josie you are "tilting at windmills".

basically it seems you've already made a decision and want to argue your case as to why you are right..
i don't care what you do.. i wish you the best..medical technology is what it is..i have experienced what i experienced...and i shared it..

i honestly couldn't care less about vagina/vulva/labia blah blah.... all that thinking goes away...would you like that thinking to go away?? and just feel like yourself??
i can pretty much guarantee it will go away if you are ts and you get the same surgery..
who knows how people feel that get bulge reduction surgery? if anyone has done that, pls chime in...
have your surgery the way you want it, and move on

but how can you say you are actually weighing the benefits and then say to someone that shared their experience that it's not valid?
that bugs me...
feel free to worry about the inability of a recreating a cervix(they can't put me back in high school to experience that as female, i guess i shouldn't bother with transition), feel free to believe in a steady stream of girls you heard about from someone.(which i think is bs)..nobody is shooting you...the vagina is just a penis receptacle??? LOL...of course what woman would ever want to have that?? i think you have some soul searching to do around that one
You don't have to justify it to anyone but yourself..

beth..i completely agree with you.. at each of our particular ages we have to weigh the benefits... i was pleasantly surprised by how i felt afterwards, and i bet alot of women here say the same thing..
you may feel that at your stage in life, you don't need to go through all that... i can definitely sympathize with that..
it's all up to how you feel about your body and your self image a