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Thread: Do you think this is wrong?

  1. #26
    Member jackie_p's Avatar
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    I agree with most of what has already been said. I'd just like to
    add that if she ever does come to the realization that you are a
    CD, or even if you confide in her at some point, then she will not
    only have to come to grips with your keeping this secret but also
    that you "tricked" her and essentially took something that is
    extraordinarily personal. For this and the other reasons listed here,
    I wouldn't ever attempt this.


  2. #27
    Member PamelaTX's Avatar
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    After thinking about it I thought maybe I'd tell part of that long strange story after all. My father used to sell medical equipment and garments of various kinds, including mastectomy prostheses. This was the early 1960's and at the time there was no such thing as a lumpectomy. Breast cancer meant removal of the entire breast, along with most of the underlying muscle tissue, including the muscles under the arm. The prostheses were essentially a breast-shaped lump of cotton. This caused many health problems like back-aches and the inability to walk straight. In addition, by the end of the day the prosthesis was up around the woman's neck instead of down on her chest. My father's Idea was to create a prosthesis that weighed about the same as a real breast to balance the patient's weight and keep it from riding up.

    Now here's the strange part. He decided to make these prostheses out of solid glue so the patient could just lickem & stickem. As time went on, this lickem & stickem idea proved too impractical and he went a different route.

    He used a number of different things for molds, but the best mold was one created by my mother. No, not by direct moulage of her own breast, but by using her own breast as a model for a clay replica. We (it was a family affair) used the clay positive to make a plaster negative that was eventually used to make the artificial breasts.

    The first problem we encountered is selecting a shape for the model. None of the posts here have noted the fact that the breast changes shape, sometimes radically, with every movement a woman makes. Look at your wife and compare the shape with and without a bra, standing, sitting, lying on her back, lying on her side, bending over to pick something up ... . You will see not one shape, but many very different shapes. The shape my mother chose was standing erect, not moving, and wearing a bra. Personally, I don't see how one could make a direct model of a breast without changing its shape to some degree.

    If this hasn't dissuaded you, here are some of the other problems we encountered. The first is lubricating the mold. The breast will stick to the mold, and you've got to lubricate it properly or all you'll end up with is a mess. You've got to apply the lubrication very carefully or it will cause ridges and crinkles in the the skin of the breast. You've got to choose a lubricant that will wash off both the mold and the breast, not damage the mold or the breast. (A degree in chemical engineering would help here.)

    Next, as time went on it became clear that it would be impossible to create a satisfactory product using a single material. At least two materials are needed, one for the outer skin and one for the interior filling. We also used a backing material for the part that fit against the patient's skin. Finding suitable materials for the different parts is a major research project.

    I'm proud to say that my father solved all these problems, and ended up with an excellent product. Bizarrely enough, drug stores (that's where you went to get your prosthesis at the time) refused to buy them because they were too heavy. I say bizarrely, because today's prostheses are constructed to match the weight of the missing breast. If only he had managed to convince the world ... .

    I've left out a lot of the weirder details of this project, so it probably doesn't seem as strange as I've claimed.

    My recommendation would be to buy breast forms from a reliable manufacturer. Many years of serious research have gone into creating these forms and they're worth what you have to pay for them.

    I hope this helps.
    Lotsa Hugs,


  3. #28
    Senior Member emmicd's Avatar
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    Personally I feel you should abandon the idea and just find an alternative.
    You can go out and buy your own lingerie and find breastforms.

    Respect your wife.

    Just my feelings on the matter.


  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by `Kayla` View Post
    I kinda think she thinks that maybe I do wear her bras when she is not here... She did buy this sports bra and the girdle I own but she's never seen me wear it. I sometimes think she bought just to see if I'd actually wear it even though she ask that before hand and I proudly said "yes!".
    Not entirely sure I understand the question. So... she's seen pics of you, she knows you're cd, she has even bought you a bra, and you are worried about what, exactly? Maybe I'm wrong here; i don't know your wife, but I would suspect she can at least put 2+2 together? Transvestite husband + mold of my boobs, hmm...

    Like a lot of the others here are saying, I would suggest, just be honest! I mean, a relationship without honesty, in my opinion, is not really a "relationship" its just two strangers in close proximity to eachother.

