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Thread: Have you ever kissed a man?

  1. #226
    Banned Read only
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guynbart View Post
    I'm sure there will be some flame coming this way, but would you say its alright for most of the reasons for wanting to CD would be to get a guy interested?
    I've got no cause to "flame" anybody, and I think a perfectly valid question deserves a proper answer. But I have to say that in my view, this question gets cause and effect the wrong way round.

    For people like myself at least, it's not that we're covertly attracted to men and crossdress in order to attract men. Not for one moment! While I can't speak for others, in my own mind anyway, the notion of "gay" sex in a male role with another man does nothing for me whatsoever. And by the way, I've never kissed a man in my life! Not unless you count a happily drunken guy I didn't know from Adam who was probably Greek or something, who, one New Year's Eve on a visit to London, kissed me on both cheeks in the middle of a celebrating crowd in Trafalgar Square. That had everything to do with different ethnic customs and nothing to do with sex! I had no objection to it, since it was obviously well meant, but it didn't "turn me on" either!

    When it comes to cause and effect, it's not that crossdressing is motivated by a desire to attract men. Rather, crossdressing is motivated by something else entirely--perhaps in part a desire to identify with, or experience being, female (though I have to admit it's complicated). And as a result of that urge--not a "cause" of it--the idea of sex with a man in a female role can become, if not downright attractive, at least less repulsive than it would otherwise be when acting normally in a male role.

    To look at it from another viewpoint, that of a hypothetical observer, "gay porn" does absolutely nothing for me. Unlike some people, I don't want to see two guys going at it. In my mind, for sex to be exciting, it has to have a woman in it! To me it's women who are "sexy." Like many others here, I crossdress largely because I want to "be" what I love! To me, "normal" (that's to say, "heterosexual") porn depicting a man and a woman is what's "sexy"--though I'll certainly give a nod to lesbian porn also, since it has women in it. However, this does not exclude the fantasy of myself taking on the female role with another female, and possibly also with a male, partner in those scenarios.

    To answer Krisi's comment also, this has nothing to do with being "gay." We need to choose our terminology more carefully. "Gay" sex, if we're talking about males, is about men who are attracted to other men. A better word to choose is "androphilic," when we want to talk about "being sexually attracted to men" irrespective of the sex of the person who's being attracted. (The opposite is "gynephilic," sexually attracted to women.) I'm normally gynephilic, regardless of what role I myself am playing, All I can add is that when I imagine myself in a female role, some aspects of sex with a man can seem attractive to me. Or possibly, to put it another way, sex with a man is not "repulsive" to me as it would seem from the viewpoint of a male role. This is very different from being fully androphilic, let alone "gay." I could never imagine myself "falling in love" with a man, for instance, as I have fallen in love several times with women. I've never kissed a man, let alone had sex with one. There was more than one reason for that, as anyone can imagine, starting from the fact of being happily marrid for so many decades. And I strongly suspect, as some (not all, but some) posters here have discovered for themselves, that the notion of sex with a man would for me be far better left as an intriguing fantasy, instead of acting it out as a disappointing, even revolting, memory of reality.

    No, I've never kissed a man. For people like myself, I dare say I never will. And I probably never should! Just let it be--a fascinating idea!

  2. #227
    Join Date
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    SE England.
    Screw it, I'll reply since everyone else is being so honest.

    Yes. Once. I didnt like it.

    I have gay friends. One especially that I would trust 100% with everything and anything about me. He is the only person in the world that would not be surprised I joined this site. But even he does not know about the boxes I have in the wardrobe...

    Anyway - back on point. The company I work for had an office in Brighton a few years ago and I used to have to visit regularly. So regularly I almost had to move there. For those stateside Brighton is almost like Europe's gay capital. It could rename itself "GayTown" and noone would even notice. The bars I drank in were all gay. The best bar (Queens) was mostly CD on some evenings. If thats your real thing in life then this is one place you should visit.


    The worst - grab ass place total 100% hook up bar in Kemptown is The Bulldog. Think of the Blue Oyster in Police Academy. Except seedier if possible. Id go in there sometimes and not interact with anyone. Id play the fruit machine... very slowly whilst drinking. Observing. But not interacting. Never doing that. Why the hell would I do that? Thats down to the gay friend that I trust... he has been insisting for 20 years now "that I must be" as he knows, and is the only person on this earth that knows... I wish I were born differently.

    But Im not picking up any desire there. It's seedy and awful. Iv been a few times now. The Queens is a better bar with a better vibe and the CD's are gay - but they are the "just for fun" type and leave me alone to drink my beer immediately without pestering me if ever asked. Never once in there have I had the question "well why the hell do you come in here...?"

