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Thread: A new chapter in my life

  1. #26
    Member Gi Gondin's Avatar
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    Very sorry to hear about your struggle. Hope you overcome all this difficulties and grow stronger!

  2. #27
    Member Valerie Louise's Avatar
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    I think it?s time for us to move away from sympathies toward support.
    The best I can do for you is to push you now.
    What did you do today to secure a good lawyer?
    Have you purchased new locks yet?

    I had to do this for a friend who wouldn?t schedule a dentist appointment. I started like this, just asking for progress. As he dug in, so did I , ultimately sending graphic photos of people with poor dental hygiene. He relented, and now, two crowns later, three appts and the discovery that he has an ENT problem, he?s on the mend.

    Don?t make us hound you to take care of yourself.
    And I?m terribly sorry that this is happening, sister.
    Last edited by Valerie Louise; 09-08-2022 at 03:34 PM.

  3. #28
    New Member
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    Very sorry to hear Wendy, a relationship breaking up is never easy. Unfortunately I feel that I may be headed down the same road in a few years as my kids are younger. Hope it all works out for you, but DEFINITELY consult a lawyer. I?d also take further steps of changing all of your online passwords and ensuring she doesn?t have any access to any photos or items you might find embarrassing.

    Also, if you have any joint accounts or loans, talk to your banker to find out what you need to do to protect yourself and your future. Had a friend who?s wife drained his entire savings and transferred it out of his account and he never got it back. She knew his online banking passwords so he couldn?t prove it was actually her who did it so the bank and courts couldn?t do anything about it. I believe she transferred it all to a crypto exchange and sent the money to different wallets. He suspects she then transferred it to other accounts she hid.

  4. #29
    Senior Member DianeT's Avatar
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    Good luck Wendy.

  5. #30
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    I?m very sorry you?re apparently heading for the divorce courts. I went through a divorce about 8 years ago after having been separated for about 5-6 years. My divorce was somewhat amiable although she initiated it and it involved primarily other issues besides CDing. We have 2 grown children in their 20?s and we always made a point of never putting down or bad mouthing the other parent in the presence of the children & they?ve turned out pretty well although a divorce is always traumatic for children unless there?s physical/mental abuse involved and divorce is the only logical option. My wife and I have actually become friends ?we just couldn?t live together under the same roof. She was not a money grubber and we split things pretty equally. At the same time I would follow all the advice of other posters and especially by getting a good lawyer and vigorously defending your rights and interests. All the best to you and try to remain positive and hopeful.

  6. #31
    Senior Member Fiona_44's Avatar
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    I know it's a confusing time for you right now but please listen to some of the previous advice. Your welfare and that of your kids come first so be proactive, not reactive to whatever your wife dictates. There will be some tough times ahead but your future is indeed brighter, there's no reason to live the remainder of your life mired in a sour relationship. I was married & divorced once and after a while I met my second wife who was the love of my life. We had 42 years together during which I discovered the meaning of true love.

    I repeat - your future is brighter. Stay positive and stay strong.

    "Care about what other people think of you and you will always be their prisoner" - Lao Tzu

  7. #32
    Platinum Member alwayshave's Avatar
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    Wendy, Do not move out of the house. Get a lawyer and reply to the divorce complaint stating that she abandoned the marriage and the home. She has done both. Fight for the home.
    Please call me Jamie, I always_have crossdressed, I always will, "alwayshave".

