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Thread: Oh goody. My first stalker. Oh, and the boots win.

  1. #1
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.

    Oh goody. My first stalker. Oh, and the boots win.

    Wow. Busy, busy week. I've spent the last four days drinking from a firehose as someone in my company left, and I will be taking on most of his duties. On the plus side, I now know more about UL, C-Tick, BSMI, CE, Gost, and other regulatory issues than I ever did. On the minus side, I now know more about UL, C-Tick, BSMI, CE, . . .

    Anyway, since he was off today, and my brain resembled tepid tapioca, I decided late last night that it was time for a quick girly day today. I told my daughter, and she said, "You're having a girly day without me? Rude!" I assured her that it wouldn't be the same without her, and she could hopefully go next time.

    So, I got up a little early. Well, 7:15, but hey - that's early for me! Showered, shaved, attached my forms, and got my outfit for the day on. I made sure that my son had left (you can always tell. That kid does not know how to close a door softly!), and went upstairs to make sure my daughter was up. She was finishing getting dressed. I asked her what she thought of my outfit. She said it looked cute, and she loved my sweater (1).

    I went downstairs and did my makeup while she was eating and making her lunch. For my eyes, I went with some pretty Fall golds and browns. Once my makeup was done, I brushed out my wig, put it on, and marveled again how much fun this was. I put on my jewelry, added a squirt or three of my favorite perfume, put the essentials in my purse, and sat down to put on my boots. Can I say just how much I love Fall and boot season?

    I went out to get my daughter ready and she squealed and said I looked pretty. I thanked her, and told her that she was beautiful. We grabbed her backpack, lunch, and change of clothes, and were on our way. Now, here's where I was glad that today was the Friday before Halloween. I now had plausible deniability why I was dressed this way. You see, my daughter goes to a private Christian school, and I was about to drop her off there.

    I pulled in, and drove towards the Junior High wing - constantly looking around for moms I knew. I didn't seem to see any. I guess time will tell if I suddenly get a question who the woman was driving my car this morning. I dropped her off, and went back home as I realized I had forgotten to put my driver's license into my purse's wallet. While I was home, I thought I may as well take a few pictures of my outfit. Hey, I even used a tripod this time instead of my toothpaste-splattered mirror in my bathroom. You're welcome!

    Once that was done, I went off to a little boutique that opened near here recently. Their clothes looked cute from the window, and I thought they were worth a try. I walked in the door, and was greeted by the SA. We chatted for a bit while I looked around. I saw a really cute burnt orange dress on the wall. She said that it looked totally cute on, and offered to find a size. I told her my size. She said, "Wow, you're a tiny little thing, aren't you? You and my mom could be twinners! She has your same body. Me, I just look at a doughnut and it goes right here (as she slapped her behind). Well, she didn't have the dress in my size, but encouraged me to look around. I did, but nothing really called out to me except a scarf that I will definitely be back for.

    I left there and went on to Ulta. My friend there had her baby three weeks ago, and was back at work. I had dropped off a baby gift (a cute teddy wearing pajamas) a week or so ago, and wanted to see if she had gotten it. The fact that she enveloped me in a huge hug before I could even get more than a "Hello" in tells me she had. She held my shoulders, turned me side to side, and said, "Girl! If I didn't have all these calming mothering hormones running through me, I would smack you! You look incredible! Damn, I love those boots! (2) And look at that little sweater dress. (2) What size is it? Triple 0?" I laughed and told her that is was just an XS. She said, "You know, here's some more info on how we girls do things. If a woman is pregnant or has just given birth, she knows she is a cow. Lie to her. Tell me that you are wearing a size 10 or something. That has a zero in it, so it's right up your alley, but it makes me feel better." I laughed, and she hugged me again. We chatted with a couple of other girls working the store. She told me that Emily (the Smashbox rep) was coming December 3rd, and that she would love to see me and do my makeup, and that she was going to make an appointment for me. I said I would look at my calendar, and see what I could do.