    But back to the Bulldog. One night a rather nice mid 30's GG started to talk to me. I liked her. Things were going well. Too well as it turned out. After 10 minutes or so she introduced me to her "friend". A similarity aged man that apparently liked me. She was only talking to me to determine if I was sane and safe. Whatever standard the bar for that was I apparently passed. After introductions he asked for a kiss. I pecked him. He asked me to "do it properly". So I did. Really properly. Lasting several minutes and a fair bit of groping each way. I was acting. I hated it. I kept a smile on my face the whole time after that had finished and we kept talking. He was quite keen on discussing what I was going to do to his arsehole later that evening... it was pretty full on. The GG was standing nearby ecstatic that she had apparently made some match up for her friend.

    I was a smoker at the time (Iv quit now for several years) so found an opportunity to leave. Asked him to mind my drink (so he felt I was returning) and stepped out for the smoke. I made sure I could be seen outside taking a few drags. Then was never seen again. And Iv never been back in the Bulldog.

    My gay friend is WRONG. I took the experiment as far as I was able. He is WRONG WRONG WRONG.

    I dont regret doing that. It was a bit extreme. But if nothing else it proves to me that I do know my own mind. And it's not an exercise I will be repeating.

  3. #228
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    I appreciate noninflammatory posts. I have to say as well that I don't mark myself as gay. Might be moving that way if that is possible. But in the last few years I have enjoyed the company of a couple of bisexual men. I identify as bisexual. And since one of those men was a CD, since him I've wondered if I would want that for my near future. I am perplexed by one thing: I've enjoyed kissing men when its passionate. Maybe its the newness. Strange, but I've found a lot of bisexual men don't want to kiss. Which is making desire to find a guy hard. I've tried a few online "what would you look like as a woman" sites without much success. Looking in the mirror doesn't work well for me either. Maybe soon you'll find me in the "Boy mode vs Girl mode" section soon.

  4. #229
    Julie Gaum Julie Gaum's Avatar
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    Would like to make an observation relating to this thread but also relating to those who go to CD "clubs" but vehemently affirm that they are hetero. These comments are not whether right or wrong as they are not and should not be judgmental. While roughly 80% of CDs remain "straight" there are many - perhaps 10% or more who begin to waver, become unsure not only in their teens but also as late as midlife. While some go to local CD groups for companionship there are others who decide to move fantasies up a notch call it bi-curious or whatever. Finding a liaison with a CD at one of these places or even with a male who goes to these clubs for they are attracted to cross-dressing males is not a stretch. The result may be a turnoff or one may find that they were always gay or Bi but never accepted themselves as such. There are also thousands of so-called CD Clubs that make no bones of that fact that they were created as meeting grounds for gay and Bi CDs. Thet becomes very obvious once an internet contact is made. I'm not referring to the latter type of "clubs" but rather the meeting places that so many responding to this thread describe. Point: It may be a completely subconscious move to visit these nightclubs or watering holes but for many it's really putting a toe in uncharted waters.
    Did I muddy the waters a bit?
    Summer-wear time

  5. #230
    Member CourtneyJamieson's Avatar
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    I will jump in with my own personal experiences and it somewhat aligns with Julie's recent post. I have always considered myself heterosexual even though I dressed occasionally throughout my life. Never had any desire to do anything but dress once-in-a-while. Then about 2 years ago I got more intense about dressing though I have no desire to go 24/7. After getting a fairly decent feminine look and getting over the hurdle of going out in public I began to fantasize about getting together with a man while I was dressed. I know some of you won't understand but I can unequivocally state that I have absolutely NO attraction to men when I am out as a man in my own life. But when I go out en Fem I began to have an attraction to "sex" with a man, not necessarily to a man if that makes any sense. So I began to go to some places where I got the affections of some men and at first just made out at the club. So, to answer this thread, my answer is YES I have kissed a man. But after that, I had the desire to experience more. And I guess you never know until you try. So I recently met a man and went to the next level. Like many here, I didn't know whether I would be repulsed or whether I would enjoy the experience. Well, for me personally, I can definitely say I enjoyed it. But I can also say I would Never enjoy such an experience if I were not dressed en Fem. Yes, it is very confusing and difficult to convey to others who don't feel the same way. So I would say I am no longer heterosexual. But I would not consider myself homosexual as I still prefer women when I am in my man mode. But since I do find myself attracted to men when I am dressed en Fem then I guess I am Bi-Sexual which is OK by me.

  6. #231
    Member helenejo's Avatar
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    I love to kiss a guy with a hint of beer on his breath and feeling him start to get makes me go weak at the knees

  7. #232
    Member josrphine's Avatar
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    Yes I have kiss more then one man, yet I do prefer women. Right now I have a little , lets say a interesting kissing ging on. My women pastor at the church I go to gives big hugs to all as they enter. and the brush kiss on the cheek. But for me she want us to kiss on the lips, not just a peck a longlost lover kiss. I do like it, and the hug is very interesting to. Dose that make me a lesbian. eather way I am enjoying both.

