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Thread: Im Doing This For Nico!!!!

  1. #26
    Platinum Member Sheila's Avatar
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    Nico , the mind is an extraordinarily powerful tool & yes I have heard of it happening before ............ your Doc is right, it is psychological, but for you for the right reasons, strange as that may seem ............ hang in there bud ....
    I allow myself to set healthy boundaries ..... to say no to what does not align with my values, to say yes to what does.
    Boundaries assist me to remain healthy, honest and living a life that is true to me

  2. #27
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    Wow maybe I should research this more and maybe chill myself out a bit cause I don’t like feeling like I’m dying all the time. If there IS a way to chill me out =[ the pain down there is just a reminder that it’s not right so in effect, the pain is making me worse but my mind is causing the pain because my mind is telling my body it’s not suppose to be there. Damn.

    Oh and btw, the cream they gave me for the allergic reactions to the anti-sickness tablets, just gave me an allergic reaction…I’m not having any luck am I?! =[
    [SIZE="3"]-Broken out of a window in hell-[/SIZE]

  3. #28
    Whiny li'l runt Ze's Avatar
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    I'm glad you're alive, though, dude.

  4. #29
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    Vegas, Baby!
    I'm glad you're alive too.

    It being psychological sounds to me like a lame excuse when the doctor doesn't want to admit she doesn't know. How do you explain all the people with dysphoria who don't get your symptoms? Or a perfectly happy GG who does get similar symptoms? But hey, if it will get you closer to having the body you should have, the doctor can call it whatever she wants, right?

  5. #30
    Platinum Member Sheila's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anne66 View Post
    I'm glad you're alive too.

    It being psychological sounds to me like a lame excuse when the doctor doesn't want to admit she doesn't know.
    Anne, it is not ............ it is perfectly possible for the body to reject all sorts of things, and for all sorts of reasons, and as I stated previously the brain is a powerful tool and as Nico is so distressed over said body part, the brain has "decided" to get rid off it to enable him to remain alive ........... we don't have to understand how things work all the time but sometimes we just need to accept that they do

    Quote Originally Posted by NiCo View Post
    The doctor came to see me last night, she told me that it’s “psychological” << WTF. I flipped out. I’m sick of them telling me I’m imagining things, s[SIZE="2"]he stopped me…and told me that it’s not me imagining it, it’s my mind so stressed out and my body knowing that that thing down there isn’t meant to be there that it’s causing physical harm to it.[/SIZE] [???] apparently my mind and body are rejecting it.
    Last edited by Sheila; 02-15-2010 at 04:12 AM. Reason: to clarify what the DR said
    I allow myself to set healthy boundaries ..... to say no to what does not align with my values, to say yes to what does.
    Boundaries assist me to remain healthy, honest and living a life that is true to me

  6. #31
    Keeping you in my thoughts...


  7. #32
    Senior Member pamela_a's Avatar
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    I hope they can find the problem soon. It's true the mind can do a lot but IMHO (and my medical background) it sounds more pathological than mental.

    Take care my friend and get better soon.

    Last edited by Tamara Croft; 02-15-2010 at 12:42 PM. Reason: I suggest you keep your thoughts about staff to yourself...
    "Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self." - Wizard's Tenth Rule:
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  8. #33
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    Ok right well I’ve not got a medical degree or anything and i told them i didn't believe it was psychological but they told me it was. I told them i wanted a second opinion and obviously I’ve been ignored. If it's not sorted by the time the two weeks medication they've given me is up, I'm going to complain to the health board that I’m being neglected and FORCE them to do extensive testing. Otherwise I’ll have to take legal action against them. Is that fair enough? I think it is =[
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  9. #34
    Administrator Tamara Croft's Avatar
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    NiCo, Beitris was a nurse, she does have some idea what she is talking about. Me personally, I don't have any degrees either, but I do know my daughter could bring on symptoms to keep herself off school and she could do this from when she was about 4 years old (not joking). If she didn't want to go to school, she'd start burning up, really high temperature, I didn't know she was doing it, she had so many tests it was unreal... they found nothing wrong with her, nothing was causing it.. and she can still do it. The mind/brain is an extremely powerful tool, and to those that are brushing this off as doctors being ignorant, well I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be handing out advice when you're not qualified.

    NiCo you're well within your rights to get a second opinion or legal advice etc... but what if they still find nothing wrong? You have to know what the doctors are like, they are like lawyers, once you pissoff one, you piss them all off, they band together. If you start taking doctors to court, all the other practices will find out and they won't have to take you on as a patient, most of them dare not incase you do it to them.

    Think about this logically, I know you're in so much pain, but you're still posting angry, you need to try and calm down. Have you thought of doing meditation? read a book? get some soft music... I can imagine you like loud music... get some candles, dim the lights, if you can't dim the lights, get some softer light bulbs, have a bath, but some relaxing radox or something in it... you need to relax, stress can cause all sorts of things you know? My mum used to say to me.... you make yourself ill... I didn't understand this until I was a lot older, but she is right, you can make yourself ill, you can stress yourself out to the point where you're in pain.

