In another post CharGG made an excellent point when she said :

".... Just remember, you took away her choice to accept your CDing when you married her without letting her know. ...."

I thought this topic might be worth its own thread.

In my previous relationship my ex had a drinking problem , as a middle child of two alcoholic parents, it became an issue that severely affected our relationship. Although she was not an alcoholic, she certainly was a mean drinker.

Its interesting to note that almost every couple has 2 or 3 things in their relationship that remained hidden during the dating portion of the relationships and sometimes years INTO a relationship. Think about it , when you are dating you spend 8-10 hours a week with someone when a week has 168 hours in it !

Things hidden in a relationship;

. Finances (lack of,excess of,bankruptcy)
. Debt (student loans,credit cards,personal loans)
. Previous marriages (past AND current marriages)
. Attachments in toxic relationships. (to parents,friends,co workers,past relationships)
. Alcohol or Drug Use
. Gambling
. Children from previous marriages.
. Job (status of current or 'between' jobs)
. Health Issues
. Sexual Preferences or Problems
. Trouble in the relationship
. Extramarital Affairs
. Personal Success (Yes, Strange but true)
. Hidden Bank Accounts
. Religious views or No Religious Views
. Changing Views (This seems to be the biggest one of all)