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Thread: When you were Young if you had to spend the night in a Girly Girls Room. Would You

  1. #26
    Aspiring Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    Many years ago if I had had the opportunity to spend a night in a girly girls room and I knew that I would be totally alone, I would have jumped at the chance and would have tried on everything.

  2. #27
    Aspiring Member
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    Like being let loose in a room full of chocolate candy


  3. #28
    Silver Member Pumped's Avatar
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    The chocolate candy would be safe around me, not a big candy eater, but a pile of sexy lingerie......

  4. #29
    Member Jemima Stephens's Avatar
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    As I have mentioned before, when at my Child-minder's and aged about 9 I got a drink spilled on my clothes and was sent home in a set of her eldest daughter's clothes and periodically after that the two daughters would deliberately spill things on me to see me having to be dressed as a girl.

    This thread has just reminded me that my parents went away once and I had to say with them overnight, sleeping in one of the girl's rooms. I had over-indulged on chocolate and peanuts and was sick all over my pyjamas so the child-minder had no choice but to put me in a pink cotton nightie to sleep in. I recall feeling a little awkward and of course the daughters thought this completely hilarious

    Looking back on it I wished I had appreciated the opportunities given to me back then!

  5. #30
    Aspiring Member Joyce Swindell's Avatar
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    When we got home from school many times I was alone. I don't recall exactly how that happened. I had a younger brother so?? Just not sure.
    But I went through a closet in mons sewing room and found a red and white checkered dress and a crenoline skirt. I don't know why I was compelled to put these things on but I did.
    So, with that, I'm certain under your circumstances I'm sure I would have checked the closet out.

  6. #31
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    The word "Pillage" comes to mind

  7. #32
    Senior Member SaraLin's Avatar
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    In truth - the way I was back then (terribly shy and VERY afraid), I probably would have snooped through everything I could, but I'm not sure If I'd have been able to gather up enough courage to try things on. I'd have been too paranoid that the owner of the room would be able to tell that her stuff had been messed with, and I'd be busted.

    Now, if there were clothes in a laundry hamper - or some other "disorganized" pile on the floor, I might have dared. Who knows? It never happened.
    The closest I ever came was raiding boxes stored in my grandparents' attic. That stuff had been there, forgotten, for years.

  8. #33
    Member Lori Ann Westlake's Avatar
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    How young is "young," robbiegirl? Some of us start young and some of us don't--like me. (And some are very late starters.) "Girly girls" and "ballet tutus" suggest very young!

    Had I been six years old, for instance, I doubt I would have found much to interest me in a girl's room. Maybe not even her books, fond as I was of reading. You know how the saying goes: "Girls will read boy books, but boys won't read girl books." I've never been into tutus at any age, but your post did remind me of a couple of amusing stories. One was very embarrassing!--and instructive besides.

    When I was maybe seven or so (give or take a year), my school class was putting on a play to be performed in front of parents and everyone. The teacher asked who would like to play this part or that part. Hands shot up, and she'd pick a suitable child for the role. I was keen to perform, so I stuck my hand in the air for this role and that role. But while other children were chosen, I kept getting passed over. I couldn't be the Hero. I couldn't be the Villain. I couldn't be this guy or that guy, and I was getting despondent of ever being chosen. Finally the teacher got down to the Also-Rans--the Extras, the Walk-Ons, the Chorus and whatnot. I was so desperate by this time that I just shot my hand in the air the instant that any part at all was called. Then I suddenly became aware that other kids in the class were looking at me--and laughing! I was bewildered--until the teacher spoke up. "I don't think Larry quite heard me," she said. "I was asking how many of the girls have ballet dresses and would like to be fairies."

    Oops! As it turned out, I need not have worried. The teacher had a particular role in mind for me. I was to be the Narrator, which I enjoyed. However. it does go to show how we're aware at an early age that a boy dressing as a girl is going to be laughed at and ridiculed--fears that certainly haunted me as I started to crossdress later.

