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  1. Ring finger and index finger
  2. Eyebrows in drab
  3. For those who can't pass, #2
  4. Going en femme at shopping malls
  5. Thanks for your support
  6. Is It Time?
  7. The pink fog issue
  8. Christmas wishes to all my friends!
  9. Stage envy!
  10. Am I an exhibitionist?
  11. Another take on why people insult TG.
  12. Las Vegas here I come...
  13. Stopping in from time to time
  14. Resistance Is Futile
  15. Wearing Skirts While Not Dressed
  16. TG North expedition
  17. Beaumont Society
  18. Parents destroy me....
  19. Dressed for the day
  20. Realization
  21. why do asian crossdressers look so feminine and beautiful?
  22. Just a smile?
  23. Where's The line?
  24. Sometimes a small gift is huge!
  25. Your not a Girl!!
  26. Tiffany accidently meets the neighbor/X-Mas Gift Included!
  27. Christmas Poem
  28. What's the worst thing that happened when you got caught?
  29. Movie Scene
  30. Are you a quick thinker?
  31. how can
  32. Talk with the Boys
  33. Working in Atlanta
  34. Two Life Changing Events Happened This Year
  35. enjoying your comfort zone in public once you find it
  36. just want to cry....
  37. Rockin' The New Shoes
  38. Viva Las Vegas
  39. A girl's work is never done!
  40. Crossdressers, how do you want us men to treat you in public?
  41. Adam's Apple
  42. Anyone been "outed" by this site?
  43. The sun will rise and the moon will set...
  44. Unexpected dealing with TSA
  45. So now we're a 'trend'?
  46. Holiday Air Travel for US Girls
  47. dating advice please?
  48. Under 18 Forum
  49. OMG I'm a fat burning machine!!
  50. Amusement Enfemmme
  51. What is Passing anyway???
  52. Hooked up
  53. Shoveling snow en femme
  54. First night out clubbing!
  55. You look really good!
  56. A dream of mine is a womans butt
  57. My friend is interested in crossdressing and would like some advice, he is petite?
  58. When our fantasies come crashing down to harsh realities
  59. a day with the family
  60. I mostly went out
  61. Just do it
  62. Christmas -- the double standard
  63. How i started crossdressing; and .... whats next..?
  64. Who is your GG idol?
  65. First post + Breast forms + Thank You's
  66. Why can't I ???
  67. What a wonderful wife
  68. Those who put down
  69. Wife asked me to dress!
  70. Question: What is "pink fog"? Seriously now.
  71. Dance Costumes?
  72. Yet another twist of the "discovery channel" (getting caught)
  73. So if you're interested in guys, where do you meet them?
  74. UPDATE: on my mother knowing about me.
  75. Been tired of the GAY question
  76. I'm not crazy,I'm a crossdresser
  77. New Year's Resolutions!
  78. shamanism, tantra and CDing
  79. Acting on an observation from my wife
  80. So I did my first real purge...
  81. Anyone familiar with engendered species?
  82. Things that cause me untold rage: "Are you a man? In a dress?!"
  83. out of mouths of kids
  84. I rock at this game!
  85. Just a thought
  86. Has your SO ever had a serious empathetic conversation with you about CDing
  87. Have I 'normalized' what I do?
  88. What did Santa bring you???
  89. Do You Have The Courage...
  90. Advice for first trip out?
  91. Where are the best places to shop?
  92. All dressed up with nowhere to go
  93. I Shopped until the well went dry.
  94. 2 a.m. In a wal-mart in severville TN
  95. Got Cleavage ?
  96. Locked Out
  97. Beauty From Within?
  98. Went Out Today!
  99. Needed To Dress
  100. Nye! 2010
  101. Home sick
  102. ladies that date men: would you be a traditional wife?
  103. 2009-Year In Review
  104. Role Reversal
  105. This past year
  106. Telling before or after marriage?
  107. Unacceptance is not natural, it's cultural
  108. SA and SLAA: quitting
  109. Do you have a song
  110. In a bit of a tiff with my honey
  111. Am I that much different???
  112. Traveling Home Today
  113. Where to begin ?
  114. An offer I can't refuse from my wife!!!!
  115. Unexpected suprise this Christmas
  116. unexpected day.....
