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Thread: How Have You Changed Since Joining This Forum?

  1. #1
    ghost Anne2345's Avatar
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    Mar 2011

    How Have You Changed Since Joining This Forum?

    I joined this forum on March 3, 2011, not quite a year ago. Since that time, I have posted close to 600 times, of which exactly 100 are original posts. Out of morbid curiosity, and in anticipation of my 100th OP, I have recently reviewed some of my earlier submissions.

    In the beginning, I was a relatively shy, nervous, and unrealistically idealistic girl. Although not so young, I had yet to knowingly communicate with another member of the transgendered community prior to joining. Consequently, I was excited, eager, hopeful, and quite naïve. In fact, I had no clue what to expect from the forum. But whatever my expectations were, I did expect greatness. And in this forum, greatness within the membership I have found.

    Looking back over my posts, however, and thinking back upon who I was when I first joined this forum, I am no longer that person. In fact, I have changed so much over the past year that I hardly recognize myself at all. The person I thought I knew was but merely a happy-go-lucky crossdresser, just soaking up the atmosphere of this remarkable site, having fun, and writing about butterflies, flowers, dancing to the music, and the beauty and magic of crossdressing.

    The person I am now is vastly different. Specifically, I have been through much emotional turmoil, and have experienced psychological chaos and anguish over my gender identity. I have had brutal growing pains that I did not know were even possible, and I have broken down and cried more times than I care to count.

    When I first joined, I had no idea that I teetered so precariously on the brink of complete, total collapse, confusion, and emotional chaos. I was, or so I thought, happy in the closet. My closet was my blessed sanctuary. I could be anyone I wanted to be in my closet. I could dress any way I chose, and I could do so safely, securely, and comfortably. I was limited only by the bounds of my active and otherwise ample imagination.

    But alas, the one person, evidently, that I could not be was myself. As I evolved, matured, and my awareness began to blossom and branch out as a result of time spent here, the person I knew was ultimately annihilated. Simply decimated. And let me tell you - annihilation hurts. It hurts much.

    With the wisdom, assistance, and experience of the membership, and many, many professional therapy sessions later, I have managed to break through many years of of denial and suppression, and rediscover my true self – I am transsexual. I want to be a woman. To greatly complicate matters, I also happen to be married, have a young daughter, and have a demanding career.

    Regardless, however, I did not ask for any of this. Not this. Life as a crossdresser was innocent, beautiful, fantastic, and relatively easy by comparison, even if I was but only in the closet. This is hard, difficult, harsh, unfair, emotional, extreme, merciless, and unforgiving. Be that as it may, I strive mightily for the middle road, and to live and exist between the two genders. Only time shall tell if I am successful. But with the help, support, and guidance of this forum and its membership, I shall adapt my strategy accordingly, hurdle after hurdle after hurdle, and see where it takes me.

    In this, I am quite thankful and grateful for all of you, for what you have done, are currently doing, and will do in the future. I know that I am not alone in my journey, and I take much comfort and solace in the numbers herein, and the friendships I have been so fortunate to cultivate and forge. I thank all of you for simply being here.

    In life, though, change is inevitable. For better or worse, change is always around the corner, rearing its head, ready to grow, ready to pounce. How have you changed since joining the forum?

  2. #2
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Ontario, Canada
    Another thought provoking thread Anne, you are quite the thinker.

    When I first joined here I had just finally accepted myself for who I am and let the genie out of the bottle. My purpose for joining was like a man on a mission to make others feel better about themselves. That's why post count is so high. You see, I really care about people.

    What I also learned is that TG people are all the same, but we're different. We are all complex individuals. We are all at different places on the gender spectrum.

    The common goal I see is to find who and where we are and be accepted by society. That is a huge struggle.

    What I see here is wonderful people struggling and helping each other. Society could learn a lot from us, they really could!

  3. #3
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    South Western PA
    I haven't changed very much in the last... Almost 7 years since I've been here... Except I've gotten much better tying on my blackberry....
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  4. #4
    Adventuress Kate Simmons's Avatar
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    If anything I've become more pragmatic.
    Second star to the right and straight on till morning

  5. #5
    Member Ava Tryptyk's Avatar
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    I joined this forum very very recently - that is, I haven't even been here a month but I do feel like I've gone through some changes. I bought my first CD-related item at a public place (pantyhose at the supermarket). This may seem like nothing compared to the CDs who regularly go out shopping and try on clothes in the dressing room, but it still means something to me. I do feel more comfortable with my hobby, though I'm still very much in the closet. I think I just need to keep hanging out on this forum regularly and look at the pictures people post here to keep up my motivation.
    Back on the forums! But still very much closeted.

  6. #6
    Emerging Diva Nikki A.'s Avatar
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    Since I've joined I've become more comfortable with my dressing. Before it was just my wife who knew. Now there are others, I've met others on the forum, been out & about and am more at ease with presenting as a female.
    Do I want to transition, right now the answer is know but I reserve the right to change my mind down the road and this is a big change in itself.