    Mind, I could be wrong, humans are masters of self deceit after all, but I'm sure that on some level she must already know why you want her boobs; its because, well, you want her boobs!

    I would also add that, as far as the difficulty of making your own boobs this way, sure it might turn out wrong, make a mess, turn into a big hassle, but worst case scenario? you end up with a botched pair of fake boobs. So what? The project sounds like fun, and possibly, a way to bring you and your wife a bit closer together. I say, relax and have fun with it, don't get all bent out of shape if it doesn't work right, it probably won't be perfect the first time or two, but at least its an excuse (as if you need one!) to more fully explore your wife's er, assets!

  5. #30
    *squeak squeak* Jamie S.'s Avatar
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    I have some experience in making prosthetics for small independent movies, so I guess I should chime in here.

    You shouldn't use plaster on bare skin, for several reasons. The weight of the plaster alone would deform the soft tissue of the breast. Also, using any form of plaster on the skin is not a good idea. Plaster heats up as it cures, and in the quantities required for casting someone's chest along with the plaster bandage reinforcement necessary to keep the mold from breaking this would likely cause great discomfort and possibly burns.

    The way to do it properly would be to use a load of dental alginate to cast YOUR chest, reinforced with a plaster bandage backing. From this negative you'll cast a plaster positive (using something like Ultracal plaster, plaster of paris is very brittle). It is on this positive plaster model of your chest that you would sculpt breasts onto using grey clay. Once you've sculpted the desired breasts, you coat your work with light vaseline and cast it using the Ultracal plaster. Once cured, removed the new mold and remove all the clay from it. It is from the positive of your bare chest and negative of the sculpted breasts that you will create your prosthesis.

    Store bought Latex would be a terrible choice, you would have to use foamed latex and that requires a massive oven running for several hours and is simply too complex and delicate a process.

    The other solution would be to make a silicone casting, which is slightly easier with some of the compounds available now.

    Honestly, if I had boatloads of money and time to spend on an endeavor like this for myself I wouldn't bother with breasts, I'd create facial prosthetics.

    I'm sure I missed a few steps in between, but I'm basically just trying to point out that making prosthetics (at least good ones) requires alot of time, money, artistic talent, and patience. Using your wife as a model is a terrible idea, I mean, you could do it, but the end result would be a terrible latex abomination at best and definately a strain on your relationship with your wife.

    Go with the breast forms. Cheaper, easier, more realistic, guaranteed to work.
    "I know perfectly well I'm not where I should be"

  6. #31
    Platinum Member Angie G's Avatar
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    I think it cute you want you wifes boobs.

  7. #32
    Banned Read only battybattybats's Avatar
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    I gotta agree against plaster.

    When studying sculpture I did my major work in cast concrete which were a large series of bas reliefs from plaster and wood moulds. So I ended up mixing a very large amount of buckets of plaster by hand. I had two interesting experiences. Now I was using plaster from the same large industrial bag in the exact same measurements yet one day the plaster took ages to 'go off' and start to set. The next time was fine though. However a few casts later and it went 'off' in a huge rush generating massive amounts of heat that almost burnt my hand! I had to scrape and wash the curing plaster off my hand halfway to my elbow in a huge rush!

    I've heard of people getting quite serious burns that resulted in permanant scarring from plaster! Please do not use it for this!

    There are life-moulding materials specifically formulated to be safe and effective. I've seen the results at a bulk sculpting supply store in Brisbane run by a guy who made some props for the Hercules and Xena tv shows and believe me, after seeing one partially nude sculpture on the wall molded from a real womans body they can mould breasts quite well indeed!

    Take the time and expense to find the real deal and get professional life-moulding stuff. The risk of burns is far far too great from plaster!

  8. #33
    Banned Read only
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    Let's look at the facts. You're wanting to mould breasts to fit your wife's bra.
    The reason you are wanting to do that is because you are nervous of buying your own breasts forms and bra. And the reason you are nervous of doing THAT is because you think your wife would hit the roof if she found out.

    Therefore, the problem you have is that you are being very creative in order to satisfy your needs whilst keeping it all secret (and I think we've ALL been there in our lives.) And yet you may not need to keep it all a secret anyway because she already bought you some items, you already suspect she knows and you already told her you wore a bra and girdle.
    Difficult as it may be, all this subterfuge could be done away with by being honest with her and if she hits the roof it will be because of the subject matter rather than she caught you lying and being deceitful. It's a risk worth taking.