  8. #233
    Woman in the making Mickitv's Avatar
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    Your post made my start singing that Katy Perry song"I kissed a guy and I loved it." Ok I changed one word Yes I have kissed men and loved it immensely

  9. #234
    Aspiring Member Territx's Avatar
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    I want to echo an earlier comment. I am fairly new at this site and was not sure what to expect. I hope this topic and the posts are "typical" as I find it so uplifting to see all of the different thoughts and positions expressed without condemnation of those with different ideas. Thanks for making this an informative and interesting discussion and site.

  10. #235
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    FYI - sometimes there is a little condemnation. But most here are understanding.

  11. #236
    Member Lexi_83's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolovewell View Post
    I fail to see what this thread has to do with crossdressing. Thought this was a forum to discuss crossdressing and not kissing dudes.
    If it's just about the dressing, that's one thing.

    If it's about embracing not only a feminine form but also feminine actions and feelings, that might become part of the experience. YMMV.

    I LOVE your profile pic BTW!

  12. #237
    Member immindy's Avatar
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    Yep , Amazingly I have had several guys who wanted to kiss me at various clubs or bars I have been at over the years. Amazes me because I do not think I am that attractive . Maybe they were just curious ? Did I take it any further ever ? Nope . I am married and faithful to my wife

  13. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by CourtneyJamieson View Post
    ... I know some of you won't understand but I can unequivocally state that I have absolutely NO attraction to men when I am out as a man in my own life. But when I go out en Fem I began to have an attraction to "sex" with a man, not necessarily to a man if that makes any sense. So I began to go to some places where I got the affections of some men and at first just made out at the club. So, to answer this thread, my answer is YES I have kissed a man. But after that, I had the desire to experience more. And I guess you never know until you try. So I recently met a man and went to the next level. Like many here, I didn't know whether I would be repulsed or whether I would enjoy the experience. Well, for me personally, I can definitely say I enjoyed it. But I can also say I would Never enjoy such an experience if I were not dressed en Fem. Yes, it is very confusing and difficult to convey to others who don't feel the same way. So I would say I am no longer heterosexual. But I would not consider myself homosexual as I still prefer women when I am in my man mode. But since I do find myself attracted to men when I am dressed en Fem then I guess I am Bi-Sexual which is OK by me.
    You're absolutely not alone. It's one of the ways we decide pretty early-on that we're not gay; we're something different. Many here are adamant about no attraction at all in either mode, and some of them doubtless protest too much. But there is a significant number who describe just what you do, that you're open to and curious about it when dressed. There's only one way to find out...

    I had the same experience. Amazing how the inhibitions peel off one layer at a time until you're in the moment and enjoying it. My experimentation took place largely just before and during the period in which I met my wife. To reveal just enough for decorum, we were in the same rooms at times with the same friends, then we connected on a different level and that was that. Our marital intimacy is unusual but fulfilling. Were I not devoted to her, I'm pretty sure I'd look more for a nice male than another woman.

    Bi-CD is a very real thing. If that's what you are, enjoy the ride.

  14. #239
    Sarah Adams Vintage4sarah's Avatar
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    I find the post by Courtney and Acastina this week to be very similar to how I have evolved as a Trans person. What they have said pretty much mirrors my experiences except for timing and details of course. It takes a lot of pondering and soul searching to realize who you really are as a person. Now I am comfortable with how I perceive myself all be it very late in my life.
    Sarah Adams, mature girl from NH. My photos are on Flickr under vintage4sarah !

  15. #240
    Member leotard fan's Avatar
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    i never kiss a man. en femme or not in femme, i never had the will to kiss a man... only my girlfriend...

  16. #241
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    I am right there with Courtney, Acastina, and Vintage 4 Sarah! At a crowded party I found myself surprisingly being the target of a man's affection and it was whole new experience for me. The more we talked, the hotter it became and before long, he kissed me and I found myself somewhat enjoying it, despite the beard of his upper lip, which was really distracting to me. But, nevertheless, I reacted in kind. Soon, I realized that he had quite an erection! He was excited over me! I had been thinking that I really didn't pass all that well, but had worked pretty hard on the makeup, hairdo and the "look" that I had intended to present as. (Wanted to "blend in" as a 60 yr old woman, which apparently was attractive to this 60-65 yr old man!) Anyway, it was a major event for me to be found to be attractive and I acted on that accordingly. I guess that this made me from hetero to bi or whatever, but I don't really care.

  17. #242
    Member laura.lapinski's Avatar
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    Conditionally, I would do as many others have stated.

    Quote Originally Posted by AKADonna View Post
    I am right there with Courtney, Acastina, and Vintage 4 Sarah!
    I'm there with you all too. I've never done anything about it in real-life though.......yet.

