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Thread: Hell Bound

  1. #1
    Short Skirts & Long Legs
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    Hell Bound

    With the growing number of us gals finally coming out, I was posed with a question from my neice, who much to my dismay is ultra conserative.
    Although she has never preached to me about going to hell, she posed a question to me that started my feeble mind to wondering. Am I not afraid of going to hell for dressing as a woman ?

    Knowing her view< and she has proven she can be trusted, holding several secrets of mine >, I responded by saying that I didn't think the good Lord would fry us in oil for following something we felt was right. Perhaps some flames to our fannies for causing hurt to some one unnecessarly, by that I mean not being truthful and giving a serious try at working things out and coming to an understanding with that person/persons.

    I can speak personally that my SO had a real problem with me dressing and for almost a year I gave it up and resumed me as the male I was born. Then for some unknown reason she presented me with all my things back on my last birthday. Needless to say we talk constantlyabout the whys and hows, now she has even started to share makeup tips.

    Irregardless, though I really don't think that the Lord would condem us to eternal damnation for following our feelings. I think that is why he is the Lord, he has allowed us the freedom to make our choices and reap the rewards, what ever it may be. He has seen fit to allow man kind to gain knowledge to find cures for things that once was incureable.

    No being a Christian, but with a profound sense of respect and reverance for the good Lord, I was just wondering what you other girls though of this.

    I would love to hear from any Christians who dress regularly, how they handle this thought and if any one agress with me.

    Thanks girls for allowing me the space for such a "heavy" subject, but with lots of fodder for thought.

    Last edited by Marcie Sexton; 11-27-2006 at 07:50 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Silver Member
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    well it would depend on where all the other T-Girls went---lol Actually I'm not aware that heaven has a dress code

  3. #3
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    God girl!! Crossdressing in Mingo County is like taking your life in your hands!! Lol. But I have done it...Williamson! Just passing through!

    But you living in the bible belt there its no wonder they are ultra conservative!! I'm not a church goer either but respect others right to do so and have found out that people can read what ever they want to into the good book!! Having lived in S WV for 6 years taught me that!! Like "Can't expose your arms" or snake handling? Ok......

    Love Karren
    Last edited by Karren H; 11-27-2006 at 12:38 PM.
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  4. #4
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    Hell and back

    Damn, never know what those women are going to do, keeps us guessing, no? As far as Hell, I have nothing to worry about. I was there and got kicked out. I talked so much, the Devil got tired of it and sent me back (this was an actual dream of mine--or was it a dream?). Anyway, now you all are stuck with me, so beware. Poor Satan was so stressed out from it, he was ready to resign. Hey, Audey Murphy has nothing on me for sure.Be good. Ericka/Rich

  5. #5
    Platinum Member Charleen's Avatar
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    Can't answer as I'm a heathen. I live my life today trying to not do things that I would regret, most importantly, doing no harm to others as well as myself. I also try to do something good for others, even if that means keeping my mouth shut. (I deal with the public). There's an ancient saying that says- to your own self be true.
    BTW, Welcome aboard! Also glad to hear that things with the SO are working out.
    Love and xxxx, Lily
    Comfortable in my own skin.

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  6. #6
    I'm not new, just quiet lizbendalin's Avatar
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    To Hell you Say


    there are tons of different ways that Christians have approached their transgender nature. Check out:
    It's not that I want to be a girl, or I want to be a boy; I want to be me!

    My Facebook profile

  7. #7
    Short Skirts & Long Legs
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    Thumbs up Thanks Karren

    Having read your remarks, then you know very well what I am up against. My SO now having seen that c/d is me, not a passing fad, is very understanding and supportive.

    Oh as a post script, my neice, ...well...lives in the Fresno Valley area...

  8. #8
    heaven sent celeste26's Avatar
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    IT is not a popularity contest

    You said:"Irregardless, though I really don't think that the Lord would condem us to eternal damnation for following our feelings. I think that is why he is the Lord, he has allowed us the freedom to make our choices and reap the rewards, what ever it may be. He has seen fit to allow man kind to gain knowledge to find cures for things that once was incureable.

    No being a Christian, but with a profound sense of respect and reverance for the good Lord, I was just wondering what you other girls though of this."