  9. #34
    Banned Read only
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    Ok some of you have probably read my post and know a little about me by now, very little but still you know something. I have been toying with the idea of using plaster of paris to make a mould of my wifes breast and then use latex or something to pour the mould. I ask her if I could do this and she said yes thought I don't know if she's serious or not. I sure as hell didn't tell her the truth as to why I wanted to do it, I lied. I said I wanted to use it as a "personal toy" if you get what I'm saying.
    I don't know if it's right or wrong, but you are definately pushing the envelope. I would start preparing for an early divorce, if I were you.

  10. #35
    ADMINISTRATOR Sandra's Avatar
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    Well seeing as you didn't tell her the truth then YES it is wrong, if it happens and she then finds out why you wanted to do it all hell will break loose and you'll only have yourself to blame.

    I always used to rib you about your legs can't anymore. R.I.P Sexy Legs

    R.I.P Rianna

  11. #36
    Life is more fun in heels Genifer Teal's Avatar
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    I am not judging your reasons for wanting to do this. Here is the best way to go about it:

    Tell us how the process works out if you try it.


  12. #37
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    I guess maybe I am trying to emulate her? But I'm not crazy like Texas Chainsaw crazy and try to take over her life and skin her nothing like that... I know that is not what you are saying but I kinda get the feeling that maybe some of you are looking at me really weird right now, I don't want that.

    Yes, I wear her stuff because I am too scared to buy my own stuff that fits "me". I wish I would be so much easier and I wish I had the guts to buy forms too. I just figured this would be a safe and easy answer to my problem...but I see maybe it's not. I wouldn't care personally if I were done this way but that is me and how I feel about things.

    I'd like to do nothing more than tell her and have her support me. But I don't think that'll ever happen...I could tell her, sure, but I don't think she'll ever accept way or another. She did buy me those things...and I don't know why. That was before she saw the pics and when I told her I wore that bra she was really disgusted looking with me. She really gave me some shit about those pictures too and I still hear stuff about that, especially when she's mad with me. She won't support my cd'ing...she doesn't know I actually do it she just knows I tried it...that is what I told her...i was curious. She didn't buy that I'm sure...

    I guess it's best to scrap this idea then because the ones who said I'd be digger myself a bigger hole are right. You say it would cause me more problems than I already just don't know my relationship with my wife. It is like living with a buddy or a roommate and not a spouse...let me tell you. I could go into great detail but I don't think I should do that openly here for everyone to read. If she ever finds these post I've made...a moderator will have to do some IP blocking I'm sure. I'm trying to be careful as to not give too many details about myself so maybe she'll never figure it out.

  13. #38
    Raksha's My Dreamboat Tracy_Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by `Kayla` View Post
    Ok some of you have probably read my post and know a little about me by now, very little but still you know something. I have been toying with the idea of using plaster of paris to make a mould of my wifes breast and then use latex or something to pour the mould. I ask her if I could do this and she said yes thought I don't know if she's serious or not. I sure as hell didn't tell her the truth as to why I wanted to do it, I lied. I said I wanted to use it as a "personal toy" if you get what I'm saying.

    Actually I want to use skin colored latex and all to replicate her breast to use as my own forms for when I dress. She is very well endowed and they are a beautiful size and shape..I envy her. I want to be truthful...but I am almost 100% positive that if I do so it'll cause a ton of problems. Since I mostly wear her bras anyway cause I don't have my own except for one sports bra...I figure they'd fill the cups just like she does.

    I'm also toying with the idea of asking her for one of her bras but don't know how well that will blow over either. As I've told before she saw the pictures of me and I kinda think she thinks that maybe I do wear her bras when she is not here. She did buy this sports bra and the girdle I own but she's never seen me wear it. I sometimes think she bought just to see if I'd actually wear it even though she ask that before hand and I proudly said "yes!". Should I go through with this moulding process or should I forget about it? Give a good reason and please not the "you're a terrible person" response.

    Hang on, you have just asked your SO, if you can cover he breast in plaster of paris, to make a sex toy, and your worried about telling her you want to dress?

