wife. She's been extremely supportive and someone I can talk openly with about my CDing.

    In the final analysis, I've progressed rather quickly in my CDing life. I've been out in public on at least 10 occasions. I've checked into several motels while dressed. I wear one of my bralettes and A/B inserts on days that require a windbreaker of jacket in cooler weather. I also wear thigh highs 95% of the time I wear long slacks. I go to all my doc appointments wearing lace panties and more often than not I wear a lace bralette and the A/B inserts. At home, I generally change to my femme clothing about 8 pm, then change to my nightie for bed. In the morning, I generally change to drab between 9 and 10 a.m. There are days 11 a.m. sees me still dressed.

    Amy, I sure wish my wife would feminize me so I wore 24/7. I cannot imagine how wonderful that must be to have such a dominate wife. While I present a definite male persona to all who know me, if she didn't have issues with me being 100% out of the closet (and made me her housewife), I'd be the happiest lady on earth. I am quite submissive at heart and enjoy being told what to do. Again, I don't feel as though I can present that side of me to friends and family. It would SHOCK them.
    It's never too late to enjoy a happy childhood.
    Live each day as though it's your last 'cause one day you'll be right.
    I'm finding the more feminine side of me...and I ❤️ this adventure.

  6. #6
    Platinum Member
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    As I am about a Month from my 81ST Birthday I have slowed down quite a Bit.
    Having my ears triple pierced is AWESOME, ~~......

    I can explain it to you, But I can't comprehend it for you !

    If at first you don't succeed, Then Skydiving isn't for you.

    Be careful what you wish for, Once you ring a bell , you just can't Un-Ring it !! !!

  7. #7
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    My line in the sand is an agreement with my wife ... no implants or hormones.
    Beyond that I have no line to think about.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  8. #8
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    I am a child of the 1950's and 1960's when there was a line drawn in the sand by society. My parents would be classified as homophobic. Society seemed to equate cross dressing as a homosexual act. That caused a lot of confusion for me; how could a male teenager who lusted after Annette Funicello be a homosexual? Very confusing. Hate from my parents and from the pulpit. I was destined to go to hell. I dabbled in my mother's lingerie draw and slowly outgrew her clothing which sort of squashed any opportunity to wear women's clothing. There was a period of time when wearing women's clothing waned.

    After I married a wonderful women my love for nylon was rekindled. There was some "bedroom play" with mutual benefits. Slowly my interests expanded which ended up with "The Talk." My wife is not supportive but does not bring up the subject. I honor her position. Me? When I have the opportunity and the inclination it will be dress, hosiery and heels and all the proper undergarments. I have gone out for drives and strolls. I would not feel comfortable interacting with the general public although I would be interested in attending a local supportive group.

  9. #9
    Silver Member NancySue's Avatar
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    Progressed? Absolutely. Desire to dress? Ebbs and flows, pink fog. Always interested in trying new things. Still am. Line? No. Wife totally supportive, helpful, and accepting. Since retirement, always dressed underneath and most days skirt, top, shorts, etc. I?ve progressed as far as one can. It?s great.

  10. #10
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    Starting in my early teens dressing in secrecy then sneaking my wifes clothes for many years finally 10 years ago I purchased my own clothing, wig, makeup and started dressing in public during business trips. Now im retired and my dressing has slowed down a bit I need to have the talk with my wife hopefully the line she draws in the sand will let me dress more frequently.

  11. #11
    Member CDMargret's Avatar
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    For myself like many here it started early in life. Mom's nylons, sister's ballet outfits. My Grandmother would let me wear knee highs when visiting. With my wife it started with a her swimsuit. 15 years later we are in the bathroom doing each others makeup in heels and dresses. Have been out clubbing together all dolled up. From here I have no idea where it will lead. I am not one that desires to fully cross over being a fully time woman as I like my boy side and those adventures just as much as my gurl, well maybe a little bit more of the gurl side than

    But I am happy with a wonderful supportive wife and I feel so truly blessed and lucky. I want to help anyone out there that is on this journey any way I can. Like the one here that asked me for some laundry tips. That was fun.

  12. #12
    Member JesseVF's Avatar
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    Still inching along after coming out 2 yrs ago after a lifetime of closet.
    Able to do things now my wife initially had not supported so not sure where it will stop. Enjoyable but scary, bumpy ride. We?re doing our best I think.

  13. #13
    There's that smile! CarlaWestin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie47 View Post
    .....Annette Funicello......
    Not sure what else you wrote. I blame it all on her.
    I've waited so long for this time. Makeup is so frustrating. Shaking hands and I look so old. This was a mistake.
    My new maid's outfit is cute. Sure fits tight.
    And then I step into the bedroom and in the mirror, I see a beautiful woman looking back at me.
    Smile, Honey! You look fabulous!

  14. #14
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    I started wearing pantyhose when I was 18, shortly after getting my first apartment. Pantyhose were the only article of women's clothing that I was ever interested in but years later (2 decades actually) I suddenly felt like exploring further.

    I jumped in head first and went all out - dresses, skirts, high heels, lingerie, etc. I even bought a wedding gown with a matching veil. Strangely enough I seldom feel the urge to dress now... maybe once a year.

    So my progression is now a regression. Honestly, I'm completely satisfied with just wearing pantyhose every day.

  15. #15
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Mom always told me I was supposed to have been born a girl, a lot. And at 7, after the birth of my sister, I started going into my mothers walk in closet, when she and dad were away (we had a sitter) and I would try on her lingerie, nighties and dresses. This continued in secret through high school and into college. After college and marriage it subsided a bit but came back about 5 years later. When my wife went to work on weekends, I would spend all day dressed enfemme borrowing her clothing.