  117. Color is so important?
  118. Told The Girlfriend!
  119. Analysis and an observation
  120. i need help
  121. Oh what a night
  122. New Years Eve
  123. Ever been on TV dressed?
  124. Guilt by Association
  125. Your Most Embarrassing Moment While Dressed
  126. Shaved my legs for the first time!
  127. a happy end to a hard stressful day
  128. Joanie's Christmas/New Year's Gifts to Herself
  129. What a crappy day!
  130. Thank You
  131. I'm Out!
  132. Christmas Disappointment
  133. New to the game
  134. The best day, yesterday
  135. Online Store – New Merchandise & Discount Code
  136. Taking it slow...
  137. Advice
  138. 2010 New Year's Resolutions?? - merged threads
  139. Going en femme at the park / garden
  140. came out to g/f
  141. A little step in a new direction with my wife
  142. new year wish
  143. Think I embarrassed one of us at the airport...
  144. First time out + a surprise..
  145. How to tell your SO
  146. Feeling right after I shower
  147. underdress versa fully dress
  148. OMGosh, I forgot!
  149. New Years Party
  150. The first Christmas for Christina!!!
  151. Would you rather be seen as an Ugly women........or a pretty guy dressed as a girl.
  152. How is everyone dressing for the new year?
  153. What a crappy day!! (Day 2!)
  154. I am becoming a woman.
  155. Early morning walk and tooted at.
  156. Dancing
  157. new member
  158. Greatest memeory in the fog.
  159. Dressing at work (an experiment)
  160. advice required
  161. Sound off.....I want to know how many of you girls have NOT been out dressed.
  162. I'm happy to be back with her ...BUT?
  163. TaDa!-1st shopping trip and semi-outing
  164. Neighbor or Friend ?
  165. Dressed at a London party on New Years Eve!!!
  166. New Years Dance
  167. Blending wardrobe
  168. Conundrum
  169. Out all happy but now so sad
  170. Define "Pink Fog"
  171. Struggling to find freinds
  172. How feminine are we?
  173. Compromises, Arrangements and Tolerances
  174. Flying Safe
  175. Are you ready?
  176. Why can't I just wear a skirt!?
  177. Couldn't use the "It's for My Wife" excuse
  178. Going out today, almost there!
  179. Down cycle?
  180. Went shopping for the wife...
  181. End of year personal awards?
  182. what a nite
  183. Maybe Today
  184. Here's a new one, for me anyway.
  185. Rubber band plus.....
  186. Singing along
  187. Going out and having Evening Meal
  188. train travel.
  189. Sore feet due to hardened skin
  190. why it's a little difficult for me to pass!
  191. Two main types of crossdresser?
  192. Facial disguise
  193. Did it...FINALLY!!
  194. Fem at work today
  195. Decisions, Decisions!
  196. Anyone else a Weather Wimp?
  197. Why CrossDress?
  198. Ear piercing, in retrospect
  199. My live after
  200. New years resoulution
  201. An Amazing Weekend
  202. Is passing the holy grail of Cding or no.
  203. While out and about
  204. Shaving
  205. How do we know when we pass?
  206. OH! How I Wish
  207. Defining masculinity
  208. What exactly is the difference?
  209. Well, got caught. i'm out to my wife. HELP me
  210. Feeling Domesticated
  211. His plan for a CD in hillbilly land....
  212. Still slow with the wife...
  213. I have been discovered at work - help
  214. I'm SO confused/conflicted.....Am I alone?
  215. Testosterone - a Major Motivator?
  216. Learning to SMILE or REASON
  217. I have arrived, got "she ed" today
  218. Question: Why be a homely woman, when u can be a reasonably attractive man?
  219. Starting over.....Again
  220. Places to Change near San Francisco
  221. That Fem-Feeling I get!!!! ;) And the pink fog!!!!!
  222. Some of my reasons to dress.
  223. confideuce
  224. Don't know what to think
  225. Eek
  226. People and their intolerance... >_<
  227. Does my friend's mother in law pass?
  228. First Kathi Shopping Post of 2010
  229. Treated with Respect
  230. Posture
  231. Femme tendencies
  232. unsatisfied
  233. Lifes Simple Pleasures
  234. Dressed 24/7
  235. Renee is Back!
  236. where do you go to chat?
  237. went window shopping again (2nd Time)
  238. Want to Share with office girls but why?
  239. Who's wearing what in this cold weather?
  240. Sissy Maid
  241. So, I'm New To All This
  242. Differences between fem and fabulous
  243. First time out
  244. having more feminine facial expression
  245. Being involved in an Accident whilst dressed
  246. airports
  247. Wonderful few days
  248. Family Members who CD
  249. First time shopping with wife as Abi.
  250. I only dressed 4 times last year.... So why am I not depressed?