  8. #33
    Member susanmichelle's Avatar
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    Yes stay in the house and get a great lawyer. I know from experience when we split I left because of the kids wanting to make sure they had a home but soon as she got the house and divorce was final she just let the house go back it broke my heart I spent 4 years and tons of money fixing everything and then upgrading as well. Anyway house would have been paid in full in year and a half literally owed $4,500 on house. Got it cheap because of all the problems and fixed them all and approved by building commissioners offices. So if I?d fought for house I would have at least had a home she went to apartment living then moved to another state and remarried. Found someone like herself another Alcoholic. If in the divorce you can?t keep it at least neither one gets it sell and split equity at least you?ll come out with something

  9. #34
    Member ronny0's Avatar
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    As many have said, DON'T move out..... Not sure about changing the locks, but worth a try.....
    Florida is a community property and no fault divorce state.....
    That being said, go to a attorney ASAP. Save any communications from your wife & document her actions.
    IF you have been married a short time, most likely you will not have to split everything 50/50.
    IF you have been married a long time, you are in deep do-do.......
    Divorce lawyers can fill their clients with dreams that can drag everything out and really add to the legal fees.
    OFTEN the legal fees can exceed the value of the items you are fighting over.
    If you co-signed a loan for the house improvements. That needs to be resolved as part of the settlement.
    I went through a ugly divorce many many years ago. Married less than 2 years, after living together for over 10 years.
    Her lawyer convinced her she could get the world. She was ready to fight over every little item.
    On a whim I mentioned that I didn't think her family would approve of her infidelity.......
    She settled the next day w/o any more fighting at all..... You just never know how things will work out.
    BUT IMO neither lawyer will do much to lesson the fee that they will end up getting.
    Paying the fees for 2 lawyers to argue / talk about divvying up stuff is foolish.
    ALSO: the process of divorce can destroy any relationship that has not already crumbled....
    Good Luck

  10. #35
    Member Robin-in-TX's Avatar
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    I'm so sorry you are going through this. As a lawyer, my advice to you is do nothing but secure your finances and find a family law attorney as soon as you can. Don't move out, don't change anything. Go see an attorney. Best of luck.
    I'm just trying to find a decent melody
    A song that I can sing in my own company


  11. #36
    Junior Member
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    I have never liked myself or people enough to pursue relationships but She filed for divorce so YOU have to move out?

  12. #37
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    Lots of advice. Mine is for both of you. Don't play games.

    Work together on dissolving your marriage.

    Obviously, you will both use attorneys but try to come to a reasonable separation agreement before the attorneys get involved.
    Last edited by char GG; 09-09-2022 at 08:41 PM.

  13. #38
    Member Robin-in-TX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by char GG View Post

    Obviously, you will both use attorneys but try to come to a reasonable separation agreement before the attorneys get involved.
    Horrible advice, Char. His wife already has an attorney, she blindsided him with the divorce filing. She did not talk to him before serving him and then has made the demand that he vacate. This is adversarial already and he has had no counsel. The only advice that makes any sense is go get an attorney right away.

    This case is already in court. Char's advice is late and you are behind, Wendy. Your wife knows her rights. She has had legal advice and she hid her plans from you. Go to an attorney.
    I'm just trying to find a decent melody
    A song that I can sing in my own company


  14. #39
    Member Valerie Louise's Avatar
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    So, um, Wendy ...
    Haven't heard from you. Sorry to be a pest, but what is your current plan, given all the advice above?
    Have you picked up the phone and identified a couple of lawyers to talk to? How did that go? I assume you are taking time off to protect yourself?
    I know, that you know, she already has a lawyer, and each day that goes by, their plan strengthens.
    Do you have a close friend who you can confide in that will push you to stay on top of this? Don't let your grief get in the way right now. You have to take care of you.
    Please update me, as I'm going to keep after you, for your own good. Feel free to PM.
    None of us know you. All of us care about you, and hate that this is happening to you.
    Just call me Val

  15. #40
    Silver Member Sandi Beech's Avatar
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    I was just thinking about what happened to my boss and you need to be aware she could do this to you.

    My boss had his house fixed up, new carpet and kitchen etc. His wife goes out of town to visit family for a week. While she was gone, the police served him with accusation of violence and had him kicked out of his own house along with the divorce papers. He had to find his own place to live for a year before it was finalized. The good news is that in the end, he said the settlement was fair, but she blindsided him and played dirty. The fact she said you have to get your own place could suggest that it you do not, you could be kicked out because that is all it takes - an accusation of violence.

