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Thread: Army Duty!!!

  1. #26
    Member RachelB.'s Avatar
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    Having served it that part of the world some of the locals will beat you to death if they even suspect you crossdress. Not to mention the guys in your unit that could do you harm. It is really easy to set some one up in a war zone. I'm sorry but you are in the wrong profession if this is what you want.

  2. #27
    Banned Spammer
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    Between here and there but mostly here close to the donuts.
    Kathi posted the ruling so nuff said.
    You can argue all you want about it the military is black and white and doesn't give a squat who you are and how you feel, they own you so to speak.
    We all here understand you are who you are and we accept that.The military and your peers serving with you aren't going to like it at all.
    @ I hold no animosity towards you for singling my post out.
    Its true a CD can be killed in the USA but in a Muslim country you can bet on it if they find out.
    Good luck doing your 365 and I hope you return safe and sound.Your tour there will change your life.
    Last edited by Tracii G; 08-29-2012 at 06:35 PM.

  3. #28
    Nondressing CDer ReluctantDebutant's Avatar
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    I know National Guard you're in a close knit unit hell you and you senior NCOs and officers might all be on a first name basis. I don't know but I am guessing your battle buddies all know and are cool or don't care about your unmentionables. Yo probably drill with just your unit ever month maybe you train as a battalion or brigade during the two weeks every year. And no one has notice or has cared about your panties.

    Now when you get to Khandahar or Bagrahm as a main base or whatever FSB you might go to after that you are going to fall under the command of the Regular Army and surround by other various units not just from the Army but the Marines, Navy and Airforce. How will you wash these panties? The Civilian contractors who do the laundry don't do handwash. Are you going to wash them in the sinks in the communal showers with hundreds of other enlisted and NCOs coming in an out? Where will you hang them to dry? Male and female barrack/tents are separated. Some one is going to notice. Didn't you learn about murphy's law? Some Old school E8/E9 who is still pretty steam over DADT being dropped is going to hit you with the UCMJ so hard. Or worse Jarine Gunnery Sgt Cliche is going to spot you with them in the shower dressing room and isn't going to take kindly to panty wearing Soldier being on the same base as his MEN and he'll have something other then regs to hit you with.

    But you know you are right. What do I know? I am just a Cross-dressing Army National Guard soldier who has been deployed to Afganistan. What do I know about what it is like for a Crossdressing Army National Guard soldier who is going to be deployed to Afganistan?

    Again Good luck and Be Safe.
    Last edited by ReluctantDebutant; 08-29-2012 at 06:46 PM.

  4. #29
    Aspiring Member JulieK1980's Avatar
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    From my own experience, best to leave it be till you get back. You'll have many other things to worry about over there than what to wear. Keep your head down, and come back to tell us about it.

    Thanks for your service.

  5. #30
    Silver Member Marcia Blue's Avatar
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    While DADT has been replace with "Gay is OK". Transgenderism is still not tolerated in the Armed Forces. I know it seems backwards but often the military is real redneck/backwoods. Their are members on this forum, who are currently active duty or recently retired who will back me up. My father was 20 years Air Force Military Police. He has told stories of hauling officers and enlisted off to stockade for minor infractions, only to be found to be wearing female bras or panties. He said the married ones tried the wife made me do it, story. The single ones usually had no real out, and were released from duty, as were some of the married ones. We really are thinking of your best interest, when we suggest, you wait to dress till you are on leave or back home.
    Last edited by Marcia Blue; 08-29-2012 at 08:41 PM.
    Marcia (LOVES) Blue

  6. #31
    Junior Member Karencd37's Avatar
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    I'm dating myself here, but I crossdressed in Bangkok, while on R&R from Viet Nam. Great fun and re-kindled my CD desires which had been suppressed while in the service. Save it for R&R, don't even think about it while in a combat zone.

  7. #32
    Member JohannaSophia's Avatar
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    I did my time in Viet Nam and Later in Desert Shield. We all appreciate you currant service in a very dangerous place. Keep your head together and come back safe.

    There was just no privacy and no room for playthings that don't fit the accepted norm during my VN Tour including R&R and Leave.

    During my Desert Shield time I did have enough privacy with a lock on the door to look at myself in a mirror tucked while trying to work on breast push up but I did not keep anything in the room that did not belong in a guy's room.

