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Thread: Multiple outing to doctors

  1. #1
    Gold Member Alice B's Avatar
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    Multiple outing to doctors

    Christmas evening I was at dinner with family at mother-in-law's house when I started to have some chest pains and increased dizziness. Nothing severe, but enough to scare me, so I had my wife take me to the emergency room. Long story short is that I was in the hospital for 3 days while every test known to man was conducted. Several doctors, nurses and orderly's saw my painted toe nails. One doctor asked why and I told him I was a cross dresser and that was all there was to it. Several nurses commented on how they loved the color and asked about the brand and color number. I expected some flack from my wife because she was present when the doctor asked, but she said nothing, so I guess she is becoming used to it.

  2. #2
    Silver Member DanaR's Avatar
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    I had a situation about 11 years ago, and spent 4 days in the hospital, with a foot injury. When someone commented on my toes, my wife told them our granddaughter painted them. Everyone thought that was so cute.
    Dana Ryan

  3. #3
    The avvy pic isn't me
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    Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. And it is unnerving to say the least, but in the end our medical people usually are very kind about it.

    I'm a little surprised this doctor was so inquisitive as to ask. Did he seem simply curious as if he'd never heard of CDing? This kind of situation is usually prepared for.

    In my case i had a major heart attack, but i was able to shuck the panties from my drab wardrobe before leaving for the emergency room.
    The rest of me was quite well seen at the hospital though as i needed surgery.
    Both the toes and the fingers were done up brightly in a clear coat with a dash of sparklies mixed in, and the bikini bottom tan lines were obvious as well. I am hairless from nose to toes apart from a small triangle which is kept trimmed.
    After the stent was placed and i was in recovery the entry point on my groin would not stop bleeding, at one point i had 4 young and quite pretty female nurses working on my groin at once. They all at one point or another gave me very funny grins, but not a word was said.

  4. #4
    Momarie GG Momarie's Avatar
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    I bet your wife was just glad of a little light heartiness given the situation.

    I hope you are feeling better hun.
    Last edited by Momarie; 12-28-2011 at 08:46 PM.

  5. #5
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    last year I had several emer. operations, none of the docs said anything, but most of the nurses loved the fact that my toes were done, and one nurse in surgical recovery pulled my covers off 3x just to see what new color or design I had THIS time! we started to become friends I was there soo much. LOVE getting a pedicure every couple of months!

  6. #6
    Junior Member darci.c's Avatar
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    AHAHAAHAHA! Sorry, I don't mean to laugh! I'm laughing in the sweetest, most considerate way, I promise!

    The reason it's funny to me is... as they say... "because it's true."

    I had a similar experience!

    I'm in class one day and we decide to take a trip outside in the sun while it was very warm. (Had been cold up until that day) We had an outside lecture, so to speak. Well, Texas Tech is a big campus and the place we walked to was a little far, not to mention getting around in the first place means walking several miles before the day is over.

    Anyway, we're out in the hot sun, and I feel kind of faint. I already know from earlier doctor visits that I have a condition called mitral valve prolapse. I lay down on the bench, but only barely in time because I actually passed out. I wake up, feeling 100% ok, but I'm in an ambulance.

    Well the next 2 hours includes myself having my clothing cut open, more than 1 female who I would find attractive on any occasion observing that I'm wearing panties and thigh-high stockings underneath my clothes, and even though I should have probably been embarrassed as anyone could be... all I ever noticed was indifference and professional behavior.

    The funny thing to me was that if asked before the event whether I would rather die or have my life saved by people who knew what I was wearing, I would have chosen "I'd rather die."

    Today, I don't feel the same =)

    Btw Alice, I hope you're feeling better. Look into changes you can make in your life and your diet to keep healthy. Blessings, Darci.
    Last edited by darci.c; 12-28-2011 at 09:03 PM.

  7. #7
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your hospital trip Alice. I agree that your toenails are the least of your worries in that type of situation. It did however raise awareness to us and others that how we are dressed (or physical appearance) is no big deal to medical staff. It is what it is. Hope you're feeling better!

  8. #8
    Banned Read only
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    I too went to the hospital ER Christmas eve and had to go into surgery that night to have a stint placed in my kidney due to large kidney stones.