    I have no idea why I think this way. It would be nice to know why, but I don't need to know why to accept and understand exactly where I stand. Thanks to all those who shared.

  18. #243
    SJW and Proud of It! Christina D's Avatar
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    I'm definitely straight, but always been very open with my sexuality, so yes, I've kissed a couple of men, but both times were before I began CDing.

    The first time was when I was 19 and met a guy on a gay adult dating site. Admittedly, I was desperate to have a gay experience with just about any man that I found even marginally attractive. Luckily, he was a nice guy and when we went back to his place know...he was completely understanding when I asked him to stop when I began to feel uncomfortable.

    Jump ahead about 8 years and my best friend (a straight woman) has celebrating her birthday at a gay bar/club. I went with my girlfriend at the time and when she went to the bathroom, a guy started gyrating on my backside and then spun me around to kiss me. For reasons I still don't know, I gave into it and made out with him for a couple of minutes. My girlfriend came back, of course, and lost her mind. We left immediately and on the ride home when she asked me how I could do that to her and why I never told her I was gay (we'd been dating for about a year), I said, "I'm not gay, I just wanted to make out with a guy" and as strange as that may sound, its honestly how I felt. While I'll admit I enjoyed kissing him more than my first experience, I really wasn't impressed or into it.

    Now that I've started CDing, I'm curious that if I do kiss a man, will it feel different? I haven't gone outside yet, but I think if I do and a man tries to kiss me, I'll let him.

    But yes, I'm straight. :-P

  19. #244
    Stop that, it's silly.... DIANEF's Avatar
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    So you've kissed a number of guys, had sex with one, had sex with another in a bathroom and enjoyed kissing him, now you want to do it en femme, but you're definately straight......
    Here today, gone tomorrow....

  20. #245
    TrueNorth Strong & Fierce Princess Chantal's Avatar
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    Umm Diane, you must be reading some ghosted words from Christina's post, that I just don't see!

  21. #246
    Stop that, it's silly.... DIANEF's Avatar
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    Well, I enjoyed a nice juicy steak for my dinner, then a Mcdonads Big Mac later on, oh yes, can't resist a bacon sandwich, but I'm definately a vegetarian....
    Here today, gone tomorrow....

  22. #247
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    With respect, Diane, this comes across as rather pointless personal trolling. Christine is sincerely responding to the OP and the other 9+ pages of thoughtful comments above, and you hammer her with sarcasm. If you would read the thread and think about it, it is exactly the shades of gray and ambiguity, the questioning and experimentation we're discussing, that make this topic attract so many comments. Black-and-white it is not, in the real world.

  23. #248
    SJW and Proud of It! Christina D's Avatar
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    Thank you Chantal and Acastina. I'm glad my response was at least somewhat understood. I know and admit, Diane, that my story and reasoning may be a bit nonsensical and even hypocritical, but that's exactly why I felt like I had to respond to this thread.

    Although I've only been crossdressing for a couple of weeks, the point I was trying to get across is that I've been exploring the boundaries of my sexuality and gender for quite some time now and that every time I THINK I've figured them out, something else comes up and I find myself reevaluating again. That's why I ended my post with the :-P face, to convey the fact that even I don't completely believe myself when I say I'm straight.

    After my first experience at 19, I thought "Wow, I didn't enjoy that at all. Now I know I'm straight." Then, the 8 years later experience happens and I thought, "Well, I enjoyed that a bit more, so maybe it was just the guy? But my heart still wasn't in it and I didn't care about or miss the guy after it happened, so I guess I'm still straight."

    And now that I'm beginning to explore crossdressing and presenting myself as female, those thoughts and doubts are creeping up again for fairly obvious reasons. I still identify as straight when I'm in drab, but as Christina, I'm not as certain. Then again, if I'm female as Christina and I kiss a man, is it gay? Or am I gay if I kiss a woman as Christina. Oh God, and what if I kiss another crossdresser as Christina? What would that mean!? :-o

  24. #249
    Stop that, it's silly.... DIANEF's Avatar
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    Christina, first of all apologies if I went a little sarcastic in reply to your post, hey, I'm British, we're very good at it. Let me just state for the record I have absolutely nothing against anyone doing whatever they want (within reason of course), I just found it a little difficult getting my head around the fact of a straight person having a number of same sex encounters and maybe(?) wanting more. I am the father of a gay son, I love him as much after he told me as before he did and it has never been an issue with us since. I know peoples sexuality can be highly confusing at times, but whatever path you follow I hope its the right one for you.
    Diane x
    Here today, gone tomorrow....

  25. #250
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    Good save, Diane. Well played. There's a lot here that is difficult to get one's head around. That's why we talk about it.

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