    So in my earliest years sleeping in a girl's room would have done nothing for me; but at fourteen or so it was quite another matter. Had I been put in a girl's room then, I'm sure I would have been exploring excitedly--given the privacy to do so, naturally. For instance:

    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post to sleep in my older step-sisters room while she was away for the summer. She had some amazingly pretty clothing and my step-mother didn't help! Half the time she was running around the house in a bra and girdle "getting dressed' after my Dad had gone to work! Many days I was left at home with nothing to do but watch TV, read the latest Sears Catalogue and try on my step-mother's and step-sister's lingerie and clothing.
    Apart from the family breakup, that's what I'd call a "privileged upbringing" by way of compensation! In that situation I'm sure I'd be into my stepmother's bra and girdle the moment she was out of the door, and everything else besides. I'd be "getting dressed" just the way she did!

    But the other story... When our daughter was not yet six, we relocated to another state. We bought another house there, but the housing market was in a slump that year. It was a good time to buy, but not a good time to sell. So we kept the old house for a time and rented it out instead. An agent took care of the rental for us. She rented it out to a couple of guys who were roommates. Everything went well, but she said the tenants had one request. Would we mind if they changed the wallpaper in one of the bedrooms? One of these guys was sleeping in what had been our daughter's bedroom. The wallpaper featured clowns, balloons, and gaily colored ribbons galore. Our daughter loved it, but I guess not everybody likes to sleep in a "girl's room"!

  9. #34
    New Member CallMeHeather's Avatar
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    I did stay in the room!

    My parents were both high school teachers, and from my toddler-through-grade-school years they enlisted the family across the street as my babysitters. It was a dad (an HVAC tech who was rarely home), a stay-at-home mom, and their two daughters, who I guess were grade school/middle school age when I first started staying there, but they were teens for most of the times that I still remember. I was there during summer months when my parents taught summer school and some weekend overnights when my parents went out of town.

    The daughters treated me like a little sister and dressed me up, made me up for fun. I loved the attention. On sleepover weekends I slept in their beds with them, like a pet.

    All of this was before I had any sexual awareness; it was pure and natural and sweet. But I'm certain it played a part in who I became.

  10. #35
    Miss Judy Judy-Somthing's Avatar
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    Back in the 60s I grew up in a three story single family house.
    My bedroom was on the 3rd floor and there was an extra guest bedroom where my mother kept all the unused clothes.
    What a treasure trove of clothes, I had two older sisters. So cool 60s dresses, bras, slips, girdles, shoes ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
    I dressed every night.
    When mother figured out I had been wearing the clothes she said "I don't mind you wearing the clothes, just put everything back when your done".
    She told my sisters I was going threw a PHAZE!
    "This is ME" I am not CRAZY, I'm just a GUY who likes dresses!
    Since allot of men dress up in woman's clothing that makes it a manly thing to do!
    Much more fun than fishing.
    I do construction like house building and I love CD-ing, what's the difference?

  11. #36
    New Member CallMeHeather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Judy-Somthing View Post
    Back in the 60s I grew up in a three story single family house.
    My bedroom was on the 3rd floor and there was an extra guest bedroom where my mother kept all the unused clothes.
    What a treasure trove of clothes, I had two older sisters. So cool 60s dresses, bras, slips, girdles, shoes ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
    I dressed every night.
    Oooohhh that sounds delightful!
    Quote Originally Posted by Judy-Somthing View Post
    When mother figured out I had been wearing the clothes she said "I don't mind you wearing the clothes, just put everything back when your done".
    My father was deeply disturbed when he learned I had been trying on my mother's undies and nighties. (They were so soft!!!) He even took me to our family doctor to ask how my parents could make sure I didn't turn out gay. I didn't understand why my dad was so upset. I just knew I had really messed up...