    Missing my Libra babe Sherlyn, I hope she's rocking up there with the angels
    Missing our Rianna, doesn't seem right, gone to early, hope she's partying with Sherlyn

  10. #35
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    I don't know what to do anymore. I have no - to little concentration, I’ve tried reading books but dyslexia is playing games with me, stupid black ink on white paper =[

    Loads of people are telling me one thing, others telling me’s confusing me =[

    Might explain why painkillers aren’t working though…and stress makes the pain worse. I can’t stop people stressing me out though, if I could I wouldn’t be in this situation. Locking myself in the house and not letting anyone get near me is not an option either, been there done that, didn’t enjoy a minute of it. All I can do I guess is remind people that are in touch with me of my problem and hope they actually listen and back off.

    Idk. I really don’t know anymore =[ might take the bath option if it didn’t involve getting naked, possible source of my problems? = wrong body and all that sh*t.

    -huff- See where I’m going with this? Guess I can’t do anything until surgery, typical. Can’t-do-anything-until-surgery. Always the same f*cking solution.

    And I’ve possibly just answered my own problem.

    I do stress a lot, I admit it…I’ve actually become quite notorious for it =[

    Thanks for your support everyone, it’s appreciated of course.
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  11. #36
    GG Dutchess's Avatar
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    Hi Nico,,
    It may very well be Psychological but it also sounds exactly like me when I had Pelvic Imflammatory Disease ( PID) I knew they ruled out endometriosis , thats what they thought I had also at first ,, but it sure made me sick..and in pain .. I understand thought if it is just simply your mind rejecting certain body parts. With the insane insurance system here ,, Id be lucky to get a tylenol ... I couldnt pay enough once and they waited until my gall bladder exploded to operate .. I know this sounds simplistic but until you go back to the Dr. TRY to get as much rest as you can , I dont know what your work schedule is like ,,but try , try , to rest ,,
    IG : Knightress Oxide

  12. #37
    Praying Ryan's Avatar
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    Hey NiCo,

    Sorry to hear you have been so ill mate, but glad you're still around.

    I know firsthand what stress can do to you, and when I get time I could send you some advice about trying to stop yourself getting so angry and stressed out if you want to give it a try?!

    I'm on an anger management course at the moment, I go every week to a small group, and just actually doing that does help, but some of the tips they give out for us to try, do and can help aswel.

    Breathing stuff, and scales of things are all helpful, so when I get a few mins to actually manage to put it into words how to do the stuff so that you can make sense of it, then I will. I have to wait til I'm not so easily distracted, which will probably be tomo now, as my meds have worn off and well, my minds telling me I've got this n that etc etc to do!

    But yea, just give me a nudge if you want tomo n I'll get it all down or you!

  13. #38
    Gold Member sherri52's Avatar
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    Good luck Nico. Hope everything turns out OK.
    Put a little lipstick on you'll feel better

  14. #39
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    Thanks Ryan, I’d like that...even though I’ve been to anger management a while back and tbh, kinda lost the will to live so stopped going...maybe i should think about going back before i get sectioned by the mental health team. I've been told that could affect when i get my surgery so i best avoid it.

    I have an appointment with a psychiatrist in March [???] so i can express my concerns about stress levels, coping, depression, anxiety and anger stuff to him/ her. Until then i guess i'll just keep taking diazepam, which, in high doses seems to do the trick.

    Oh Tam, I actually took your advice earlier and had a bath with radox = loads of bubbles to hide ones self and took a few diazepam, had my boyfriend listen out for me passing out and i just chilled and it was nice. But obviously i had to take diazepam to do this...and the biggest worry is falling asleep LOL. I wouldn't want that happening! but then again, it was really nice. Can't wait for surgery now, i'll probably never be out of the bath, I’ll end up developing gills or something HAHA <3

    Dutchess, I’m going to look up Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and other conditions producing these symptoms and list them to my GP in, say a week or so...and see if i can get further tests done, possibly even just as a precaution.

    I know i need to sort things out but who the hell can blame me being the way i am with the types I’ve encountered over the last 6 years?! I used to be a calm person, proper laid back and chilled all the time, kinda hippy like...and now, wtf?! I just cracked! =[ I miss the old me =‘[

    Edit: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is unlikely the cause of my problems, the noted reasons for the problem beginning, I’ve not done/ had anything of that sort...I’ll keep looking though, thanks =]
    Last edited by NiCo; 02-15-2010 at 07:01 PM.
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  15. #40
    Administrator Tamara Croft's Avatar
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    You know, something you've just said is a really and I mean REALLY big step already... read this quote...
    Quote Originally Posted by NiCo View Post
    kinda lost the will to live so stopped going...
    And then, re-read and take in what you said to me here...

