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Thread: Wearing female clothes while as a man

  1. #1
    Happy in life KlaireLarnia's Avatar
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    Wearing female clothes while as a man


    I am new here and have been cross dressing for around 20 years now. I have no wish or desire to be or act female, nor am I am doing it for kicks. My reasons are to express a side of my personality which I have to repress normally. I also hate the way that men are forced into wearing a very limited style of clothes which women are not - and this is kinda like my way of having being able to express myself and challenge the limits society have placed on what men can wear. I feel I should be free to wear anything, at any time - much as women are.

    When at home my dressing times and chances are extremely limited due to my wife and child. My wife knows what I do and has placed rules on what I can and cannot wear normally or in the house while she or our child are around - which is fine and fully understandable. I am basically limited to wearing female knickers at any time I wish and female jeans. I can wear nightdresses when my wife works nights and my child is asleep. That is it.

    Periodically I have to go away at times on business and when I do I use it as release where I can dress as I want in my hotel room. It is an extra form of release. When I drive to the city my meeting/hotel is in I always wears Jeans and T-shirts, I only wear my suit for the meeting itself as I hate wearing it and think I look a berk in it!

    On my last trip I took an odd step, when I got up and dressed for breakfast (for which I always wear jeans and T-shirt), I put on a bra for once and wore it under my t-shirt and jumper. When after breakfast I changed into my suit - leaving the bra on which I then wore to and through my meeting which lasted from 9am to 10:30am.

    I then endured a 7 hour drive home (still wearing the bra but now in jeans and a t-shirt after changing in the car following the meeting). Now here is my thought and if anyone has any thoughts/opinions of their own I welcome them

    I am considering driving next time in a skirt and possibly a female top/t-shirt. Why, because I want to know what it feels like. I am alone in the car, people would only get a glance at my top as they drove past me and before I got to the hotel I would stop and swap the skirt for jeans and put a jumper on over the top to disguise it. I am also considering getting some flat or 1/2inch court shoes to wear while driving.

    So, question: Has anyone ever worn anything female related other than underwear while still being in "male mode" and if so what was it like? To take the above further, if I where to stop at a motorway services and swap into jeans, and jumper but leave the shoes on, do you think I would making an error of judgment or would people probably not notice and/or ignore me?

    Aa I said above, I do not want to look or pass for a woman. I am male, perfectly happy with that and do not want to change it. My reasons for cross dressing are based on expression and repression (in terms of clothing styles, choices, fabrics and patterns). Women's clothes allow me to feel comfortable both physically and mentally.


  2. #2
    The Girl will Out! Kaz's Avatar
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    Been there, done it, now into the next stage! Welcome to the journey!

  3. #3
    Silver Member Debra Russell's Avatar
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    Whatever Klaire but I suggest you look long and hard in the mirror: the answes to your question " yes we all have worn something femm while in male mode at sometime" wether it was nail polish or stockings and if female clothing and styles make you feel unrepressed physically and mentaly I think you hit a nerve! - that needs to be explored! I suggest you try to look a little more femm - for your self in private and see how that makes you feel. If it feel's good do it don't be ashamed. Come to this place to talk --- keep dressing and feeling good ... Huggs, Debra

  4. #4
    Formerly Deborah Whitney
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    I do it at least twice per week ... on my 25-mile ride (motorcycle) to work, in the morning, and on the way home in the evening.

    I love it. I do get the odd look once in a while, particularly when I stop for gas ... I take off my helmet, and my "secret" is out -- there's no passing with this face.

    But I don't care. The freedom, the feel of the femme clothing ... it's all good.

  5. #5
    What is normal anyway? Rianna Humble's Avatar
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    For a few months I travelled to and from work as "a bloke in a dress" then got changed before going into the office.

    It felt right at the time and I even had some compliments from GG's for daring to be happy.
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    This above all: To thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any

    Galileo said "You cannot teach a man anything" and they accuse ME of being sexist

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  6. #6
    Member carrie-ann's Avatar
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    I'm 247 now but I wore female clothing more than my male clothing before that no one cares you might get a look or two who cares. Your the one that has to figure out what you want to do.

  7. #7
    Member Tanya83's Avatar
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    Ahhh yes, the "Partial dresser"

    I do it every day.

    I love the "Knickers" as you call them. With a pair of cute little flip flops...I'm good to go.
    Life's too short to not do the things that make you happy.

  8. #8
    Silver Member AKAMichelle's Avatar
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    This was one of the ways that I started. I use to have to drive from Memphis to Huntsville, Al every week for awhile. During that time I would drive wearing women's clothes. If I had to go in for gas or something then I would change clothes before I went in. I remember one of the times I just said to hell with it and kept on the flats that I had one and went into the store. No comments so I felt pretty safe doing more.

