Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links or search box below to find your way around.
This forum is for discussing all aspects of Male to Female Crossdressing. All members can post in this section, it is not restricted to just MTF members.
See additional information here.
Moderators - Shelly Preston, GretchenJ and Char GG
Clothing, Shopping and Beauty
Access to this section is restricted until you have 10 posts. Please do NOT spam sections just to gain access, they will just be deleted.
This section is for discussing clothing, shopping and beauty. It is also for sharing shopping and beauty recommendations for both online and regular retailers.
You may post links and pictures (please include links if you are posting pictures off websites) for shopping sites in this section, including all lingerie etc. - for example La Senza, but anything of a pornographic nature will not be permitted. This is also acceptable in all the other sections on the board.
Moderators - DAVIDA
This forum is expressly for all your picture posts and video clips. Pictures and video clips should only be of yourself. All other pictures and video clips should be posted in the lounge. All members posting pictures or video clips in this section of the forum, are responsible for obtaining permission from each person depicted.
Access to this section is restricted until you have 10 posts. Please do NOT spam sections just to gain access, they will just be deleted.
Pictures and video clips posted showing the following will be deleted.
If you are in any doubt, please contact a moderator before posting photo or video clip.
Moderator - Shelly Preston
Additional guidelines can be found here.
See additional information here.
Note: - this section is only viewable by members. Guests will not be able to see your pictures and video clips here.
Please remember the Moderators and Administrators reserve the right to remove, move or merge inappropriate pictures and video clips posts/threads as they see fit in accordance with the rules.