View Full Version : Transsexual Forum

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  1. Which HRT option works for you?
  2. Pregnancy??
  3. Walking like a model
  4. ummmmmm
  5. FTM hormones, T, etc.? Help!
  6. I need of your help.
  7. What size breasts?
  8. Hiding Breasts
  9. Something about Miriam
  10. Hermones - Where do you get them?
  11. Mianne Bagger, TS Golfer
  12. transition in ontario
  13. Eliminating pathology of Gender & C/Ding from the DSM-IV-TR
  14. A book I recommend for those of you considering HRT
  15. Pain in the chest from estrodiol
  16. Oh the drama
  17. A coming out (kinda)
  18. Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
  19. Why Do I Feel Trapped?
  20. ********?
  21. Starting the change
  22. Facial feminizing sergury
  23. I Told My SO I"m Lesbian
  24. Judgement
  25. Phyto Estrogens
  26. Sex-swap therapy at 3
  27. Site worth reading
  28. a sore-breasted shark
  29. superrant
  30. How is BobbieG?
  31. i.... cant tell my parents that i want to be a tranze
  32. The Gender Genie or You Are What You Write. But is "it" right??
  33. A Few Words
  34. A suggestion.
  35. Gahhh, help!
  36. Really Need Help!
  37. help, I don't think I'm just a cd anymore
  38. medical news
  39. Hormones
  40. male into tranny
  41. Sensitive breasts
  42. Honey-I want breasts
  43. Just A Help
  44. Another Milestone - The Next Chapter
  45. Tonight I am telling my wife that I am a transexual
  46. Transgendered Care
  47. delemma
  48. Sensitive Nipples
  49. Shaving
  50. Estrogel
  51. Joined a support group!!!
  52. Results of tests after 2-1/2 months
  53. Book on the WEB
  54. Adding Provera to a Hormone Regimion
  55. is it to late to change
  56. I am What I am
  57. growing info
  58. I'm young and confused
  59. Umm..Psychosomatic Feminization?
  60. A Couple Practical Questions
  61. Im New and may need help
  62. Im New and may need help
  63. Homecare Scholarship
  64. Sex change
  65. Herbal Products
  66. Tell me more
  67. Voice Theraphy
  68. The TG Roller Coaster Ride
  69. Looking for advice on this? Well, here it is...
  70. Who are you?
  71. Camel TOES
  72. autogynephilia
  73. Earliest Thoughts: The Loss of "IT".
  74. Considering transition? Read this book!!!
  75. Would I Be a Girl?
  76. Question?????
  77. breast inplants
  78. Any Advise
  79. Becoming a GG (Long Post) Would you want to?
  80. breast implants
  81. Breast Aug. Simulator
  82. What am I??
  83. How to
  84. long time no chat
  85. a new girl
  86. Self Image
  87. news FYI
  88. Why is M 2 F TS so prevalent?
  89. advise please
  90. TOPIC FULL: Herbal Hormones (About this Products)
  91. Mid 30`s and hormones
  92. Hmm Sperm banking before hormones
  93. srs
  94. If I am strait than why
  95. Srs
  96. I Whant To Exit From Closet
  97. hormones
  98. hormones
  99. Going Pubic the First Time - To Church
  100. transgeneration
  101. UK Television alert: 'Middle Sex' Channel 4 9PM Thursday 26th
  102. Larry King Show
  103. The Intersexed
  104. New Movie Out
  105. The history of GRS?
  106. Some I'm TS and finally stopped hiding from myself.
  107. Birthday (well, sort of)
  108. I want a sex change really bad....
  109. maintenance
  110. Symbolic Act Hits Me Hard!
  111. Battle Fatigue - No Rest For The Weary
  112. The Japanese have been quite liderated about this stuff
  113. What do we have in common (TS)?
  114. Has anyone ever dreamt they we're the opposite sex
  115. So, You Think You Want GRS?
  116. College degree
  117. Altering DNA to change gender?
  118. well Im now150
  119. Jealousy Rears It's Ugly Head
  120. weight gain whilst on hormones
  121. GRS Update
  122. Finally...It begins
  123. Changes
  124. Extreme case of crossdressing or gender dysphoria?
  125. Question
  126. You ever....
  127. Anybody feel you MUST quit your job?
  128. What do you think?
  129. Tragic lengths ...
  130. YES!!!!! hehehehehe
