View Full Version : Male to Female Crossdressing

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  1. Jealous
  2. Getting around the urge to dress
  3. Last Halloween
  4. If you hit the lottery, how would your girl side change?
  5. awesome experience
  6. Man card updated with a side of femme
  7. USA open minded
  8. Acknowledgment
  9. Careful at the Mall Today
  10. Too much sycophancy ??
  11. Being encouraged to show interest by a female when younger...
  12. French language make difference between F to M
  13. For those with limited opportunity.........
  14. Why does this feel so good?
  15. Pampering
  16. I hate getting mixed signals from my wife
  17. Pink fog
  18. Is it true?
  19. Looking forward to my nine days of 24/7 'Billie time
  20. Disscussing Breast Forms with DADT wife. SO's can help too!
  21. Purging
  22. My wife bought me a wig!
  23. Web Cam
  24. Such a strange hurtle to cross
  25. 3rd person me,myself and Irene?
  26. Driving while Pretty
  27. R. I. P. David Bowie
  28. Why fitness is important
  29. Just a quick question.
  30. A dent in the DADT armor?
  31. You know what I want...
  32. Revoking my trans identity - it doesn't belong to me anymore
  33. Working girl lunch
  34. Lets Ban Trousers
  35. What's You Personal Record
  36. Gender Identity Counselling
  37. what I.D. do you use when you to a club
  38. Ladies Room
  39. I just came out to my wife
  40. If you could would you sacrifice.....
  41. semi-purge
  42. What to waer to blend when older
  43. Overdressed, underdressed
  44. My Time
  45. Are your female mannerisms out of control?
  46. Back to College
  47. No way !
  48. Why didn't you
  49. drab does not get to do this.
  50. A difficulty with long hair
  51. In a Dilemma
  52. Depressed!
  53. Sisters
  54. Something amused me during my hospital stay
  55. I love woman's fashions, big time but can men's fashions be fun too
  56. Why shame?
  57. Tips you learned from movies
  58. Ellen and Matt ?????
  59. How did CDer connect prior to the Internet
  60. Feeling Good
  61. I am on a plane right now as missy
  62. Too many posts?
  63. "Where am I going to wear this?"
  64. A Normal life
  65. One word that discribes cding for you
  66. compliments?
  67. So people do talk
  68. Advice on baby steps
  69. Going out for the first time ever tonight.... YIKES!
  70. Biased Support.....would you....
  71. Don't know why,
  72. “I want men to find me attractive.”
  73. First Night Out!
  74. Nighttime in Fem
  75. Perfume
  76. stress and dressing for stress releif
  77. First night out in over 12 years!
  78. Is your wife a more conservative dresser?
  79. Had a great time last night
  80. Bathroom stress test
  81. Do you turn your self ON
  82. what are we looking for?
  83. Disappointed
  84. Great Dressing Discovery for Exercise
  85. Admission
  86. My ideal world
  87. The perfect day...
  88. Is Acceptance Coming ????
  89. Want to start to come out
  90. Anyone been outed because of this site?
  91. If You Could Change....
  92. Ever been to a crossdressing conference or convention?
  93. I think I'm losing it!
  94. Made a new friend at work
  95. "You can't do that....
  96. Came out to a friend
  97. Going out
  98. Videos
  99. repeated dreams of being feminized
  100. Pick One
  101. Partner's Fear
  102. I've lost it
  103. Request for stories about SO's going from DADT to open and accepting.
  104. alone?
  105. Gender Universals
  106. Question about semi-accepting (or 'tolerant') wives
  107. HOW DID YOU BEGIN YOUR FEMME WARDROBE? slowly OR overnight?
  108. Funny thing happened on the way to the wine
  109. Members to Guests Ratio
  110. Bad service V. NO service?
  111. Crossdresser Starter Kit
  112. bed time dressing
  113. The Cowboy Look, Fem ???
  114. I had to do it
  115. feeling good and natural
  116. TracyUK
  117. What is your crossdressing past?
  118. Makeup
  119. Help
  120. I went to a CD party
  121. Beware of strokes and stroke symptoms
  122. Frustrating time shopping...
  123. Just because
  124. Pink Fog
  125. Yay
  126. Elegance
  127. Awesome Interview Today
  128. What type of body would you want - if you could choose?
  129. Rewarding accepting SAs?
  130. Going out
  131. In the past
  132. Not coming out
  133. Road Trip Advice
  134. Finally Meeting Face to Face
  135. Loving this site
  136. Making the Best of Winter Storms
  137. Driving across US/Canada border en femme?
  138. Internal dysphoria
  139. Would you want both varieties of plumbing?
  140. 2015 "year of the trans"?