  8. #33
    Member Sophia Claire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonixd View Post
    So, girls.... just so you all know, I'm in the Army National Guard

    I have been put on orders for deployment to Afghanistan

    So, two questions:
    1. Who else among serves, or has served, in the military?
    2. Any suggestions for fem fun while deployed?
    1. 8 years Navy, one year Coast Guard and counting.
    2. DON'T. Deployment is not the time for any of that. You'll come back, go to your day job, dress away. Trust me on this one: experience is a cruel bitch, a war zone is no place for letting your hair down (so to speak). The last thing you want is to be in a dress when your FOB takes IDF.
    Last edited by Sophia Claire; 08-30-2012 at 01:58 AM.
    "Who are they? Are they the half that we've lost - the H2 to our O, that have joined as water to make streams, seas, waterfalls, waves, storms?"
    - From "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin

  9. #34
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonixd View Post
    Show me the regulation that would "hose" my career. Show me the battles who would do said hosing. And show me the Law that would have the rock hurled at my head.Please don't make assumptions where no fact exits.
    oh boy...this isn't going to end well...

  10. #35
    Member Sophia Claire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voulez-Vous View Post
    oh boy...this isn't going to end well...
    damn right it won't...
    "Who are they? Are they the half that we've lost - the H2 to our O, that have joined as water to make streams, seas, waterfalls, waves, storms?"
    - From "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin

  11. #36
    Member Sophia Claire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonixd View Post
    Thank you for your service as well.

    Show me the regulation that would "hose" my career. Show me the battles who would do said hosing. And show me the Law that would have the rock hurled at my head.
    Please don't make assumptions where no fact exits.
    In the Navy, it's NAVMED P-117 Change 126. I've been in the military long enough to know that if it's in one service's medical manuals, it's in all the services'. It's not a UCMJ violation, but it would be an administrative/medical discharge. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You'll get med boarded and tossed out like week-old garbage. And if you are hell-bent on dressing over there (which it sounds very much like you are) against how many decades of military experience, you'll see just how quickly they'll effect that end.

    The military is the most conservative organization ("conservative" here being used in the classical sense of adhering strongly to tradition) in the government, and the only one that still prohibits CD/TGs from service. Any old guard, religious whack-job, or homo/transphobic idiot who sees you dressing and doesn't like it can turn you in. From your unit or not.

    In Afghanistan, the "law" such that it exists, retains much of the basis in Shari'a that the Taliban enforced after the Russians left. Currently in the law is the precept that no political party, interest group, or social club may advocate anything in opposition to Islamic morality. That said, Islamic morality (and you should really trust my expertise on this matter) makes no distinction between homosexuality, a capital offense, and crossdressing. True, the preferred method of execution is no longer stoning, but you would probably be hanged if the locals had their way. Which I believe is what TxKimberly is talking about.

    Please don't assume that no facts exist where they very plainly do.
    "Who are they? Are they the half that we've lost - the H2 to our O, that have joined as water to make streams, seas, waterfalls, waves, storms?"
    - From "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin

  12. #37
    Banned Read only
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    Or...... you could say the hell with it. What do all those current and ex-military members know anyhow? It's your choice. Do as you like.

  13. #38
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    Hello Girl-Friend, (Big Fan)
    Wearing Nylon Panties, Sheer-Nude Pantyhose, bra,slip and black patent pumps with the usual military uniform is quite awesome! No Doubt, standing strong for the Great U.S. Forces For Freedom-is Never Ending....Thank You!!!

  14. #39
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    Hi Girl-Friends,

    I hope this does not offend anyone. My sister-in-law works for the Army. She deployed to Afghanistan and left behind some of her uniforms! I have Always been fascintated with her uniform. I am small - and did serve with the military, but not long term. Her blouse and skirt fit me well-enough. I bought the nylon panties and sun-tan pantyhose from wall-mart. The high heel pumps I ordered from Zappos!-(Fit me Well). The Rush of wearing a Military Female uniform Is Over-Welming! Hugs....I Love You!!!

  15. #40
    Member Jessica Keys's Avatar
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    Show me the regulation that would "hose" my career

    You have got too be kidding are for real arn't you?
    They don't need no regulation to make your career a liveing "hell".
    Forget any "dressing" while over there...period!

    I had my Asia'n vacation courtesy of the US Army in the mid 60's so I know!

  16. #41
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    I served four years with the Navy. I dressed once. There is no privacy to do what you need to do there. Please listen to everyone.


  17. #42
    Member Jan Michell Collins's Avatar
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    To all who have served and are serving. Thank you for your service to our country. To thouse who returned home. Welcome home !!!!!

  18. #43
    Senior Member MissTee's Avatar
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    Retired USAF. Cold War duty, and a decorated vet of of Grenada, several Central America stints, and Desert Storm.
    Don't even think about dressing. It's not accepted or tolerated, and could be enough of a distraction to get you killed.