    Bottom line, get a good attorney ASAP.


  16. #41
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    Since you are given alot of advice the best thing for you to do is get an attorney ASAP. As many have stated
    Getting advice from strangers that do not know everything and both sides really is not helpful and might be hurtful to you in the long run.
    The laws are different in each state and even if you google it you get all kinds of different opinions.
    I-agree with the no games comment and you might have to correspond through her attorney but seriously protect yourself and get an attorney.
    We are sorry you are going through this and best wishes .

    Reminder everyone had their life experiences/ give your opinion and let others give theirs .
    Last edited by Di; 09-10-2022 at 01:31 PM.
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    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


  17. #42
    GG Dutchess's Avatar
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    Im backing Char and Di up.. I was so angry at some of these comments -especially the one to Char- that I accidentally deleted the entire comment....
    OP I am sorry this is happening to you.. I know how it hurts ..try to ignore the "he men's women haters club" here and look to the ones that have some empathy and not vitriol towards women..
    I know you know not to change any locks ..most judges in this country will not look favorably on anyone who does this. Especially men..
    You can work this out in an adult fashion..unlike some here ...
    It sounds like you really loved her too.
    IG : Knightress Oxide

  18. #43
    Member Erin Lafleur's Avatar
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    First and foremost Wendy, I'm so sorry to hear of your current situation. I've been there before and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
    Although matters can seem overwhelming at the moment, it's important to keep a clear head as best you can given the circumstances.
    If you want to stay in the home, at least for the near term, then do so. And most certainly change the locks (no Judge will give a damn, it's deemed reasonable).
    Take possession and/or control of any liquid assets (joint bank/investment accounts etc). Home equity, pension interests will and must be dealt with in accordance with State law so that's not an immediate concern.
    Keep meticulous notes, keep all correspondence written (texts are fine) and never type anything that you wouldn't want read in a deposition.
    Don't be afraid to seek help from friends, relatives, Clergy whomever. Your emotional health will see you through more than anything...
    The most common form of despair is not being who you are. - Soren Kierkegaard

  19. #44
    Member Robin-in-TX's Avatar
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    I don't know why you would be angry. I'm a practicing attorney and have been for more than two decades. I cannot tell you how many divorce cases I have handled. Telling someone after they have been served with a divorce complaint, without any prior notice, to work it out before the lawyers are involved is very bad advice. That ship sailed the moment Wendy was served. What Wendy needs is to ensure that nothing has changed with her finances, that happens often, and go see an attorney right away. The clock is ticking on answering the complaint and her wife wants her out of the house.
    I'm just trying to find a decent melody
    A song that I can sing in my own company


  20. #45
    Super Moderator char GG's Avatar
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    The way that I read the OP, the wife "claims" to have an attorney, but papers have not been served on the OP yet.

    The talk with the wife was on the phone.

    It does not sound like any legal action has started yet, unless a phone call is considered legal action.

  21. #46
    Administrator Di's Avatar
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    This thread is done
    1) the OP has not been back on since writing it a near three weeks ago
    2) nothing about cding in this thread but tried to let it go but this is the cross dressing section
    3) the op might have been served papers by now BUT they only said got a call from wife saying they got an attorney and move out
    4) most members talked from their experience to help OP going by what he said got a call from his wife saying move out
    5) some members not going by what we were told from the OP decided to EXPLAIN to the GGs who were giving advice from their experience and WHAT WAS actually said so far AND their life experience……as it happens many times here GGs help, experiences are dismissed.
    6) I gave a warning give your OPINION and let other give theirs but ignored ^^ read above WHY
    For all these reasons this thread is DONE
    To the OP
    Please seek an attorney seems to be everyone’s thoughts and best wishes.
    Most everyone replying wanted to help and we wish you well.
    Back to cross dressing in this section .
    Last edited by Di; 09-26-2022 at 07:12 AM.
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    Sherlyn,My beautiful sweet girl
    You forever and always will be my one and only true love . ❤️


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