    Over the years it just faded away and I didn’t think about dressing for a decade or two. Then I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor, a prolactinoma, and upon successfully treatment my crossdressing came back with a vengeance. Like crazy full out dressing. Taught myself makeup and started a buying spree, going out in public dresses, that has lasted over 20 years now.

    I thought there were some lines I wouldn’t cross but then I started experimenting with breast growth and now have a permanent set of 36DD breasts. Apparently there’s no line there because I have not stopped working on their growth. I’m still working on modifying my body to be more feminine. So I don’t know if I have any real lines except full transition, I think?
    Last edited by Karren H; 10-31-2023 at 12:32 AM.
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  16. #16
    Hot Geezer Girl docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I began dressing at 50. Now, at 80 I'm hitting my stride!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  17. #17
    Aspiring Member Bea_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CarlaWestin View Post
    .....Annette Funicello...... Not sure what else you wrote. I blame it all on her.
    Annette Funicello was the girl whom I suspect inspired my lifelong appreciation for brown-eyed brunettes of which my wife is the most beautiful. From the Mickey Mouse Club to the beach movies I totally crushed on her.

  18. #18
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    I also started Dressing wearing my mother's clothes. in college I rarely had the chance but after college I lived in NYC and really got to do a lot of things. I was clumsy and just didn't have all the access that we do now. I got Married and my wife knew all about my crossdressing. She was understanding but was not interested in Participating. Then I had my Kids and I stopped for a long while. Now with my wife's suggestion I am starting up again. I won't go as far as hormones or surgery, but I am on a whole health Kick to lose weight.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    Like many of us, I started by wearing my mothers or sisters panties as a young teenager and eventually added bras and slips when the opportunities were there. In college, I managed to acquire some panties and pantyhose but that was about it until I was out on my own in my own apartment. After a few years, I had a lingering collection that could fill a duffel bag. That disappeared after I found my conservative wife. Since then, I have built up small collections of underwear and clothing only to purge them from time to time as we have had to move a few times. Now, being retired, my collection is significantly reduced as well as my time alone to enjoy myself. But it is still all good.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Kris Burton's Avatar
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    My progression was a bit different than most. As a child or teen, the idea never even crossed my mind to don women's clothing, much less my mom's. I was 28 years old when I jokingly put on my new wife's nightgown. I said I didn't like it at the time, but the truth was I liked it a lot! This led to a few private skirmishes with her pantyhose in the early years of our marriage, then a drought of about 30 years or more.
    Finally, at age 69 with my wife out of town for a few days I decided to revisit my old interest and bought a few items of my own - and I was off. My femme alter ego emerged almost immediately, and now more than two years later remains a very satisfying work in progress.

  21. #21
    Silver Member Geena75's Avatar
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    For me, it was a cycle of curiosity -- discovery/thrill -- what's next? From youth through middle age it was pantyhose, then I wondered about dresses, then under garments. About the time I got to realize that, I joined the forum and became curious about what I would look like as a woman. It took ten more years to realize that. At the current time, I am just enjoying the ride and meeting up with other CD'rs.

  22. #22
    Girl at Heart stefcd1's Avatar
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    I displayed the same pattern as most others here. Started very young with mainly nail polish and pantyhose, mom's slips and bras. First wife was accepting before and in early marriage then turned on me so I had to go underground. We later divorced and I found out she had lesbian experiences in high school, go figure. Tried marriage again and this resulted in a major purge and another divorce as she was after all my retirement accounts. Dodged that bullet. Rebuilt wardrobe and went deep into dressing, dressing most weekend and spending 3 day long weekends off visiting a trans-friend completely as female. Then met a wonderful sweetheart from Brazil and went started down the marriage path with getting her K1 visa and her coming to the states. Purge again. This didn't work out as the move to another country and leaving her family behind was just too much for her. So now, rebuilding wardrobe once again, quickly this time and spending all days dressed (now working remotely from home) and planning to spend extended time as female. Trips to San Diego, Alaska cruises and getting there by flying pretty. Do I want to physically transition? No, at least I don't think so but I could see living my life basically as a female. It is fun

  23. #23
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    For me I started when I was about 15. House sitting for the neighbors, I dressed up and it was amazing! I acquired some clothes, and began once in awhile putting on makeup. I was always tall and slender. When I went to college as an athlete, my body changed and I became extremely muscular. So I moved away from dressing up. But there was always a girl inside me. Now, years later I am slowly beginning to let her out. Panties, leggings, makeup ( once in awhile). I want to start sharing this side of my life a little. I worry that others will not accept me because I am still very muscular and tall.

  24. #24
    Member Gi Gondin's Avatar
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    Started exploring with my mom’s clothes and shoes at 11-12 yrs old. That went on for 3-4 yrs. Went totally forgot from 16 until probably 24. Came back in my 2nd year of first marriage. I didn’t understand at all at that time. Marriage ended without kids at 30. During this phase only dreamed of CDing. New marriage at 33, told her before marriage, started a small wardrobe, manly high heels. She was a little bit tolerant, not enthusiastic about it. Marriage lasted 10 years.

    At 45 I did hit the jackpot! Told her at the very beginning of our relationship and she became a huge supporter. She loves me to crossdress. Builded a large wardrobe where she gave most of it. Where will that lead to? I don’t know, but she made it clear she would support a full transition if I feel that’s what I want.

  25. #25
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    Yep, and a bit worried about it too

    I've generally been pretty conservative with my dressing and even lingerie.

    Recently, I felt the need to shake it up a bit and started looking for ways to expand my presentation and "Pink" came along. Thing is, it's trending to frills and I'm not sure I'm comfy there. I'm a straight guy, no interest in men or transition, but I now have a Pink bunny outfit, and maid's outfit and while they're great, I DO wonder where the hell this is going.


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