    If you are truly not a Christian then it doesn't matter at all what God thinks, only what the people who care for you think. ON the other hand if you really want to know for sure there is no excuse for not reading the Bible and finding out what God thinks. Because God does not perform polls to decide what is right or not, He is the source of all things right. Putting anything (even your feelings) before Him is not what he wants. God wants your total attention not partial attention.

    God does give us our freedom that is true, but not to do anything we want.
    We cannot love God without that freedom, if we love Cross dressing more than we love God that tells us what he needs to know about our values. enough said?
    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Mark Twain

  9. #9
    Short Skirts & Long Legs
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    Thanks so much, perhaps with some power< knowledge > I can come to a resloute answer for myself...

  10. #10
    Senior Member Robin Leigh's Avatar
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    Thank God I'm a Tranny!

    I was raised as a Christian, but for most of my adult life, my personal religion & philosophy has been much more closely aligned with the Hindu/Buddhist world, rather than the Judeo/Christian/Islamic traditions.

    I don't believe that God will punish me for crossdressing, per se. But He may be mildly amused if I tried to stop.

    Crossdressing/gender bending occurs in the ancient Indian scriptures, but mostly in a positive light, from my readings.

    Diagonally parked in a parallel universe

  11. #11
    Bunny's submissive girl CharleneCD's Avatar
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    Why do all the research yourself. One of our sisters already has. I know her personaly and know she is a devout Christian.

    Learn To Love Yourself And You will Find That Others Have Always Loved You But You Can Now Accept It.

  12. #12
    Silver Member Kerry Owens's Avatar
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    In the middle of no where!
    OK, my viewpoint on this is simply put; fashions change. What we consider feminine style 2,000 years ago was worn by men. The only men who had trousers were the howling barbarians up in the Scythian neck of the woods.
    Romans even the simple poor folks wore tunic style clothing. This continued pretty much up through the 1300's.
    That we wear clothing blended of linen and wool is breaking one of those commandments in the Pentateuch. Sooooo guess what I don't think too awfully much of the dress rules. Its so much a minor thing in life.
    Now, murdering people, killing children, causing major death in cities, poisoning lives with lies....yeah that is major. I think it's a reality check, do we worry about God being angry over the socks we wore....or that person we basically left emotionally destroyed.
    just me I guess.

  13. #13
    Shining Through Teresa Amina's Avatar
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    Hells' Bells I'm on the Highway to Hell

    I love those songs, and mostly I listen to classical
    Seriously, don't worry about going to hell cause you dress like a girl. God/dess is not so petty.

  14. #14
    Silver Member insearchofme's Avatar
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    Part of being a true Christian is not judging others.
    Dana Fleming

  15. #15
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    Hi Marcie. Hey good thread. Guess you are gonna get this from a Christian prespective. You a Christian? Your answer: No. You believe the Bible? If you do, then you need to be a Christian. Ok for the crossdressing thingie. Deut 22:5. Check it out. That's the biggie for some cders. Me, well I am a Christian. I am a poor excuse for one, but am none the less. Wanna know what I think about cding. Well if I could stop I would have. Enough said about what I believe. That's where we usually get in trouble when we start out by saying "this is what I think" The Bible. It does say some things like, abstain from all appearances of evil. Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Want some more out of the Bible. Read I Corinthians Chap 6 start with vs 9 and read thru vs 20. That should be enough there to explain some things. Sounds like you want approval. Sorry I can't give it to you but a lot of others here on this forum will. Please understand I am not being nasty. I am being as honest to you as I can. Heck I don't even know you. But you asked. Now for those of you who are reading this and are not Christians. Don't get bummed at me. Get bummed at God. It is his book and his complete idea and his grace and mercy. Oh yes. Those few things I mentioned above are just a few. The bible has a lot more to say about those who want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. the book. Believe it?...well that is totally up to you. So do you go to heaven for crossdressing? Don't have the answer for that one. But I tell you this. If I were gonna stand in front of God and Jesus I wouldn't want to do it dressed as Suanne. This is MHO.