  12. #37
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    Something I would have loved too as well

  13. #38
    @--}----- Sissy_Michelle's Avatar
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    When I was a teenager my girlfriend would ask me over to spend the night, and her room was very ?Girly Girls?, light pink paint on the walls, shrouded canopy bed in yellow or blush. I very much enjoyed staying in there. When I was caught by her mom looking around her room while she was away she asked me if I really liked her room. I told her it would be great but my dad would object to it. I spent many nights sneaking in and out of her window...


  14. #39
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    Girl, can I relate to that

  15. #40
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    I would and did. With the girl whose room it was. At age five, my parents sent me to live with my maternal grandparents for a year. At the time, school started at age five there, a year earlier that school started where my parents lived. I stayed in my ten-year-old aunt?s room with her. My grandparents were far more wealthy than my parents ever were, so the room was fabulous by my standards. I recall asking my aunt why she could wear the fun, frilly clothes and I could not. I do not remember her answer.

  16. #41
    closet dresser Melissa73's Avatar
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    I stayed in my sister's bedroom for one weekend mom and going out of town I was only one at the house and I remember dangerous the whole weekend and first night I slept in my sister's room I got freaked out with noises around the house so I failed. Second night I was more brailler I actually slept in my sister's room the whole night wearing one of her nightgowns and panties and I got up and got dressed had breakfast and I was just a girl for the whole week and it was such a great feeling

  17. #42
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ineke Vashon View Post
    Like being let loose in a room full of chocolate candy

    One of my three big vices.... chocolate, caffeine and women's clothing!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

    .......My Photos

  18. #43
    AKA Lexi sometimes_miss's Avatar
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    As we were pretty poor, most of our 'vacations' were just visits to relative's homes. So yes, I spend a lot of time sleeping in girl cousin's bedrooms, and they would double up with their sister and/or my sister.
    And yes, I peeked into their dressers and closets, and yes, found some really pretty things that I wanted to try on, but never did.
    However, there was that one day when everyone else was out of the house sightseeing, and my cousin was working at the local supermarket, and I borrowed her one piece swimsuit and went for a swim in the lake. One of her friends passed by in her boat, saw me swimming, and pulled into the cover and asked if my cousin was home. At the time, I wasn't sure whether she noticed that I was wearing my cousin's suit, but as I had long hair and hadn't reached puberty yet, perhaps she didn't think anything of it and at the time, may have thought I was just another girl relative. I initially didn't think anything of it; I thought that maybe the water obstructed what she saw, but later realized that the shoulder straps and design on the suit, must have been visible through the water. She would visit the house at later times, but never seemed to have mentioned anything about it to anyone.
    Some causes of crossdressing you've probably never even considered: My TG biography at:
    There's an addendum at post # 82 on that thread, too. It's about a ten minute read.
    Why don't we understand our desire to dress, behave and feel like a girl? Because from childhood, boys are told that the worst possible thing we can be, is a sissy. This feeling is so ingrained into our psyche, that we will suppress any thoughts that connect us to being or wanting to be feminine, even to the point of creating separate personalities to assign those female feelings into.

  19. #44
    Member JuliannaS's Avatar
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    I would absolutely love that!

  20. #45
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    The memories come flooding back! One of our neighbours used to spend many weekends away sailing and we used to look after their 2 cats. They had a daughter 18/19 and each time I went to the house I always found time to visit the daughters bedroom, To me it was heaven and the smell of all those girly things was mesmerising.
    One weekend sticks firmly in my mind and that was the weekend my wife was away and I looked after the cats on my own, I slept in the girls bed one night snuggled up to a selection of her clothes which included a lovely silky black nightdress with gold stars all over it. It was one of the most amazing nights ever being surrounded by everything girly and I'm sure I can still smell it to this day.
    Very happy memories.

  21. #46
    Junior Member TamT's Avatar
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    I would love to be able to stay in a Girly Girls room and try whatever was available, but I couldn't, even having only lived with my sisters (who shared a room with no pink stuff) and my mother.

