Quote Originally Posted by Badtranny View Post
Yes exactly, which is why I was glad to see the OP pose the questions, unfortunately just not very well.

I am convinced that early acceptance or a more open gender model would likely have resulted in my NOT transitioning. I did indeed wish I was born a girl but I WAS able to accept my reality and I was able to live a relatively normal life albeit a vaguely unhappy one. For me, my gender issues were tightly intertwined with my sexuality and I think my inability to accept myself as a gay man is at the core of why I needed to transition. I wanted to be gay rather than a TS and I tried in earnest to make the gender queer thing work but ultimately I preferred to be seen as something other than a man. Being a TS was not a desirable outcome, but in my current state of mind, I feel like it was the single best decision I ever made. Having said that, I just can't help but wonder how much my current state of mind has been influenced by socialization and the rigid gender roles that I grew to accept as normal.

I tend to think that as society evolves, we will see far more gender variants and far fewer Transsexuals. Well, eventually. First we'll see a LOT more Transsexuals, then society will begin to evolve to a more constructive understanding of gender expression.
Wow Melissa, that didn't half resonate with me. I tried for a couple of years to remain as a feminine man, moving perhaps towards to gender queer, since I was pretty sure that this was a place where I could be happy and I figured that this would be a place where my friends, family and wife would be able to follow. This caused all kinds of issues with my own self image and marriage, and so I tried to keep as the more generic man since anything else didn't seem to be an option. This of course broke down, and now I'm in full blown transition. I can't really blame my wife, or anyone else, but if given the opportunity to live as a more expressive feminine male, I guess I wouldn't be where I am today.

Given that though, zero regrets regarding transition.