  16. #16
    PennyW Penny's Avatar
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    The 11th commandment: thou shalt not look pretty if thou ist a male. I'm sure that's right up there with the suicide bombers who kill inocent people including children. Not, not, not, not. What you wear matters little. How you live your life matters much!
    "Lady Fingers"

  17. #17
    ~Kitty~s girly ~Dee~'s Avatar
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    "In heaven all the interesting people are missing."
    ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

    ive been damned to hell.. been told im going to hell .. been told a lot of things really..
    when it comes down to it, im not all too worried .. one religion says im going one place .. another religion says another ..

    the only thing thats for sure is i need to meet fewer christians and go hang out with the buddhists.
    ~They say I'm different, well I'm not the same. - Sevendust~

  18. #18
    Glamerous Granny carolinewalker_2000's Avatar
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    Hi Marcie,

    I am a Christian, but I do not hold with fundimentalism - of whatever persuation. I cannot believe God is going to send crossdressers to Hell. The relevant passages from the bible that are always quoted against us are from the Old Testament and for me do not square with the God of love and compassion who came to earth and who's story is told in the New testament.

    Also, don't forget:
    a) we are reading the bible in translation and translations differ in interpretation
    b) the bible contradicts itself a lot
    c) fundimentalists only ever quote the bits of the bible that suit them & rarely seem to be prepared to enter into a debate about other passages which may not support their point of view.

    So, I believe that God is more interested in who you are and how you behave towards him and towards others than he is in what you wear. Don't allow yourself to be browbeaten!!!!!!

    Tranny Granny

  19. #19
    Member Elly's Avatar
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    i'm not sure about this heaven & hell thing but i believe if there is a god it probably doesn't care what we wear but rather how we treat others in life that counts (e.g. no stealing, murder, or hurting of others in general), not what we're wearing as we do it, also i never understood this need to give god a gender, i feel calling god a he is just food for the male ego and an affirmation of a percieved superiority...
    Nobody want's to feel alone
    And everybody want's to love someone
    Out of the tree go pick a plum
    Why can't we all just get along?
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  20. #20
    Silver Haired Member Phyliss's Avatar
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    Being an Agnostic, I'm no longer worried about going to heaven or hell.

    I live my life as I see fit and do not intentionally cause harm to others, nor do I steal from others.

    That is sufficient for me.
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  21. #21
    Junior Member Sexy_Jennifer's Avatar
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    Watch the news or take a look at the world around you - we're already in Hell.

  22. #22
    Silver Member gennee's Avatar
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    Smile Christian and Crossdresser

    [SIZE="3"]I am a Christian and a crossdresser. I have read the bible many times and it doesn't mention anything about crossdressing. I don't guilty or ashamed that I wear women's clothing. If if did bother me, I would have prayed for God to take away this desire. It's a part of my life so I have to see where it leads.


    I'm getting better with age. I may have started late, but better late than never!

    "Don't let anyone define who you are".

  23. #23
    Slip Lover
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    Hi Karren,

    I once did three years of hard time in Parkersburg, W VA. Know what ya mean!

  24. #24
    Silver Member
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    As one who does not believe in a fundamentalist God, I do not worry much about Heaven or Hell. I think we can make our own heaven and hell right here and now. Think about what we are doing in Iraq if you want to think about Hell. (and I don't mean we as in the US, I mean we as in BOTH sides).

    However, the usual prohibitions in the Bible about crossdressing occur in the Old Testament, which has nothing to do with Christianity. Also they occur along with prohibitions about wearing mixed fabrics and fringe. Is your shirt a cotton/polyester blend? Will you go to Hell for that?

    Now, did Jesus say anything about CDing? I think not. This is a non issue. A "tempest in a teapot". Small minds grasp at straws to support their views. There is NO conflict between Christianity and CDing. Fundamentalist Christian churches can hold some pretty odd views, many of which conflict with other fundamentalist churches.

    Religion involves FAITH. Faith is a belief in something which cannot be proven. It is very personal thing. We have no inalianable right to judge anothers' faith. If you believe you will go to Hell for CDing you may very well do so, but that belief does not appear to be supported by the words of Jesus Christ.


  25. #25
    T-something Marla S's Avatar
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    Hell is harming a soul.

    Suppressing or denying CDing is harmful.
    Last edited by Marla S; 11-27-2006 at 11:46 AM.

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