Hey all,

Ive been quiet on here lately.

Have been logging on infrequently to check out how you are all doing and have enjoyed reading the stories, questions asked and pics being posted.

I wanted to post this eve as over the last few months I have gone through all of the phases of a closeted CD from what I've read.

I built up a small stash of clothes and make up over time hidden in the boot of my car. I finally got to put it all together on a business trip and enjoyed so much dressing and was on the verge of going out. I didn't that night but my god I wish I had of now.

When back home I fell back into normality and dressed again infrequently and rushed not really enjoying it.

I then had a trip away again but was flying. I am paranoid about flying and thought that if I were to perish (I know extreme......) I would hate for my SO to find my stash (and letter.. see previous threads) without me being there to explain. So I purged before I went.

Now this was no normal purge as I said if I were to ever buy women's things again it would be after I told my SO.

So here I am, another night gone by when I could have started the process of confessing bit bottled it.

I have a young family and am aware that if my SO isn't accepting, which is a possibility, it could be awful... The end. Perhaps why I'm hesitant.

Were not having a great time anyway and although from my part it is a factor (the cd ing i.e secret of) I don't want it to be the focal point of any major decision on our future.

I love my wife and know this will be unfathomable for her.

Problem is, it's not going away.