    You seem to have a comunication problem, I would suggest you try pushing the door open from the sounds of it, your partner could be more accepting than you believe, and she certainly deserve you to be honest with her, and your motives to do this. Who know she might say yes, over the No you have already accepted she will give you.


    You may find this link to useful on body casting kits
    Last edited by Tracy_Victoria; 08-29-2008 at 05:38 AM.


    [SIZE="2"]The nail that stands out the most, is the one that is hammered down the hardest![/SIZE]

  14. #39
    Raksha's My Dreamboat Tracy_Victoria's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by `Kayla` View Post
    you just don't know my relationship with my wife. It is like living with a buddy or a roommate and not a spouse...let me tell you. .
    Yes We do Kayla

    Because we have relationship like that to, My SO is my life, when she is here but that never is 24/7, but she is in my heart 24/7. I Told my partner I was a Transvestite when we very first meet and got serious, because I wanted her to know, and I wanted to be able to share it with her. we started great but it all went to pot, she struggles to see me dress, has in 15 years seen me dressed fully about three times and to at times my dressing becomes more of a problems to me because I can't share it with her, than it is to her that I actually do it.

    However my problem is, I still can't share what I really enjoy with her, believe me I would love our relationship to be perfect but it isn't, but that doesn't mean I just give up and go find someone that will, we get through it talk and comunicate.

    Believe me, no one more than me would love to share everything with there partner, do every thing with there partner, but sadly I know it never going to happen. but at least I can talk to her, if that all she can give me, now, or for the rest of our relationship I have to accept that, pushing for more may get me more, it may get me all I desire, but I may lose everything due to it. But at least she knows, we do and can talk sometimes, and the door is always open for her to join me in my world, as much as I try to join her in hers.

    good Relationships are as much as being friends and soulmates, as being lovers.


    [SIZE="2"]The nail that stands out the most, is the one that is hammered down the hardest![/SIZE]

  15. #40
    Rainbow Rennie Butterfly Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by `Kayla` View Post
    Since I mostly wear her bras anyway cause I don't have my own except for one sports bra...
    If you are wearing her clothes, especially her "intimate apparel", without her knowledge and permission, I would say you are cruising for a bruising. Most women (and people) don't like that.

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Right or wrong it sound like way too much trouble... I'd just go buy a nice pair of silicone ones.....
    I have to say I agree with Karren if you just need something to fill your bra. However I would never dissuade you artistic and creative girls from experimenting with your own creations. Don't limit your attempts to just boobs either. Getting there is half the fun and it's nice to see there are so many of you, like me, out there.

  17. #42
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    There is so much more detail I could go into about all the situations I've mentioned above but I think it's best that I don't. My wife knows I get aggravated with her when she doesn't show an interest in things that I have an interest in, I'll leave that at that and NOT go into detail or explanations.

    I think she just agreed to me making them into a sex toy to keep from starting a fight, I guess. Which I wouldn't have...I'd just have said she was such a fuddie-duddie. I was trying to feel her out before I just sprang the truth on her because of how our relationship is in the first place.

    I think what I'm going to do is sit and try to gather the courage up to tell her what I want them for. Not my whole Cd'ing thing, but that since she knows I've worn her bra and I have my own...that I'd like to be able to fill it up with "her". And without being too graphic...tell her that they'd be a great sex toy for me...maybe she'd even want to see or take part sometime? I don't know. Depends on whether or not I can just get the nerve up to do it...and if I do then I'll see how she reacts. If it looks like it won't be as bad as I'm expecting it to be, then I'll tell her that I like to dress up and we'll go from there. I can imagine that afterwards I'll have plenty of alone time however...which might be a good thing too...I don't know.

    I don't think though after thinking about it and listening to some of you that this would be a great idea to lie to her. I don't like to be lied to...and while I also see it as not really telling a direct lie...I wouldn't exactly be telling the 100% truth either. SO I guess I'll scrap the idea. But I think I'll look into making my own another way or just figuring out how to buy forms that I want.

  18. #43
    Senior Member Bev06 GG's Avatar
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    Why do I get the impression that this will all end in tears. Alarm bells are ringing in my head already. What does your wife think you want a plaster cast of her boobs for anyway. I mean how have you explained this desire away to her.

