1) What started you on the path to Crossdressing?
I'm going for the fairly bland answer of... I saw some female clothes lying around when I was kid, picked them up, put them on, enjoyed it and the cycle begun.
2) Have you told anyone?
I haven't directly told anyone in particular but I have hinted strongly in that direction to a number of people and I doubt they would be suprised if I were to tell them.
3) Were they/ Have they been accepting? What was their reaction?
As I say above, I haven't directly told anyone yet but I imagine I would recieve a reaction of lack of suprise intermingled with acceptance and a hint of indifference.
4) As far as the early stages of your dressing go, what was your favorite article of clothing or shoes (Color, material, etc.)?Dresses, skirts, shoes, make up. Essentially anything I was able to lay my hands on.
5) Can you dress freely? Or are you stuck in a situation where you can't dress?
I am able to dress as freely as I please.
6) Did anyone ever encourage your crossdressing?
I have had female friends 'convincing' (as if it took any) me to dress up etc. for nights out.
7) When you started, did you do it by yourself, or did somebody help you along? How?
By myself.
8) Have you ever ventured out?
9) What was the general reaction?
Generally positive and I was even propositioned which was nice I guess.
10) Was there anybody who disapproves of your dressing?
Not that anyone actually knows of it to my knowledge but if they did and they disapproved of it I would be unlikely to be spending a great deal of time with them from that point onwards.
11) Why do you dress?
Simply because I enjoy it and don't really see myself as limited to one style of dressing.
12) Say that somebody offers you 1 free outfit (Clothes, Hosiery, shoes, Mani/Pedi, Hair, makeup done by professional artist, forms) with no strings attached- What would you pick to wear, How would you use the outfit?
Dunno really. Stylish, simple and lets face it, short, black dress, stylish and simple underwear and hoisery, stylish and simple hair, stylish and simple make-up (if you hadn'y guessed by now, I'm a fan of the stylish and simple look). I don't really know how I would use the outfit, *shrugs shoulders* go out in it I guess (probably somewhere stylish and simple tbf).