    Now I travel and go out en femme whenever I want.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Glenda58's Avatar
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    Yes we all do it at times. But that's how it started for most of us. Now I just don't care who see me dress in what ever. Today Icut the lawn in short shorts and a tank top. I have no male underware at all.

    So dress with makeup once and see how you feel and let us know.

  10. #10
    Member Being Paige's Avatar
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    Yes, I often wear panties and bra under my male clothes, I will also put on nylons when I'm wearing jeans. It feels great. But I love it more when I can get out fully dressed enfemme! Which reminds me it is almost the end of summer and it will be cooling off, almost time to put my bikini away

  11. #11
    New Member
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    Well then I am impressed......I have to say you have some guts and for the world to change their opinions you have to have guts.

  12. #12
    New Member
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    My wife encourages me to wear what I want, although I haven't been able to bring my self to do it totally yet. I am conflicted about things like running into someone I know or being harrsased by some ignorant jerk. Go for it if you feel up to it, sounds to me like no harm, no foul.

  13. #13
    Member dee anne's Avatar
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    under my miltary uniform

    i did it today, bra, panties, cami and hoses. It felt great all day long.
    Dee anne

  14. #14
    Senior Member Christina Horton's Avatar
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    forgive me if I'm wrong but "Klaire" if you don't want to be treated like a women then why did you pick a fem-name here.

    Second. Some times I read of a girls tail of "oh I just want to be a guy in a dress and not be or seen as a women". Now there is a good chance that's true for you but I think is could be a steping stone for your mind to come around to except your fem-side.

    Why do I say that when I don't know you or your whole story. Well not only have I heard others tell me the same thing but.... Well long story short. I came out to my family when I was 23 1993. My sister came out to me in 1998. She said she was BI and I knew then she just want to let her mind grasp the fact that she is fully gay. And she did a few years later.

    Is your story going to be the same. I don't know but.... There are lots of girl and guys with the same kind of story like yours. The difference is that there at the point that they have fully excepeted themselfs. You may think/know I'm wrong but I just want you to have my words at the back of you mind and to be open to the possabilty you might someday want to go out cull as a women.

    I hope I have not brouht you down or made you mad. I just need to express myself on whet I thought when o read ou thread.

    I hope you luck and have fun.

    And yes I too have worn fem-stuff in drab.

    Like I wear panties and I have been for the last month or so been wearing my bra and c cup( giving me a d size breasts) breast formes and no one has said anything. I have also worn mu 4 1/2 in stelito boots out too and no one has said anything. So yes you can do it if you want. Most people don't look at what your wearing unless your a hot chick or have a huge bugger hanging under your nose. So don't worrie about it.

    Have fun with CDing after all you only live once.
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    If you don't like my (honesty) well TFB.

    Men are just a single celled orgasm , In a petri dish held by a woman. (Gene Simmons)

  15. #15
    Happy in life KlaireLarnia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christina Horton View Post
    forgive me if I'm wrong but "Klaire" if you don't want to be treated like a women then why did you pick a fem-name here.
    The simple answer is two-fold.

    1) Klaire Larnia was the name of my Second Life Avatar which I used to explore my female side - which I have never denined having especially being a Gemini. We are often seen as having two sides to our personalities, I simply view mine as the male and female sides - both of which help make "me" as a whole.

    2) I dislike standing out from the crowd unless I have too. So by bring Klaire onto here, I can look around, comment and speak without standing out like a sore thumb.


    Regards to my reasons for my cross dressing. I have questioned why I do this many times. Every time I have I have always got the answer that I am rebelling against the limits that society place against men regards to what they can and cannot wear.

    I have never felt the need, urge or wish to go outside and appear or be taken as a female. Will this change? Maybe, I am not physic so I do not know. I can only tell you what my mind says here and now. Maybe this is where I am heading, one day my head will say "Sorry, but men will never be able to wear what you want - so the only way to do it is to look and act female." I have no idea. But then again this is part of why I am here:- To learn and understand.

    I am quite used to being a little different, doing things maybe not the same way round as others. It does not bother me as in the end I will figure things out and get the answers I am looking for. My question about wearing female clothes as a man may just be a step towards this, it could also be a step to my personal crusade against the limits placed on men regards to clothes. I have no idea at this point.

    The one thing I do not want to do is make a mistake that *could* backfire and affect my family. This is why I seek answers before I do things. I can plan, consider options, see possible problems/results and then work out best what I can do.

    I hope that kinda makes sense and does not come over as a rant (as it is not meant to) and opinions and thoughts are always welcome. If I was not able to take [more] negative sounding thoughts and opinions then I would never post something like I did. Both positive and negative thoughts are needed to give a balanced answer and help me see the full picture and not just the nicest part of it.