    I'm intersexed and live full time as my true self.

    At the intake desk along with the doctor's and nurses I always tell about my intersexed status.

    This allows for full understanding by the staff who are having contact with me.

    Nothing like the full disclosure of truth to avoid problems.

    I'm pleased it was not serious for you.


  9. #9
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    If I were you Alice, I'd follow up on the cause of your situation. I went in for some tests last year, felt fine, and thought that the cardiologist was sending me home with a clean bill of health. Turns out I had four major blockages in my heart, and had open heart surgery shortly thereafter. BTW, the symptoms you outlined were the same as I experienced prior to the tests. Take care of it.

  10. #10
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    I hope that you are feeling better and what you went through, I'm sure, was stressful for both you and your wife. Sooner or later what you experienced with the medical professionals is going to happen to all of us, if it hasn't happened already. I think that we all need to get our minds around the fact that we are going to be outed and "gurl up" and let it happen.

    Five years ago I went it for hip replacement surgery and beforehand I needed to have several preliminary tests performed. The ekg was especially fun because I had bikini top tan lines and the nurse didn't bat an eye. On the morning of the surgery I was ordered to change into the hospital gown and while on the gurney the orderly placed those surgical socks on my feet and there they were: ten brightly painted toenails. Additionally, I have a "tramp stamp" and when the nurses administered the shot to put me out they remarked how lovely my tattoo was.

  11. #11
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    I recently had surgery to remove a brain tumor. I tried to tan away my bikini tan lines, but there was not enough time. I had the surgery, and my boyshort panties were gone when I came out of the recovery room. Nobody said a thing, but I know they all saw.

  12. #12
    Gold Member Alice B's Avatar
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    As to my condition, it is still up in the air. Had CAT scans, MRI's, Stress Tests, Scans of my caritod artries, etc. I have 3 stints and all heart tests came up negative. Have to go in for another CAT scan of my brain (no comments about my lacking one). The funny thing is that I'm fully shaved and was wearing ear rings and panties, but no one ever saw them as I was able to don my hospital gown alone and was given hospital pants to wear. I think the doctor that asked was simply curious. Maybe he had never met a cross dresser and seemed to accept my revelation. I'm sure he made comments to others, but I really don't care as long as the treatment of me was properly carried out.

  13. #13
    Gold Member Diane Smith's Avatar
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    I spent nine days in the hospital in 2001 getting an artificial mitral valve implant (shout out to Darci) and triple coronary artery bypass after entering through the ER with chest pains. 50 minutes in the OR with my heart stopped and open, supported by the heart-lung machine. Reactions to my appearance ranged from nothing at all to very complimentary about my nails, hair, femmy tattoos and piercings. One nurse in particular was very smitten with my appearance and missed no opportunity to peek and ask provocative questions. This was cute, under the circumstances, and helped cheer me up during what was mostly a very frightening experience.

    I never hide anything I've got from medical personnel since then. They worry a lot more about your health than what you look like.

    - Diane

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsMjSerene View Post
    After the stent was placed and i was in recovery the entry point on my groin would not stop bleeding, at one point i had 4 young and quite pretty female nurses working on my groin at once. They all at one point or another gave me very funny grins, but not a word was said.
    Had the same issue the night after my stent was put in. Nurse came in to check and there were signs of bleeding so she needed to apply pressure (for those who don't know, when they go up through your femoral artery, they do not put any stitches in artery, they use pressure for it to clot over the incision). That little nurse (about 120 pounds) made a fist and then buried that into my groin muscle over the incision and put all her weight there for what seemed like forever. I think that pain was worse than the chest pain I had when I drove myself to the hospital (was on way to work when it happened).

    Don't mean to thread-jack,

    Hope you feel better Alice, and hopefully what ever they find is not serious.

  15. #15
    Style Icon Sara Jessica's Avatar
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    Thank goodness Alice, I'm so glad to hear you are alright.

    And kudos to all medical professionals out there who are non-judgmental and treat the human being, the patient in their midst. I'm sure they've seen much more "interesting" than your painted nails but still, it's their job not to miss a beat.

