I consider myself to be heterosexual, but to be honest, if I see an attractive woman these days, I'm more interested in what she is wearing and how, potentially her outfit might look on me. In other words, I would probably rather "be" her than "do" her.

Then again, age and stage of life might have something to do with this as well. I grew up in an era when women still routinely wore skirts, dresses, heels, and pantyhose etc., took pride in their appearance, and seemed to revel in their femininity. I see nothing remotely appealing in the sloppy, grungy manner in which most women dress these days and in their trying to emulate "the boys" in their often promiscuous, hard-drinking, pick-up truck driving, body-piercing, and tattoo-enhanced behavior and presentations.

Maybe mine is an out-dated notion of femininity and maybe in some ways I am objectifying women in saying this. If so, guilty as charged, but it's the way I am both wired and was socialized as, and I make no apologies for that.

All of us have a "type" that we look for when it comes to being attracted to the opposite sex - especially from a visual standpoint, which is generally the first point of contact/awareness. Some people have a preference for blondes, some would not consider as a love interest a short person or one who has a prominent nose, and others are turned off by people who are excessively heavy etc., etc. My type happens to be the traditionally feminine woman, which is a species that is rapidly disappearing.

All that said, if a label needs to be attached to me aside from "crossdresser" it would likely be "asexual" at this point in my life (I am a card-carrying "Boomer"). Wasn't always that way, but as my awareness (and comfort level) with my non-conventional gender identity/orientation evolved over the years, my purely carnal interest in today's women declined proportionally.