  19. #44
    Junior Member Melani's Avatar
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    As a former member of the guard Thank You for your service and I wish you well hu ra

  20. #45
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    You would not have done well in my infantry squad.

    Quote Originally Posted by tonixd View Post

    Show me the regulation that would "hose" my career. Show me the battles who would do said hosing. And show me the Law that would have the rock hurled at my head.
    Please don't make assumptions where no fact exits.

  21. #46
    Member JohannaSophia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hmerkin View Post
    Hi Girl-Friends,

    I hope this does not offend anyone. My sister-in-law works for the Army. She deployed to Afghanistan and left behind some of her uniforms! I have Always been fascintated with her uniform. I am small - and did serve with the military, but not long term. Her blouse and skirt fit me well-enough. I bought the nylon panties and sun-tan pantyhose from wall-mart. The high heel pumps I ordered from Zappos!-(Fit me Well). The Rush of wearing a Military Female uniform Is Over-Welming! Hugs....I Love You!!!
    Yes, that is cool at home in Indiana.

  22. #47
    Member Sophia Claire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissTee View Post
    Retired USAF. Cold War duty, and a decorated vet of of Grenada, several Central America stints, and Desert Storm.
    Don't even think about dressing. It's not accepted or tolerated, and could be enough of a distraction to get you killed.
    or even worse, by your distraction you could cause someone else to be killed. You don't want that on your hands.
    "Who are they? Are they the half that we've lost - the H2 to our O, that have joined as water to make streams, seas, waterfalls, waves, storms?"
    - From "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin

  23. #48
    Junior Member Michelle Deere's Avatar
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    Welcome to Afghanistan. Did a tour with the CDN Mil here and now back as a civvie.
    This is not the place to dress. I have good private accom but nothing fem. Only activity is via internet.
    Out of the 30,000 on this base (I don't go outside the wire), I have yet to see any other CD'ers, but I bet they are out there.

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonixd View Post
    Wow ladies...
    Well, first off thank you all for your support! And for your service as well!

    Second, as to your concerns ladies, I am actually surprised. Very surprised.
    I won't go into all of them, but the few...

    Hun, in THIS part of the world Cding can get you killed.

    For most of your post, thank you! It's this part that bothers me. Tell me how I can have dignity and live a lie?

    I'm not sure about most of you ladies here, but this is not an "alter-ego" for me. It is who I am.
    Why do you think that preparing for service and being feminine equals 'my head in my butt"?
    Why do many of you assume that it would be a distraction for me? It is for you?
    Just the shear visceral reaction here has completely caught me off guard. Nearly all of you have instantly gone without so much as a second thought.
    Do you actually believe the propaganda you spout here about being "Ok" and "normal" and "adjusted" and wanting to change the culture, or are you all sitting here lying to yourselves?
    Many of us who responded have been there. As you already know, the military is a different world and a different culture. I frequently wore panties while in uniform stateside but things are totally different while deployed. Even though DADT is no more, you will put yourself in very probable very real danger by trying to dress in combat. The old prejudices are even more acute in a combat zone. We just want you to understand things from our point of view before you make your decision. Whatever that decision is, please take care of yourself and protect yourself over there.

  25. #50
    Member Sophia Claire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissTee View Post
    Retired USAF. Cold War duty, and a decorated vet of of Grenada, several Central America stints, and Desert Storm.
    BTW, I haven't said this yet, but to my sisters in service, thank you. And to Miss Tee, I have a great deal of respect for Grenada vets. Communist expansion in the Caribbean was a subject of interest for me in my intelligence courses. People talk a lot of mess about Grenada. It was even in an Adam Sandler movie "Didn't that last, like, eight hours?" Most people aren't really aware that it wasn't just a political brouhaha; and not just a NEO (that's a noncombatant evacuation operation for you non-military types); but that the Cuban military, probably the only competent military in the Caribbean, had sent their special forces and combat engineers there ostensibly to build an airport (read: forward air base). They had prepared fighting positions and hardened facilities. And they put up, by most accounts, a pretty stubborn resistance. To the point where 2 entire battalions (if memory serves, that's about 4,000 troops, kids) to reinforce the original landing force. If it was a walk in the park, why did it require 7200 troops, including SFOD-D to handle a little over 2200 Cubans? Rumor has it that there were a handful of Soviet troops on the ground as well as "advisors." It may have been a brief conflict, but it wasn't a laughing matter by any stretch. Much respect to those who fought in the Rodney Dangerfield of Cold War engagements.
    "Who are they? Are they the half that we've lost - the H2 to our O, that have joined as water to make streams, seas, waterfalls, waves, storms?"
    - From "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin

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