  19. #44
    The Girl Next Door Sally24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by `Kayla` View Post
    I have been toying with the idea of using plaster of paris to make a mould of my wifes breast and then use latex or something to pour the mould. I ask her if I could do this and she said yes. I said I wanted to use it as a "personal toy"

    Actually I want to use skin colored latex and all to replicate her breast to use as my own forms for when I dress.

    As I've told before she saw the pictures of me and I kinda think she thinks that maybe I do wear her bras when she is not here..
    If you think she buys the "personal toy" bit maybe you are the one that is pushing things out of your mind. Why ask for her bra? Just take the size and brand from the lable and buy your own. Most women are a little territorial about their clothing. If they've had sisters or room mates raid their closets it can be a bad thing to be using her stuff. That may be why she bought you the one bra. Get your own stuff!

    As for the technical practicality of what you want to do;

    Getting flesh tone silicone to look realistic enough to do visible cleavage with it will be pretty tough. Are you SFX person or have other experience in this?

    Good silicone is not that cheap also.

    Solid silicone with out a gel inside could be pretty solid and not at all breast-like. The forms most of us buy are filled with a goo that simulates the fatty tissue of an average breast. They are not a solid muscle and don't behave the same way. If you have to do this I would buy an inexpensive form and put it inside the silicone as it hardens. That would at least make the behavior of the new breasts a little more realistic.

    Personally I would have a heart to heart talk with your wife, but that's just me.......

  20. #45
    Female Illusionist! docrobbysherry's Avatar
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    I have a BAD feeling about this! Boobs aside!

    Kayla, not that I'm an expert at discussing CDing with an SO, because I'm not.

    But, as a formerly married, now divorced man, I DO know something about communication problems!

    Not talking about something may or may NOT be considered lying. Depending what and when, she finds out.

    Talking around a subject, or downplaying your real intentions, WILL be considered lying by most SO's! Whether u think they're your " best friend, good buddy", or not.

    Please be very careful, my friend! It sounds like you're walking on eggs!
    U can't keep doing the same things over and over and expect to enjoy life to the max. When u try new things, even if they r out of your comfort zone, u may experience new excitement and growth that u never expected.

    Challenge yourself and pursue your passions! When your life clock runs out, you'll have few or NO REGRETS!

  21. #46
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    If you don't tell her, and your wife finds out, she may think you are replacing her by becoming her image (the breast molds). Convincing your wife to accept your being a CD is hard enough without complicating it that way. I'd just buy the forms. Look at the cup size on her bra and buy forms to suit.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Right or wrong it sound like way too much trouble... I'd just go buy a nice pair of silicone ones.....
    I agree!

  23. #48
    Silver Member trannie T's Avatar
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    The title of this thread is, "Do You Think This is Wrong?" You are sneaking around her wearing her clothes without her knowledge or permission and you wish to copy her breasts without telling her why. In my opinion everything you are doing is wrong.
    It takes a real man to wear a dress.

  24. #49
    Junior Member Susan Loves Life's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by trannie T View Post
    The title of this thread is, "Do You Think This is Wrong?" You are sneaking around her wearing her clothes without her knowledge or permission and you wish to copy her breasts without telling her why. In my opinion everything you are doing is wrong.

    [SIZE="3"]Most definitly WRONG[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="2"]I just talked to my SO about your post and she agrees with me and all the others - what you are doing is very, very, wrong! In addition, you are showing a great deal of disrespect for HER. My SO said "that there was no way in heck that she would ever allow me to make a mold of her breasts for my use. They are HERS - not MINE - if you want your own boobs" she said " grow them yourself!!!"

    And my wife is very supportive of me too!

    also, get your own undies and stuff, my SO made me get my own instead of letting me wear hers. Her sister, on the other hand, has given both of us undies and other clothes that she has no further need of - go figure?


  25. #50
    Member Tracey Corset's Avatar
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    Dont go any further with this Kayla, i'll tell you why, i have a very happy openly cd marriage, but i would never want my wifes boobs, lets be honest we all want boobs right ? but my wife likes me to be me (Tracey) when i am dressed, and not look in a mirror at her own chest !!!, try taking one step at a time, there are many low cost ways to fill a bra, after all most of us girls have more than one set, its all about comfort and the occasion, please be patient and concentrate on turning yourself into the lovely Kayla

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