    We chatted for a bit, she told me again how wonderful my skin was looking due to laser, complimented me on my makeup (she loved my eyes today), and I told her that I was off to have some quick fun. She again said how bad she felt that she had't gone shopping with me yet. I told her that I was open whenever she had time, but with a new baby, she had other priorities. We hugged again, and I left.

    Next time, I'l try to get to the stalker part. For now, I get to go pick up about 8 senior high school boys as they'll be staying at my house for the next two nights for a retreat. My updates may be a bit sporadic (it's me - would you expect anything less? ).

    Last edited by Kathi Lake; 10-29-2011 at 12:05 AM.

  2. #2
    Semi Sane innocent angel
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    Somer were deep in California
    Foul foul. you just can't leave us hanging like that . I call foul.
    Business is the the art of extracting money from another mans wallet with out resorting to violence

    9 out of 10 Dr say I'm sane. The 10th one never made it to the hearing. Did you know that California has drop bears ?

    First a groom then a bride. Never again.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Debglam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niya blake View Post
    Foul foul. you just can't leave us hanging like that . I call foul.
    Yeah, what is this!!!! Ya big teaser!

  4. #4
    "A glass of wine anytime" rachaelsloane's Avatar
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    And the moral of the story is .................

  5. #5
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    The OC, California
    Just like her daughter said..."rude"!!!

    Maybe we should all write a "stalker" ending while we wait.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  6. #6
    Formerly Deborah Whitney
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sara Jessica View Post
    Just like her daughter said..."rude"!!!

    Maybe we should all write a "stalker" ending while we wait.
    ... or become e-stalkers ourselves :-D

  7. #7
    Senior Member Christina Horton's Avatar
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    Ya well with this RUDE hitch she always does this. Now I normallyjust wait a week to read one of.her new threads but this time I did not so I'm going to have to wait. Shit!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC].....................100% Authentic Canadian Cross-dressing Truckdriver!!!!!!!!!

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    Link to My 20th high school reunion

    If you don't like my (honesty) well TFB.

    Men are just a single celled orgasm , In a petri dish held by a woman. (Gene Simmons)

  8. #8
    Full-Time Duality NathalieX66's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathi Lake View Post
    Next time, I'l try to get to the stalker part. For now, I get to go pick up about 8 senior high school boys as they'll be staying at my house for the next two nights for a retreat. My updates may be a bit sporadic (it's me - would you expect anything less? ).

    That's the part I don't get.
    overall, it sounds like a fun time though. I'm doing laser too.

  9. #9
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    How dare you Kathi! Keep me waiting long and you will find out what a starker can do!!!! Hugs!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  10. #10
    Member AnitaH's Avatar
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    Waiting to hear the stalker part also and maybe see the picture, they always look so nice. Its great that your daughter accepts you so well.


  11. #11
    The best of both worlds Kathi Lake's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Right there. To your left. No, your LEFT! Yes, that's it. Hi.
    OK, I'm back for a bit. Sorry about the 'tease' part. Wasn't intentional. I just lost track of time until I realized that I needed to be on the road soon.

    So, let's see, I left Ulta to go to, . . . another Ulta. See, a new one was built recently, and many of the people that I used to chat with are now at this new store. So, I drove up, parked, and enjoyed the sound of my clicking heels on the blacktop. It was a bit windy, so I had to walk with a hand on one side of my head so I could see where I was going. Sigh, all that nice work on my wig, too.