  7. #7
    Platinum Member kimdl93's Avatar
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    I haven't gone back to read my initial posts from January 2010, but I'm sure they'd document a somewhat repressed CDr, one also satisfied with dressing in the privacy of my home, and confiding only in my wife. Being a member of this site has opened my mind to many possibilities that I never seriously considered.

    I came to this site feeling pretty good about myself as a CDr, but convinced that the obstacles to going farther seemed insurmountable. In Jan 2010, I didn't have a wig nor my own makeup. I had just purchased my first set of breast forms. I had quite a few dresses and lingerie but few things that were honestly flattering for my figure, or appropriate for wearing out in public. And more than anything I lacked any shred of confidence that I could go out into the world. But, with the examples of so many incredible individuals on this site, (I want to call them women, but I know not all of them would be comfortable with the term) I found that I was at first curioust, then envious, and finally motivated to try.

    I also found examples of possibilities in the others who had dared to be open about themselves with their loved ones, and often with friends, neighbors and co-workers. Again, I was curious, then envious and ultimately motivated to come out to a much greater extent than I had been before.

    All of this took information, guidance, and practice, practice, practice...until I felt capable of presenting myself well - certainly not beautiful, maybe not convincingly female, but at least presentable. And with that effort came a growing resolve - or courage - to be who I am, and risk the reaction of others. I'll give my wife a very large share of credit for this, as she has been steadfastly supportive and encouraging....and it was she who finally introduced the real me to one of our neighbors....something that really helped quell my apprehensions about coming out to others.

    So, two years later, I'm dressing nearly full time (I work from home). I try to go out in public every day en femme...mostly for little things like walking the dogs, buying groceries, dry cleaning, dropping packages off at UPS, a latte at Starbucks, or shopping!!! I've traveled accross the country (TX to MN) en femme and back again. And I'm out to several family members and most of my neighbors.

    Was it Dennis Rodman who said, "I'm not a role model". My life isn't necessarily right for you, dear readers. But it feels so right for me, and as one of my neighbors said, "Good for you! Life is so short, you have to be yourself!"

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Southern Alberta
    I have grown a lot since joining the forum. I'm no longer pissed off at the situation about my dressing, though I still get frusterated over it, I have learned to have fun and accept myself. Before joining the forum I joined a local TG group, when I went there for the first time I felt real uneasy almost like I was in a counselling session with a group of wife beaters. I didn't like it one bit but now I can fit right in with a bunch of us anytime and anywhere and be real proud of who I am.

  9. #9
    Aspiring Member elizabethamy's Avatar
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    When I came to the forum, I had been reading about crossdressing and trying to understand why these relatively new urges and thoughts were overtaking me in my mid-50's. The forum has shown me how many different kinds of TG'S there are, and how many different preferences and styles. It's helped me continue in my struggle to figure out exactly how transgendered I really am, why I'm this way, and where it all might be going. I go from being at peace with the whole thing to being tormented by it to being scared about the future, and sometimes combinations of all three. Since no one except my rather disappointed but semi-tolerating SO knows about my gender issues (well, aside from the therapist, who's really valuable), this forum is pretty much the only community of like-minded people I have, and I appreciate just being able to come here and read and look and think. It's a wonderful mutual support system in which we're all helping each other in large and small ways....

  10. #10
    Making a life for Tina! suchacutie's Avatar
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    For me it's easy! I joined 2 days after Tina's first appearance in our lives 6 years ago. I knew absolutely Nothing! I went from wondering what breast forms were and having not the first clue about makeup to having Tina as a permanent part of our lives.

    Actually, it's all pretty amazing!

  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    I'm certainly more confused. Right now, I don't really know who I am, where I am, where I want to go. But it's no big deal. I've been confused for much of my life. I may eventually figure things out. I may not. Whichever, I believe things will be interesting.

    In a way, I think being confused is a positive step, given that I never thought much about CDing before. I used to know where I was with this, and that knowledge didn't make me happy. So maybe I've taken a step in the right direction. Time will tell.

  12. #12
    Aspiring Member
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    Jan 2012
    Less than one year ago I was reading this forum as well as looking at cross dressing pictures to discover what was going on within myself. One picture showed a bald middle aged, pot bellied man in a bra and panties: My thought at the time: "what a freak"

    Today I am sitting wearing the top part of my pink bikini and a long flowing skirt (pink panties) and I feel good about it and I feel comfortable. I don't feel freaky. And I am older than that man.

    Some changes. Go figure.


  13. #13
    Silver Member RenneB's Avatar
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    Oh yea. When I found this forum, I was just looking for a way to hide the clothes and outfits. Now, althought still in the closet, I've found so many friends and have changed from never venturing out to being out and about practically daily.