  16. #16
    Aspiring Member Danni Bear's Avatar
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    Only you know what you want. That being said, I would caution you. Do not limit yourself, explore your feelings when you are dressed. No matter how little or much that is. You said that it makes you more comfortable physically and mentally when dressed. Ask yourself why is that? It could only be what you think it is, or maybe it's more. Only you through searching and exploring can determine that. Yes it is hard to put up with a world that limits a persons outward expression. Women do have an easier time with clothing, but why is that. It could be because we won't let the world dictate to us anymore. Or maybe it's as simple as for years we have gone ahead with what we found comfortable.

    Good luck in your quest


  17. #17
    GG ReineD's Avatar
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    Why is there cultural anxiety about crossdressing? Some people will say it is due to religious influence, a few texts in the Bible that deem it morally reprehensible, but there are non-religious people who've never read the Bible and who feel queazy about it. Why are people confused with anything other than clear-cut binary gender? Why does homophobia exist? Is it hard-wired or culturally conditioned?

    I don't know the answers to these questions, since I support everyone's right to express who they are and I understand that there are people whose brain gender does not match their physical gender. But, we do live in a world where it appears as if a majority of people feel anxious about anyone who goes outside the gender norms. They may tolerate it as long as it is arm's length of their private lives, but few are willing to support and embrace it close to home, save for some loving and accepting spouses and even then, most do so as long as the final gender barrier is not crossed.

    I'm pointing this out to let you know that you will likely be viewed with misgivings when you go out dressed as you propose. I wish it weren't that way, but it is. A few independent and free types will applaud your originality, but not most people, even thouth the majority will not say anything to you directly. You'll need to feel confident and strong within yourself, like the CDs who encourage you in this thread, and not care how you are viewed. If you only plan to stay within the safety of your car it shouldn't be too bad, but if you try to make an effort to appear feminine with proper hair and makeup, you will blend in more to match people's expectations of gender expression, and your road might be a little easier if you plan to get out of the car.

    Good luck!

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member Gillian's Avatar
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    Hi Klaire,

    I have managed till now to keep my two elements apart, but reading your post has made me question if I can integrate some items into my daily routine I quite like this idea of T-shirts and Jeans in a femme cut, this could be quite discreet pleasure, I couldn't do the bra or panties under part as the days I am in drab means someones home!

    The days I am alone, I am almost exclusively in skirts dresses etc.

    Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

  19. #19
    Aspiring Member
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    I wear panties a bra and ladys jeans daily every day never really cared for dresses or skirts but do like high heels could never pass for a woman but I do love the clothes

  20. #20
    Member Misty G's Avatar
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    I always wear panties (don't own any male briefs), Most of the time I wear female jeans and shorts. I wear women's New Balance 801'ss to work in which are Pink and Black. I always keep my legs shaved year around

  21. #21
    Banned Read only Satrana's Avatar
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    I am one who has dropped the idea that crossdressing requires me to emulate a woman. Passing is not what CDing is about.

    When I am in my house I make zero effort to blend in, I just wear whatever combination of male or female clothes I like. But in public I still go with the makeup and wig and forms. Why? Because the more I conform to the gender norm, the more the people I interact with are at ease. Secondly the makeup and hair disguises my male self so I am more self confident knowing my male persona is unrecognizable.

    However I make no effort to pass myself off as a woman with regards to my mannerisms or voice. People can instantly tell I am male but so long as I act confidently and calmly then the exchange goes just fine. I feel that people hate uncertainty trying to determine what you are or worse being fooled into thinking you are a GG then finding out later and hating you for making them feel foolish.

    People are going to be uptight if you are uptight. People have built-in radars that can detect nervousness instantly. You need to build up your self-confidence which in turn makes it easier for others to accept you.

    As per your question about the shoes, chances are nobody would notice. If they did then they would have a momentary thought pass through their minds "Oh he is a gay" then they would get back to their own business. Absolutely nothing would happen unless you have the major misfortune to run into some drunk knuckleheads or worse a gang of bitchy teenage girls!

    So walk about in those shoes as if you wear them everyday and be amazed how nobody gives a damn.

  22. #22
    Aspiring Member Freddy12's Avatar
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    I have worn various oieces of female clothing while in male-mode. I have bever gotten a comment or even a second look. If you act confident, you can do a lot! It gives me a thrill each time I try something new or different. I particularly enjoy wearing a bra that is obvious when in male mode to see if anyone notices. The VAST VAST majority do bot, or at least do not seem to. Keep on pushing the boundaries!


  23. #23
    Silver Member Billijo49504's Avatar
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    I wear womens clothes every day, without a wig or makeup. But if anyone asks if those are womens clothes, I just tell them no, their mine....BJ

  24. #24
    Senior Member Emma England's Avatar
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    I have lost count the number of times that I have worn a skirt in male mode (hundreds of times - especially in warm weather).

    What is it like? More comfortable than trousers.
    Whenever I have worn a skirt in male mode, there have never been any issues at all.

  25. #25
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    Keep do what your doing if you wish to take it up a notch do it. For a really good feeling drive in 4inch heels I love it. I drive fully dressed only a night and It's the bomb hun.

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