    I walked in and soon was met by 'Red' - the girl I met last time. I told her that I loved her hair. I'm not quite sure how to explain what she had done with it. Let's call it pinned in place in multiple places, with a cute, large feather on one side. She thanked me and said she was going for kind of a 'flapper' look. I told her I wish I could do fun things with my hair. She said that my hair was always lovely, and she didn't know it was a wig the first time she saw me (Ah, don;t you just love those little lies? ). She asked me where my daughter was. I told her that she was in school, but had wanted to come on my 'girly day.' She said with a smile, "Well, who wouldn't? Shopping, makeup, fun with your dad. What's not to love?" She again told me how adorable my daughter was. I agreed, but added the word, "sometimes." I explained that unfortunately she had inherited my rather fully-developed sense of sarcasm. She said that she really appreciated sarcasm. I agreed, but said that my daughter needed to learn not to use it on her mother (a lesson that I painfully - and finally - learned). I told her that I was raising a princess that would never need to be rescued, but Lord help the poor guy that wants to date her. She laughed, and said that she could tell that my daughter was happy and loved - and adorable. I said, "Well, she gets that from her mother." She said, Oh, I don't know, you're pretty adorable too. I think your daughter is a lucky girl, and she is going to be an incredible woman.

    Sigh. After that nice, hearwarming chat, the 'bat-signal' went off - apparently, the store manager and a district manager were on their way in. I hurriedly said my goodbyes, and said I would come back later.

    Yeah, I know - no stalker yet. Soon. It's right after my next stop.

    I then drove to White House | Black Market (WHBM), hoping to see my friend Michelle. Sigh. No pixie this time, either. Ah well, Kim was there, and did her usual thorough job of stuffing my room with prettiness. When I walked in, she was with a customer, so I kind of kept my back to her while browsing the racks. I heard the customer leave, and she came up to me and said, "Hello beautiful! Long time no see!" I asked her how she recognized me. She said, Oh, come on - that body, those legs, your hair - you're hard to miss." "Yeah" I said, "Unless I turn sideways." She asked me what I was was looking for. I told her, "The usual - pretty things that I can't live without." I also mentioned wanting to look over their sale stuff. She brought me over to the new dresses, complimenting me on my boots on the way. (3) If you haven't checked out the new holiday stuff, do it! Lots of gorgeous garnet-red accent pieces. She showed me a few dresses, including one that was essentially a ribbed top bonded to a cute herringbone skirt. I told her that I wanted to try one on, so she grabbed two (I trusted her on the sizes - I've learned my lesson!) and took them back to the room. I saw my favorite silk cropped shrug that I wear with absolutely everything - but in the gorgeous and versatile red. I added it to the pile. She said she had the perfect skirt for me, and brought me to the long black skirt I tried on a few weeks ago. I said I already had way too many black skirts, but she said "This one is different." I found my size and added it to the pile. I realized that the shrug and the skirt was almost an outfit in and of itself, so went looking for a camisole to wear under it. I found a black one with some nice lace, added a belt, and went back to the room, after finding a cute pair of heels to try on everything with.

    Since I can't post more just right now, I'll at least leave you with some pictures of my shopping outfit. Not sure what happened with the color. Odd. Ah well, until next time!


    OK, that was a quick break. Now back to the story in progress:

    I first tried on the black and herringbone dress. I tried the smaller one first. It was . . . OK. I walked outside and Kim came back. She thought it was very cute, loved my legs, and said it was very versatile. I walked on over to the big mirror and had a look. It was cute. I loved how the skirt fell, and how it gave me some much-needed shape. Still, I wasn't in love with it. See for yourself:

    I guess it wasn't quite what I was looking for today, because as I made my way back to the dressing room, I knew I wasn't going to be putting it into my "Get it" pile. So, I changed into the next outfit; the black skirt and a top that was supposed to go with it. This top was suggested by the manager, so I tried it on to humor her, but I knew it wasn't 'me.'

    First off, I have to say that I loved the skirt. It is a stretchy material, and felt wonderful. Being a longer skirt (at least longer for 'normal' people) I knew that it at least would hit me at or even below the knee. Imagine that!

    I zipped up the skirt, tucked, smoothed, and arranged everything, and then left the room. The manager immediately said she loved it. Kim, who knows my taste knew I didn't like this one either. She did say it looked cute on, but knew that it wasn't going home with me either. See for yourself:

    Kim told the manager, "I know what she likes" and told me to put on the next outfit, telling the manager that I would love the next outfit. I changed out of the white and black top and into the lace camisole and shrug. I brushed my hair out a bit as I could tell all of this tugging and flipping while trying on clothes was making a mess of things. I stepped out of the room and, . . .