    Darwin once said that it's not the strongest or smartest that survive, but it's those that are willing and able to adapt to change that survive. The more adapable one is the longer you'll survive... That's my journey, to learn how to change and adapt to the environment that I'm presented with....


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Since joining this forum, I'd say I've gotten better with understanding my crossdressing self, I've lost a lot of weight and are much happier with my female self.

  15. #15
    Member Crysten's Avatar
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    No, at least, not since last Tuesday, anyway. After all, how do you think I felt about the whole thing. I mean, really.

    "Addicted to Victoria's Secret".

  16. #16
    Senior Age Member sissystephanie's Avatar
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    I don't really think that I have changed much at all since joining the forum. Of course, I have gotten older, thank heaven!! But having been a CD longer than a lot of you have been alive, I have pretty much gone thru everything. I joined the forum after my dear wife died in 2005. Since we had been married for almost 50 years and I had known her since childhood, I was devastated!! My life, at least in my mind, had come to an end. She was totally supportive of my crossdressing for our entire married life. In a sense, you people have taken her place and I really thank you for that!

    As I have said on this forum many times, I have no desire to be a woman. I just like to dress like one, and do whenever I can. In the many years that I have been CD'ing that hasn't changed, and never will!!

    Lady on the outside, but man underneath!

  17. #17
    a tomboy no more abigailf's Avatar
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    Amen!!! Anne, I could have written that. Yes, I changed and in much the same way you have. I was there about 6 months ago. Coming to terms being a transsexual and figuring out how to live with it and where to go next. Today I am on HRT and I do not know how far in transitioning I will go. I suspect all the way, but part of me hopes I can save some of my old self just to make it easier on my family. But in reality, I sense that will only make it harder for all of us.

    I wish you all the best and all the strength I can for you to succeed in whatever you decide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    I haven't changed very much in the last... Almost 7 years since I've been here... Except I've gotten much better tying on my blackberry....
    Karren, it looks like you need more practice.
    Last edited by abigailf; 02-01-2012 at 06:49 PM.
    - AF

    Look girl, act girl, feel girl ... be girl.

  18. #18
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    South Western PA
    Quote Originally Posted by abigailf View Post
    Karren, it looks like you need more practice.
    I just got that on Facebook... A friend said that they would miss my posts... Along with all the mispelling misteaks!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  19. #19
    Gold Member Marleena's Avatar
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    Ontario, Canada
    Duh...Marleena how have you changed?? Answer the question you went off on a tangent again!!

    Oops.. This forum has reinforced that it is okay to be me. I'm progressing in all things femme now. I'm almost ready to venture out into the real world with teenage girls that will clock me
    Last edited by Marleena; 02-01-2012 at 07:33 PM.

  20. #20
    Cat's Eye Siren ArleneRaquel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marleena View Post
    Duh...Marleena how have you changed?? Answer the question you went off on a tangent again!!

    Oops.. This forum has reinforced that it is okay to be me. I'm progressing in all things femme now. I'm almost ready to venture out into the real world with teenagers that will clock me
    Lovely post Marleena.
    Fulfilling a Lifetime Dream of Living as a Woman in My Adult Years. Ten Years Living 24/7 as a Mature Lady

    My Love of Cat's Eye Frames, Bangles, Red Lipstick, Nails, & Cheeks, Comes From My Mother - An Irish Beauty

    I'm Always Rainbow Proud

  21. #21
    Happy in life KlaireLarnia's Avatar
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    I have learnt a very important thing: I know who I am not.

    My time here as been spent looking at others to understand what I am and want, and more importantly what I am not and do not want. I understand the limits I place on myself better because I see others trying to achieve things I do not want, and therefore help me see and understand why.

    I have only changed in the respect that I am become wiser to my needs and goals, but on the inside I am exactly the same person as I was. Where as before I only understood the story a little, now I understand the meaning of the story as well.

    Last edited by KlaireLarnia; 02-01-2012 at 05:07 PM.

  22. #22
    Member Melissa Cross's Avatar
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    Even tough I joined this forum in 2006, I wasn't active until recently. This forum has given me the confidence to be myself and not be afraid to do new things en femme. So I feel I have become a much more confident CDer since joining. Thanks everyone!

  23. #23
    Member SusanMarie's Avatar
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    In between...
    How have I changed?

    What was once now celebrated wonderful
    No closet is big enough!

  24. #24
    I accept myself as is Gillian Gigs's Avatar
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    Through this journey I have come to be at peace with myself, and accepting of the fact that I am what I am. I am peculiar, unique, and that is better than being run of the mill and average!
    I like myself, regardless of the packaging that I may come in! It's what is on the inside of the package that counts!

  25. #25
    Nobody's Daughter RachelZ's Avatar
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    Since joining this forum I've manged to tap into my inner blonde... wish I would have know that "tapping in" meant unleashing a whirlwind of repressed energy that completly reshapped my personality.

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