- #1 Community & Forum for Crossdressers, Family and Friends FAQ

Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.

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Specific Posting Requests

The following applies to these forums only :-

In each section of the listed forums above, any member may post in any of the threads or create a thread themselves.

However, if a member has 'specifically' asked a certain group to answer their threads by stating in the thread title and/or post - MTF, FTM, TS and/or GG's only, then please abide by their request.

Make sure you 'read' the thread title and post 'before' you post in it. If the staff find you are posting in threads you shouldn't, they will take this further and could eventually lead to your account being suspended. If you value your account on this forum, then please, take the time to respect other members threads.

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The crossdressing community is one that needs to stick together and continue to be there for each other for whatever one needs.
We are always trying to improve the forum to better serve the crossdresser in all of us.

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