    I'm sure you will do all of the requisite follow-up. Please know I will be thinking of you.
    Like a corpse deep in the earth I'm so alone, restless thoughts torment my soul, as fears they lay confirmed, but my life has always been this way - Virginia Astley, "Some Small Hope" (1986)
    Sunlight falls, my wings open wide. There's a beauty here I cannot deny - David Sylvian, "Orpheus" (1987)

  16. #16
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    Alice, sorry to hear about your recent health scare and hospitalization. Hope the tests come back clear. Heres to your health in 2012!

  17. #17
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    I went in to the ER for what ended up as a quintuple bypass. My legs where shaved. Also my primary care physician is a locally know as a transgendered doctor. She used to work at a family practice located in the hospital before transition. She was also featured in a series of special articles in the local paper. Not all her patients are transgendered, but she specializes in that now. I suspect 90% of the staff at the hospital knows that and would guess that her patients might be transgendered. I never heard a peep from any hospital staff. 100% professional!!
    I reject your reality and substitute my own!!

  18. #18
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    I would hope that no medical professional would be judgmental, but that is not always the case. I hope you continue to find nothing new Alice, and that it is just an anomaly.

    ut depending on how your wife normally addresses your CDing, you might not want to assume a new level, if this appears to be one. I am sure she was scared badly and had something else on her mind (your health).

  19. #19
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    I too have to make numerous trips to the doctor on a regular basis. I'm always careful to wear male underthings whenever I go. In the last four years now I've had three major surgeries. After the first one just about everyone that came into my room after surgery gave me S--- Eating grins. Seems I said some things coming out of surgery. My wife told me that I was still saying some things when I was brought to my room and that it was very embarrassing to her. The next two surgeries I really dreaded but as it turned out I was given different aenesthetics thai I was given the first time.
    One of the nurses after my first surgery kept referring to my hospital gown as my dress. I kind of enjoyed that kind of kidding but also resented it at the same time.

  20. #20
    Member sue1965's Avatar
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    I had a similar incident with my bad back. In November 2009 i had a major flare up of my lower disc and was unable to stand up or sit. I rolled out of bed to the floor and tried to get it to relax, after a few hours, I gave in and called my surgeon, He had me call 911 and get a ride into the hospital. My toes were bright red and I was wearing a pink thong. At least i had on sweats and a t shirt when the ambulance arrived. Once at the hospital, They injected me with pain medication, then the nurses removed my outer wear so I could have test's done. The two ladies had great big smiles as they uncovered my toes. They continued undressing me so all I had on was my thong. One still had a great big smile the other had a look of confusion. I explained that I am a cross dresser and we had some nice conversations over the next three days I was there.

  21. #21
    Senior Member Barbra P's Avatar
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    Good grief Alice that’s worse than a lump of coal for Christmas. Well it sounds like it wasn’t a life threatening condition at the time and I hope that whatever caused it is easily addressed and doesn’t require any major changes to your life. Years ago I thought I was on the verge of having a heart attack, shortness of breath, nausea, cold sweats, heart palpitations, but when I got to the hospital the EKG showed I was not having a heart attack and my electrolyte levels revealed a very low potassium level. An injection at the hospital and daily K-tabs were all that was required.

    I came down with Pinkeye on Christmas day and it was Tuesday before I could see a Doctor – I wasn’t about to go to the ER for Pinkeye and sit around for hours in the waiting room. My toes are currently a candy-apple red and I wore my sandals and the nurse who took my vitals looked down and said “Your BP is fine . . . and you’re wearing open-toed shoes” and smiled. As she was leading me to the examining room we passed another nurse who upon looking down did a classic double-take and then gave me a big smile. The Doctor, not my regular Physician, seemed to take absolutely no notice of my nails at all, actually a little disappointing.

    Let us hope that there is nothing serious and it turns out to be nothing more than what Scrooge uttered when asked by Marley’s ghost about why he doubted his senses, “Because, a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There's more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!" Let’s hope you fit and up and around and can attend another NC meeting soon.

  22. #22
    susie evans susie evans's Avatar
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    gald to see you are ok i forgot too tell you getting old is apain in a lot of places

    better next year susie

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