    Continued next post (as I'm out of pictures)

    Last edited by Kathi Lake; 10-29-2011 at 02:23 AM.

  12. #12
    Silver Member Mollyanne's Avatar
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    Kathi, kathi, kathi this is just not fair, i have read all this and still waiting for the "stalker" part!!!!! You just gotta finish this!!!!!!

    "To thine own self be true"

  13. #13
    Gold Member Cynthia Anne's Avatar
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    Beautiful! I kill ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    If you don't like the way I'm livin', you just leave this long haired country girl alone:

  14. #14
    Gold Member Maria in heels's Avatar
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    You know are just "horrible".... leaving us hanging like this....waiting for the next word...the door opened and you stepped outside and..... aaaggghhhhh

  15. #15
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    There ya go again, doing the cliffhanger thing!!! I guess it keeps us coming back for more.

    As for the shopping outfit, gorgeous!!! You have it coordinated perfectly.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  16. #16
    Banned Read only
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    Bait and Switch ending you little trollup. I was looking for the suspense, intrigue, abduction... but no.

    I had a wonderfully similar day yesterday too, hour and a half at Ulta with my stylist who did three wigs , and gave me recommendations, then quickly from there to another Salon Spa where a girl I knew from work years ago gave me my first 1 hour facial. One of the guy stylist cutting hair in a room I had to pass by asked her who the cute new chick customer was and asked if I was married.She said "don't even go there."
    If there is a moral or connection to yours its this- going out public is So-o-o-o-o-o- much easier and FUN when you can can go to any shop,salon, store and an SA there really knows you well and you are treated as one of them. It truly does make for a girly day. Hope more of our sisters can enjoy it.

  17. #17
    Making a life for Tina! suchacutie's Avatar
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    Kathi Kathi.... I love reading about your adventures, you know we all do. And here you are chuckling to yourself! I know you are enjoying yourself immensely, you nasty nasty girl!!!!

    And yes, you know we will all be checking back here to see the rest! Often!!!

    I think I'll go pout



  18. #18
    Silver Member Tina B.'s Avatar
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    I haven't enjoyed a cliffhanger like this since I was a kid, at the Saturday matinee! And Then, and then, what happens next, get on with the story girl!
    Tina B.
    Magic is the art of changing consciousness at will.

  19. #19
    Member anonymousinmaryland's Avatar
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    All this reading and . . . at least thanks for the wonderful pictures.

  20. #20
    Aspiring Member Dana921's Avatar
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    OMG, who needs reality TV with Kathi telling this story?

    Paitently waiting...... NOT! Heehee!

    [SIZE="3"]Dana Rachael Stevens

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  21. #21
    the happy camper
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    Next week on the Perils of Penelope... Penelope meets with a Stalker! Be sure to tune in, kids!

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    kathi, kathi--- love the shopping stories..and your are drop ead gorgoues...even in jeans and the boots...the other pics were awesome are better looking than , i would say 95% of the women out there....are you sure you are a genetic male?? lol


  23. #23
    Curmudgeon Member donnalee's Avatar
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    This is turning into the world's longest shaggy dog story; please drop the other shoe!
    ALWAYS plan for the worst, then you can be pleasantly surprised if something else happens!

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  24. #24
    Silver Member SherriePall's Avatar
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    I thought for sure that by the time I reached this point in the thread that we would have heard more from Kathi. But, alas, such is not the case. I will have to come back to this forum for the expressed purpose of finding out what happens, what outfit Kathi chooses, whether her daughter approves of it, etc.
    Sherrie Lynn Pall

    Sometimes I make sense and that frightens me.

    Please don't let me be the last post on this thread

  25. #25
    Banned Read only
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    The stalker must have struck; abducted and had his way with her. Goodbye Kathi... you were such a sweetheart we will remember you... but try to escape

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