    But I used to lock the bathroom door and try what I found in the laundry basket ... Yes, creepy, but it was a way of not messing up the closets and being discovered. Sometimes, if it was time for bed, I would put that lingerie under my pajamas and go to my bedroom to sleep in it, putting those things back in the basket early the next day before they were put in the washing machine and any possible evidence will be destroyed.

  22. #47
    Heather loves heels Heather2die4's Avatar
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    The more nuanced elements of right and wrong happen in the latter stages of brain development. Although I would not do it now, the younger Heather did play in my mom's things from age six to thirteen, and I'm sure she/I could not resist the urge to try on the more trendy and tight-fitting fashions of a girl her age and size.... and the risk of getting caught and punished. Mmmmmm.

  23. #48
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    A few years ago I stayed in a girl's room. I went to visit friends (a brother and sister) at the other end of the country, my female friend (the sister) offered me to sleep in her living room sofa, but her appartment is tiny, and she had a new boyfriend whom I had not met yet. I figured it could be awkward for the boyfriend to know that I was sleeping in the tiny appartment of his girlfriend and suggested that I rented some flat nearby in the city. After some unfruitful search due to the last minute decision, she told me that a female friend of hers had a little flat to rent. It turned out to be an old clothing factory converted to a set of gorgeous tiny houses. The girl friend used to only share it with close friends and not rent it (like on AirBnB and such). She offered to rent it to me for a very small fee for a few days, and moved temporarily to the house of her own sister who was situated a few yards away.
    So, I had the opportunity to sleep in a girl's house and bedroom for a few days. And boy, did I enjoyed it!
    All was decorated with taste.
    There were nice little signs and pictures on the wall and I looked at them!
    There was a nice sofa with colourful cushions and I used it!
    There was a glass candy box on a table and I ate one of the candies (with permission)!
    There were scented candles and I enjoyed the scent!
    There were nice red chairs in the kitchen section next to a nice wooden table and I drank coffee there!

    So, it wasn't a girly girl room, it was simply a young woman's room with nice touches of decoration (like women often do). As a male and a stranger to her, I felt a bit of an intruder in that delicate, comfy and very personal place, and was very careful to keep it undisturbed and spotless, so she would feel right back at home when returning after I left. And I felt very grateful for the trust she placed in me (even if my female friend had a lot to do with it). And, no, it didn't cross my mind for a second to look at the content of her drawers. I confess I used at the time to borrow some of my wife's things (I stopped since I came out to her later on), but with strangers, no the idea never crossed my mind. I have no intimacy with them, and if I were them, wouldn't want any with me.

    [SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE]

    Quote Originally Posted by robyn rose View Post
    Very happy memories.
    Robyn, let me get this right : as an adult, you borrowed the clothes of a young girl, dressed with them and slept in her bed. And you comment this as "Very happy memories". I can understand that as a dresser you enjoyed your time. But did you think about the girl, how would she feel? The shock. The repulsion. I don't know if you have children, and I doubt that you can put yourself in the daugther or mother's seat (women are generally more acute on these intimacy things than males and these forums have proven it beyond imagination in some astonishing threads), but as a father, maybe try to picture having video surveillance inside your house for watching your own cats, and you, your wife and your daugther witnessing one day a stranger enjoying himself in your young daughter's clothes and sleeping in her bed.

    I used to steal my mother's clothes as a child, and my wife's as an adult, maybe I felt it wasn't a huge thing to do, but still, I knew it was wrong. Why? Because, the shock of the dressing aside, I knew they would have not liked that I borrowed their intimate stuff. We need to be careful about these things and try to walk in someone's shoes before entering their private sphere (knowing also that as males we will generally underestimate how it affects the person if she's a genetic female). The pink fog seems to quickly veil our sense of responsibility. But we are adults, and it can't be an excuse.
    Last edited by DianeT; 06-19-2021 at 11:31 AM.

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