I want to share some of my experience with my telling my wife about my crossdressing. In short it has not gone well, and right now my marriage is in doubt because of it. I've told her she is more important to me than the cd'ing, and she's taken me at my word. So the clothes are all gone, I've promised to renounce crossdressing, and I've even started therapy sessions to reinforce my quitting.

Quick recap: On July 5 I craft a nice 4 page letter telling my story, expressing my love, how important she is, how I'm not gay, I don't want to become a woman, etc, etc. The first thing she does after reading one page is run to the bathroom to throw up. While she finishes reading it all she can say is "No, no, no, no, ..." I haven't been able to touch her since, we haven't had sex since, and she's pretty much said we won't until she gets things worked out. I've tried to get her to talk to someone several times but she doesn't think she should have to do anything.

Almost a month later and I'm depressed, she won't hardly talk to me, and although she hasn't gone to any lawyers there is no sign of any move to try to make it better. I guess at least the part about not going to lawyers at this point is a good sign. The ironic thing is, one of her lines while she was reading ithe letter after I had said something about being truthful above all else was, "Sometimes a lie is better than the truth."

So, here I am at a crossroad having told the truth and having wrecked what used to be a wonderful marriage. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished...

More as the story unfolds,