    Quote Originally Posted by NiCo View Post
    Oh Tam, I actually took your advice earlier and had a bath with radox = loads of bubbles to hide ones self and took a few diazepam, had my boyfriend listen out for me passing out and i just chilled and it was nice. But obviously i had to take diazepam to do this...and the biggest worry is falling asleep LOL. I wouldn't want that happening! but then again, it was really nice. Can't wait for surgery now, i'll probably never be out of the bath, I’ll end up developing gills or something HAHA <3
    You see that? you wanted your b/f to listen out for you so you didn't go under those bubbles!! NiCo, even if you didn't realise what you said, it's there and I'm going all mommy on you now and tell you how proud I am to read that

    And def take up Ryan on his offer, you both are very much alike, that's for sure

    Off topic...

    Pelvic Inflammatory Disease - that's quite interesting to read, I've had some symptoms like that for a year and the docs can never find anything wrong with me... thanks for that info Dutchess.

    Back on topic
    Last edited by Tamara Croft; 02-15-2010 at 07:28 PM.

    Missing my Libra babe Sherlyn, I hope she's rocking up there with the angels
    Missing our Rianna, doesn't seem right, gone to early, hope she's partying with Sherlyn

  16. #41
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    Cause even if sometimes I’m flaming I hate life and sh*t like that, there are other times where I treasure the fact I have life even if I’m not living. There are a lot of my friends who do not have their life left, they died and I’m still here. I am grateful for that cause I’m sure they would jump at the chances I get daily/ weekly/ monthly/ yearly...and probably wouldn't complain as much as I do.

    Well I’m also glad Dutchess may well have sorted a possible problem for you =] woop!

    Well, I’m going for another few tablets and a hot bubble bath...cause it seemed to do the trick! =] Mummy knows best...always
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  17. #42
    Administrator Tamara Croft's Avatar
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    Of course mummy knows best silly

    Missing my Libra babe Sherlyn, I hope she's rocking up there with the angels
    Missing our Rianna, doesn't seem right, gone to early, hope she's partying with Sherlyn

  18. #43
    Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    Hi Nico and sorry I appeared to disappear off the planet I didn't really I had to take Helen back to hospital Any how mate I'm gald I could be there for you that's what mates are for BTW we thought it may be something like this but wnted to see what the doctors came up with xx Felix

    Me, Myself and Felix!!

  19. #44
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    Thanks Felix man you're awesome. I hope Helen gets well soon, she'll be in my thoughts. Send my love x

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  20. #45
    Girly girl? erika130's Avatar
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    Hi NiCo,
    Sorry to hear you've been so sick, and worse off, can't quite figure out what it is. There's already great advise here. Anyways, Good luck Nico, I really Hope whatever it is, it turns out OK.. soon!
    You'll definitely be in my thoughts

  21. #46
    Praying Ryan's Avatar
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    Hey NiCo,

    Sorry I took a while, been a but busy then had things to deal with n it slipped my mind, but I'll leave you one tip here to try for now so you dont think I've forgotton you.

    Firstly, you have to try and think of THE worst thing that could possibly happen to make you lose it big time, to make you as angry as you can get. Use a scale of one to a hundred, a hundred being the most angry you could be.

    You need to think of something that would be so bad, that you would be on a scale of one hundred then you can start.....

    Now think of the last time you started to/or got angry over something else! It doesn't have to be major....Like mine was because I was trying to set up my tattoo needle and couldn't get the grommet in the end and I nearly started to lose it after about ten mins of trying.

    Now after the event in my case, I could sit down n start to think about the baddest thing that could happen, then on my scale, think about the tattoo needle...What kind of scale would that be on?

    I mean, what could possibly be so bad about not setting up the needle right? Right, there is nothing really bad about it, and if you scale it, it's like a one or two. I do feel rather silly about it now, because, like my number 100 thing is anyone hurting Zena, my Godson, my Sister or Mam. That happened and I would lose it, that would be my hundred, but a little insignificant thing like a tattoo needle wtf????

    You get me bud? You try that, but think about it more n more, n try and think of it while you can feel yourself building up to burst, and try scaling it up before you lose it. It makes you start to htink about the things you are getting angry about, and to be honest I felt like a right dick over the tattoo thing, lol! But at least I can laugh about it now!

    I think the more you try these things, then the more they will help, especially if you are rather concerned over your anger and want to get help controlling it! I hope it works for you anyway, but obv it takes practice.

    There are a few other things I learnt Wednesday but it will take me a while to try and figure out how to put it down in words for it to make sense, but I'll be back with it soon.

    Ps, hope you are feeling abit better tonight/this morning

  22. #47
    HerzeleidMeister metalguy639's Avatar
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    Hey Nico hope you are feeling better soon.

  23. #48
    Transman Andy66's Avatar
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    NiCo, how are you feeling? Any change or news?

  24. #49
    Aspiring Member NiCo's Avatar
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    Well cramp is still there but i have an appointment on the 10th March regarding the future I just need to try and cope with it until then but will be afterwards.
    Last edited by NiCo; 02-27-2010 at 09:30 AM.
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  25. #50
    Platinum Member Sheila's Avatar
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    Good that you gota starting date at long last Nico
    I allow myself to set healthy boundaries ..... to say no to what does not align with my values, to say yes to what does.
    Boundaries assist me to remain healthy, honest and living a life that is true to me

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