  131. Check this out!
  132. Transsexual Links
  133. maybe some one can help
  134. Your Male Self
  135. Need Advice
  136. Novice question about hormone therapy.......
  137. Hormonal Effects On The Body
  138. Is it possible to not have to wait years?
  139. Missed Oportunity?
  140. To The Active And Accepting GGs....
  141. Have you watch the movie " NORMAL" ?
  142. Another hormone question for the GGs
  143. My Personal Oddessy
  144. Hmmmmm?
  145. Today my wife asked if I knew this is a sickness
  146. Harry Benjamin Standards of Care
  147. To look more like
  148. When can I start using the red tees?
  149. What effects did you notice
  150. Do i go dressed?
  151. A Forum Like This
  152. Do you suspose?
  153. A question
  154. Help a young one
  155. Do they always see it when you're young?
  156. making love
  157. I cant find my emotions anymore
  158. Dumb Serious Q for you...
  159. Am I just taking crossdressing too far?
  160. Anyone TS but will never consider transition?
  161. How do you feel about being TS?
  162. How to hide.......
  163. pigeon hole me please
  164. VERY Interesting Article...
  165. An Intro
  166. Facing Reality Sometimes Too Tough
  167. Coming out to a family member
  168. Question I have to ask...
  169. Family support
  170. An update plus I got "ma'am"ed today
  171. Getting older
  172. full time for a week
  173. Enter into heaven...
  174. About changing sex...please read!
  175. Do I need FFS?
  176. What To Do? :(
  177. Alternatives...
  178. Losing it, need some advice or help please
  179. Confused, lost & seeking directions...
  180. HELP HELP HELP!!!! I need advice BADLY!!!!
  181. Insights...
  182. TV progam on GRS
  183. Telling Family
  184. Transgeneration
  185. Gender
  186. does it hurt
  187. Seeking qualified person for basic HRT information
  188. Suicide
  189. Boi or grrl?
  190. The difference... CD vs TS...
  191. Acceleration....
  192. That little white stick
  193. UK GID psychiatrists
  194. Would you...
  195. Docter docter am I a girl
  196. A busy day this week
  197. Another first for the UK
  198. Anyone Here Dealt With This...
  199. HRT for me!!!
  200. Scots Old Age Pensioner -Gender Reassignment
  201. any TSs experienced........
  202. On the edge
  203. HRT or HT?
  204. on off-on off
  205. Looking for information
  206. Hormone Question
  207. No NHS funding for TG individuals in Wales
  208. Putting on weight
  209. Very interesting site about transsexuality (Good site for young Transexuals)
  210. help needed......
  211. Wives
  212. From the man himself...
  213. I'm sure of it!
  214. Transgeneration - The Series
  215. Questions & Thoughts
  216. some advice please
  217. i told my mom about my situation
  218. problem with emergence
  219. feeling depressed ... my story
  220. Charring Cross Hospital
  221. Some less 'threatening' sites on Transgender/Transexuals?
  222. homemaker wants SRS
  223. RLT Question-- how would they know?
  224. One Person's Story
  225. Transition procedures for Australia?
  226. Taking chances
  227. The Walls Of Denial
  228. Shouting from the rooftops...
  229. comming out, Help........
  230. What a week - My latest progress update
  231. People who have been in this situation...
  232. do you think my dad has figured it out?
  233. Is it sinful to wish I were a woman?
  234. More unbelievable progress!
  235. Male and Female Brain - Transexual and Intersex
  236. Peace Of Mind
  237. mom not liking... but better be accepting
  238. So i guess im after some advise?
  239. Been found out...
  240. Don't u just hate that wait......
  241. Can anyone help
  242. Biologically wired to be transsexual ?
  243. sex change (i need help)
  244. Traveling as I am
  245. I'm not sure if i can do it + Whats going on...
  246. Hormones as a 'test'?
  247. Coming out at WORK
  248. G I Clinic
  249. Letter to family
  250. Change DNA structure to become GG?