  141. If caught/found out, how did the person who caught you react?
  142. My Daughter accepts me totally but wife doesn't
  143. Need advice regarding dating outside of marriage and Exploring TS spectrum
  144. Trying to understand myself
  145. Many years ago
  146. Saturdays fun adventures
  147. After "Play Time" I feel like it's a crime scene cleanup!
  148. Purse survival kit - Need advice
  149. Which job would you like to have as a woman?
  150. In need of motivation
  151. Tomboys and GGs
  152. Bliss
  153. are we kidding ourselves...are we in denial about being in denial....
  154. Starting counseling
  155. Have You Noticed any "Cait Effect?"
  156. late onset crossdressing
  157. Would this be a hilarious shopping experience?
  158. Visit to the makeup counter
  159. Cost of a purge
  160. Wife won't go to counseling
  161. Felt like grieving today... wanted to share
  162. underdressing today
  163. Short story of my feelings
  164. Having Crossed The Gender Line
  165. The reverse TG effect??
  166. One of you definitely owned it
  167. How do i balance me fem side and still find a women to be with.
  168. Are you drawn to your lady things like a magnetic?
  169. "How will I spot you?"
  170. Love and hate winter
  171. I was seen but it was my choice!
  172. When in a DADT
  173. Thought I was being careful, but got busted anyway
  174. The funny side of CDing !
  175. Smile, darn ya, SMILE !!
  176. what did i say
  177. I'm CD but, I'll never be able to.....
  178. Sorry I can't get my head round this one !
  179. Shopping Trip? Nervous? Me? Erm... yes!
  180. Out and about 😊
  181. Cheating?
  182. Storage solutions
  183. Does your SO have any problems with you weaering breast forms around the house?
  184. Oops, wrong address
  185. Why lie to your SO/wife?
  186. male to male crossdressing?
  187. A pretend woman
  188. Old bras
  189. Questions About Talking With Your SO
  190. Who do you idnetfy with
  191. weird situation
  192. Men's thermal underpants are feminine?
  193. Most difficult things to do with false nails
  194. "you look more and more
  195. Coming out to a good friend..
  196. Confession: Just didn't have the marbles
  197. Tiers?
  198. Out half dressed...excited!
  199. travelling to Mexico
  200. Just told my wife - not sure I should have
  201. Lesbian Happy Hour
  202. First Time Out Stories
  203. Dressing at work ?
  204. Are you a Dressoholic
  205. Met another crossdresser!
  206. Living vicariously through your GG friends? 😉
  207. Just an observation from a crossdresser
  208. First Negative Comment
  209. Is your CD reality? Or is it an escape from reality?
  210. Becoming more attracted to CD's than women?
  211. CD vs TG? (Non-TS responses only please)
  212. Leap of faith concept
  213. Gender Bender Question.
  214. Are there those here that are know inside they are really TS?
  215. What a feeling....
  216. way to early- but need to start thinking and this is only day 3
  217. Crossdressing and Dating: Does it ever get easier?
  218. Reinforcement and valildation
  219. Not just words.
  220. Why do we crossdress
  221. Any suggestions
  222. Do you feel more vulnerable when out en femme?
  223. Courage to tell her
  224. Conflicted every single day
  225. A fun girly afternoon, then misgendered after changing back!
  226. For couples men and women
  227. SO's turn of Acceptance
  228. Pre versus Post Orgasm Need to Dress?
  229. My bf recently told me he's a cross dresser, I am okay with it but need advice
  230. Thoughts of being a woman full time
  231. Just a simple thank you!
  232. A little story about how things exceeded my expectations
  233. Sales Lady Again
  234. Why I'm here with you
  235. How did u relate to movie, The Danish Girl?
  236. SO tells - what do you look for
  237. Finally Escaped my bubble with a little help
  238. Dadt
  239. Finding your voice
  240. Old dogs new tricks
  241. Wondering if my friend is a crossdresser.
  242. So Tara lost her big girl panties!
  243. need some help facilitating a NJ social group....
  244. Why did you do it?
  245. WOW!...What a Weekend!
  246. Ammusing call center call
  247. Crossdressing Critters
  248. Sales assistant acceptance
  249. Next step
  250. How would you react? I need to know.