Hiding your male bits inside your body never hurt for me, if it does stop at once. It you want to tape my tip is to fit a cut off end of tights over everything. Push your dangly bits away, wrap tape around base to keep dangly bits in place make sure it is around the tight material. One 14 or so inch bit of STRONG gaffer tape from about 4 inch above base down shaft then pull back under and secure straight back , not too tight. Then 2 pieces of tape on each side of first peice starting 2 inch or so above. Pull lightly under and carry on to secure at the back on buttock, repeat on other side. After a few goes to get it right you should be able to wear any panties apart from thongs without any male bits or tape showing. The tights over your shaft do alow for movement and comfort and make removing the tape relativly painless. Started doing this without the tight material was uncomfortable coz everything was stuck without any movement, that hurt if aroused and removal was YOW OUCH and B****** that hurts.
Hope this helps