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Thread: Why is looking completely female so important?

  1. #51
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    Apr 2007
    San Diego
    To each their own. I guess. When I dress I like to pass as completely as I can. that just me. I like to see if I blend well and the only heads I turn are guys looking at a good looking women. Good looking women turn my head. I don't know if I do that but I have been mistaken for a woman many times At least thats what I have been told by the people who made the call. I don't want to transition. To me that would take all the fun out of it. I get bored or tried of dressing after several days.
    Every one is different some people even like to wear mens cloths a lot of the time, weird.

  2. #52
    Junior Member Gaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teresa View Post
    I do try and understand the MIAD point of view but please respect those of us who are out in the RW totally as women , we are dealing with our dysphoria and not trying to impersonate women .
    To be fair to George though, the question was asked in the crossdressers section, as opposed to the transgendered area - to be honest, I've often wondered the same question as the op about the site, there does seem to be quite a few people in here who have, are, or want to transition.
    Bearded, hairy, beer-chugging, truck-drivin', wife lovin' manly man...
    ...sometimes in lingerie and heels, and occasionally a cute dress. MIAD 4 life!

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Wichita Falls , Texas
    I want to experience some of what it feels like to be a genetic woman in different situations. To be treated like a woman
    I think to achieve this I need to
    Look as much like a woman as possible


  4. #54
    Join Date
    May 2018
    My real self is male, always has been, and has been an athletic, rough and tumble one at that. My real self is fundamentally embarrassed by wearing women's garments. At the same time, my real self really likes women's clothing and thoroughly enjoys wearing that clothing. I dress completely, including makeup and forms, not so much to emulate women, but to conceal the fact that my real self is the one wearing, and enjoying wearing, women's clothes. If I can satisfactorily escape detection that I am a male in female clothes, then I avoid the embarrassment of doing so. Convoluted, but close to the truth, I think.

  5. #55
    Junior Member Gaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mary Lawrence View Post
    Convoluted, but close to the truth, I think.
    Mary, that is some TRUTH right there.

    *stands and applauds*

    (And am sure you've heard this before, 'cause gawd knows I have, but there's nothing to be embarrassed about here. You're in good company here, and there's far more of us out there than people think!)
    Bearded, hairy, beer-chugging, truck-drivin', wife lovin' manly man...
    ...sometimes in lingerie and heels, and occasionally a cute dress. MIAD 4 life!

  6. #56
    Aspiring Member Yinlingyen's Avatar
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    Looking completely female is very important to me, in fact the most important thing.
    I want not only experience the feel of light soft fabric gliding over my smooth skin.
    The chance to put on make up, eyelash extensions, gel manicure, pedicure to show off my toes.
    I want to be treated like a beautiful woman. I want to experience what it feels like to be admired (if at all possible). I want to experience what it feels like to have men look at me and have certain desire in their hearts,
    When I get dressed I don't skip a thing. Its all on head to toe before I go out.
    And I admit the process of getting ready to leave home in my new self is so liberating for me.

  7. #57
    Nylons lover GeorgeA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teresa View Post
    I do try and understand the MIAD point of view but please respect those of us who are out in the RW totally as women , we are dealing with our dysphoria and not trying to impersonate women .

    I do and always have respected all members here. I never criticise or disdain anyone.

    I have read most of your posts and know that you are more of a TG than a CD. CDs being men do impersonate women. They do not try to be women, just look like women. Many times it's only infrequently.

    A few years ago I had an employee in my shop who was a TG and was treated by me and others as a woman and not a CD.

    Good luck with your neighbours.
    formerly Salerba

    "a miad" Man-in-a-Dress

  8. #58
    Junior Member Samantha uk's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    Hi Stephy
    Its not important at all, I mostly just throw something on and in my perfect world I would be able to go down to the shops in my skirt and heels, but because I would then become defined by that, my passing as a female in public is part of the compromise I make to society. By that I mean if society finds it jarring to see me as a roughly shaven man in a skirt and heels then I will compromise by appearing as something they can deal with in a skirt and heels.

    Even if I did live in my perfect world there would still be occasions where I would want to go the whole way because I can just about get away with it and I enjoy it. Its as simple as that really. In fact I've just uploaded a vid about the courage it takes to go out in public
    Last edited by Samantha uk; 10-17-2019 at 02:30 AM.

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